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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #3: BIG 50 - $500 No-Limit Hold'em
Jours 1b
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
15,000,000 / 30,000,000

Kings for Ohlinger

Niveau 12 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

The player in early position opened to 10,000. The player in middle position called. Mack Ohlinger, on the button, three-bet to 30,000. The mid-position player was the only caller.

A flop reading {a-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{2-Diamonds} was dealt and checked around to the {8-Clubs} turn. The player in middle position bet 30,000. Ohlinger called.

The {10-Diamonds} filled up the board. Both players opted to check. The player in middle position turned over {9-Hearts}{9-Clubs} but that wasn't good enough as Ohlinger showed {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs} to take down the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mack Ohlinger us
Mack Ohlinger

Tags: Mack Ohlinger

Kartveli Building Higher

Niveau 12 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

The player in the hijack raised to 8,000. Alexander Kartveli, on the cutoff, called.

The dealer fanned a flop of {k-Spades}{8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} that was checked through to the {9-Hearts} turn. The hijack bet 25,000. Katveli called.

The river brought the {10-Hearts} and was checked around. The player in the hijack tabled {a-Spades}{9-Spades} and Kartveli revealed {8-Clubs}{8-Spades} for a flopped set to win the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alexander Kartveli us
Alexander Kartveli

Tags: Alexander Kartveli

Paronyan Flops the Set

Niveau 12 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

A player from early position moved all in and got a call from Sarkis Paronyan.

Sarkis Paronyan: {9-Spades}{9-Clubs}
Opponent: {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}

Paronyan flopped a set as it came {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{j-Spades} but his opponent flopped a gutshot.

The turn ended Paronyan's opponent as it came the {j-Clubs} giving him a full house and the dealer put out the meaningless {k-Diamonds} on the river.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sarkis Paronyan us
Sarkis Paronyan

Tags: Sarkis Paronyan

Niveau: 12

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Ivers Survives Coin Flip

Niveau 11 : 2,000/3,000, 3,000 ante

A player from early position raised to 12,000 and was called by another player from the middle position. Action folded to Ian Andrew Ivers who moved all-in on the button for 49,000. The initial raiser folded their hand while the other called.

Ian Andrew Ivers: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}
Opponent: {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}

Ivers was in a race with his tournament at stake but he got a nice flop as it came {7-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}.

The turn was a {q-Hearts} and Ivers just had to dodge any ace or jack to keep his tournament alive.

Ivers dodged and survived as the dealer put the {10-Clubs} on the river.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ian Andrew Ivers us
Ian Andrew Ivers

Tags: Ian Andrew Ivers

Choae Wins Three-Way All in

Niveau 11 : 2,000/3,000, 3,000 ante

The player in early position opened to 9,000. Samuel Choaoe, on the cutoff, three-bet shoved for 51,000. The player on the button called for less, with his last 27,000. The big blind called. The player in early position folded.

Samuel Choaoe: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}
Player on the button: {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}
Player in the big blind: {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}

The board ran {10-Clubs}{4-Spades}{2-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and Choaoe rivered the nut flush to scoop the pot, sending one of his opponents to the exit.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Samuel Choaoe us
Samuel Choaoe

Tags: Samuel Choae

Big Blind Special for Morales

Niveau 11 : 2,000/3,000, 3,000 ante

With no initial raise, players saw the flop five-handed.

The player from the middle position bet out 12,000 after a {j-Clubs}{9-Spades}{q-Hearts} flop and was called by a player to his left. Action is folded around to Maria Morales who raised to 28,000 from the big blind. The player who made the initial raise folded and the other moved all-in for less.

Maria Morales: {10-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}
Opponent: {q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

Morales had flopped the nuts while her opponent flopped two pair. The turn came the {a-Spades} and Morales just needed to doge a queen or nine to win the hand.

The dealer put the {7-Hearts} on the river and Morales knocked her opponent out of the tournament.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Maria Morales us
Maria Morales

Tags: Maria Morales