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2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

€25,750 High Roller
Jours 1
Event Info

2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
12,000 / 24,000

Fatehi First Casualty

Niveau 2 : 100/200, 25 ante
Ali Reza Fatehi
Ali Reza Fatehi

The cards were already rushed away, but Martin Finger confirmed what had happened. Ali Reza Fatehi, who had previously lost a lot of chips to Jean-Noel Thorel, raised to 550 and picked up one caller. Finger in the small blind reraised to 2,600 and just Fatehi called to see a flop of {9-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{6-Diamonds}.

Finger bet 4,500 and Fatehi moved all in for just over 13,000 with the {9-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. Finger looked him up with {10-Spades}{10-Clubs} and the {10-Hearts} on the turn left Fatehi drawing dead.

He bought straight back in, getting a crisp 50,000-stack to give it another go.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
EPT 1X Winner
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi

Tags: Ali Reza FatehiJean-Noel ThorelMartin Finger

Niveau: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 25

Badziakouski Leads

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante

Juha Helppi opened the button for 525 and big blind Mikita Badziakouski called from the big blind.

Badziakouski, who finished runner-up to Paul Phua in this week's €100,000 re-entry event at the One Drop Extravaganza, check-called a bet of 500 on {5-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} before the {A-Spades} hit the turn. Badziakouski bet out 400 and Helppi called.

The {3-Diamonds} completed the board and Badziakouski bet out 1,700. Helppi thought about it for a bit before he called. Badziakouski showed {A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} but was beaten by the {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} of Helppi.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski

Tags: Juha HelppiMikita Badziakouski

Thorel's Out-Of-Turn Journey Pays Off

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante
Jean-Noel Thorel
Jean-Noel Thorel

Jean-Noel Thorel limped in from the hijack. Ali Reza Fatehi raised to 750 from the cutoff. Sanan called in the small blind and Max Silver defended his big blind. Thorel didn't elect to close the action, instead opting for a raise to 3,500. All the other players called to see a potentially spicy flop.

The flop was {3-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}. Sanan checked, and before Silver could act Thorel fired 6,000. Silver, seeing the action behind him already, elected to check, meaning Thorel's bet would stand. Fatehi called and Sanan called as well, Silver folded.

The {j-Hearts} came on the turn and Thorel instantly checked. The dealer gave him a friendly reminding that it wasn't his turn to act yet. Sanan checked, Thorel's check was now binding, and Fatehi checked as well.

On the {6-Spades} river, Thorel instantly checked out of turn again! The dealer once again reminded the Frenchman that in poker, the small blind acts first on all postflop streets. Sanan checked, Thorel automatically checked and Ali Fatehi took a stab at the sizable pot. He cut out a bet of 10,500, which prompted a quick fold from Sanan.

Thorel however, holding {Q-Spades}{Q-Clubs}, didn't give up and flicked in a speedy call. Fatehi couldn't muster up more than {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} for ace-high and had to surrender the pot to the French wizard.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi

Tags: Ali Reza FatehiJean-Noel Thorel

Slowly Filling Up

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante

The tournament area reserved for this High Roller is slowly filling up. With the entrance of Anthony Zinno and Martin Finger they just opened a fourth table.

There are 24 players registered so far and some of the satellite winners aren't here yet. We expect the field to grow as the day progresses.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anthony Zinno us
Anthony Zinno
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Anthony ZinnoMartin Finger

Good Start for Carrel

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante

With already 4,750 chips in the pot and the board reading {9-Hearts}{4-Spades}{7-Clubs}, Stephen Chidwick and Charlie Carrel were heads-up.

Chidwick checked from the under the gun position and Carrel, on his immediate left, put in a bet of 2,000. Chidwick tanked for a moment before making the call.

The {4-Diamonds} fell on the turn and Chidwick checked again. Carrel fired a second bullet, this time for 6,000 chips. Chidwick wasn't easily scared and stayed around to see the {K-Spades} appear on the river.

Chidwick checked a third time and Carrel quickly checked behind. Chidwick tabled {9-Clubs}{8-Clubs} for a pair of eights, but that wasn't enough to beat his opponents {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel

Tags: Charlie CarrelStephen Chidwick

Farrell Loses Some More

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante
Niall Farrell
Niall Farrell

Niall Farrell got involved in another middle-sized pot soon after losing chips to Juha Helppi, this time sitting in the cutoff and facing Mikita Badziakouski from one seat over.

On a board of {7-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}, Farrell checked and Badziakouski bet 2,800 into a pot of around 4,500. Farrell called and checked the {A-Spades} on the river. Badziakouski carefully cut out a bet worth 6,200 and that did the trick, as the Scotsman folded and dropped some further chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Juha HelppiNiall Farrell

Chidwick Bests Yan

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante

[Removed:17] raised to 500 in the hijack before Stephen Chidwick then three-bet to 2,100 in the small blind. Yan four-bet to 5,400 and Chidwick called. On the {A-Spades}{J-Spades}{9-Diamonds} flop, Chidwick checked, Yan continued for 4,500 and received a call.

Both players checked the {10-Clubs} on the turn and the {5-Clubs} appeared on the river. Chidwick checked, Yan bet 13,000 and was called. The New Zealander, coming fresh off a win at theMain Event of the World Series of Poker Circuit in Berlin, turned over {Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and Chidwick had that beat with {A-Hearts}{K-Spades} to boost his stack.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stephen Chidwick gb
Stephen Chidwick
[Removed:17] nz

Tags: Stephen Chidwick

Three New Faces

Niveau 1 : 100/200, 25 ante

With the addition of Vladimir Troyanovskiy, Jean-Noel Thorel and Nariman Yaghmai, the field of the Super High Roller has increased to 22 players. They are spread among three tables and plenty more seats are available.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nariman Yaghmai ir
Nariman Yaghmai
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Jean-Noel ThorelNariman YaghmaiVladimir Troyanovskiy