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2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€1,100 Estrellas Poker Tour Main Event
Jours 3
Event Info

2022 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
1,000,000 / 1,500,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 3
Joueurs Survivants

Jakob Madsen Eliminated in 21st Place (€21,100)

Niveau 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Jakob Madsen
Jakob Madsen

Ahmad Rehaime limped from the small blind and Jakob Madsen checked behind from the big blind.

The flop came {9-Spades}{3-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Rehaime bet 500,000. Madsen raised to 1,900,000 leaving himself 500,000 behind. Rehaime called. Rehaime said he had meant to put Madsen all in and blind bet 500,000.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and Madsen looked at the other tables before making the call.

Jakob Madsen: {6-Spades}{3-Diamonds}
Ahmad Rehaime: {q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}

Madsen was drawing dead and was eliminated from the tournament. The river was a non-factor as it came the {6-Clubs} which sent Madsen home with €21,100.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ahmad Rehaime ca
Ahmad Rehaime
Jakob Madsen dk
Jakob Madsen

Tags: Ahmad RehaimeJakob Madsen

Luther Spikes River to Double Through Siljander

Niveau 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Nikita Luther
Nikita Luther

Nikita Luther opened from middle position, Mathias Siljander three-bet in the cutoff, and Luther four-bet jammed for her 7,750,000 chips. Siljander quickly called.

Nikita Luther: {a-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}
Mathias Siljander: {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}

Luther was behind and needed to improve, although the {j-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{3-Clubs} flop was one of the best she could ask for which still kept her behind. The {k-Diamonds} turn changed nothing, but the {2-Clubs} spiked the river as Luther put her hands on her face in disbelief and collected the large pot to put her near the top of the counts.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nikita Luther in
Nikita Luther
Mathias Siljander fi
Mathias Siljander

Tags: Mathias SiljanderNikita Luther

Rafael Navas Eliminated in 20th Place (€24,270)

Niveau 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Rafael Navas
Rafael Navas

Andrew Wilson raised to 500,000 from the hijack and Rafael Navas called in the big blind.

The flop came {10-Spades}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Navas check-raised Wilson's 425,000 bet to 1,500,000.

The {5-Clubs} was the turn and Navas checked to Wilson who bet 650,000. Again Navas raised, this time to 1,800,000. Wilson pondered for a while before calling.

The river was the {2-Diamonds} and Navas moved all in for 4,100,000. Wilson went into the tank while he thought through the situation. Eventually he made the call.

Navas stood up as he turned over {k-Spades}{8-Clubs} for king high as he knew he was eliminated from the tournament while Wilson had made a huge hero call as he turned over {a-Spades}{q-Diamonds} for ace high to eliminate Navas and send him into the chip lead.

Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrew Wilson gb
Andrew Wilson
Rafael Navas es
Rafael Navas

Tags: Andrew WilsonRafael Navas

Arne Coulier Eliminated in 19th Place (€24,270)

Niveau 33 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Arne Coulier
Arne Coulier

Arne Coulier had gotten the rest of his stack in from the button and was at risk against Andrew Wilson in the big blind.

Arne Coulier: {2-Spades}{2-Hearts}
Andrew Wilson: {a-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}

The board ran out {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{a-Spades}{7-Clubs} and Coulier was eliminated in 19th place, while Wilson added to his chip lead.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrew Wilson gb
Andrew Wilson
Arne Coulier be
Arne Coulier

Tags: Andrew WilsonArne Coulier

Emil Bise Eliminated in 18th Place (€24,270)

Niveau 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Emil Bise
Emil Bise

Jack Sinclair opened to 225,000 from middle position and Emil Bise jammed for approximately 1,700,000 in the big blind. After getting a rough count, Sinclair flicked in a couple of chips for a call.

Emil Bise: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}
Jack Sinclair: {k-Hearts}{q-Clubs}

Bise was ahead, but a queen in the window on the {q-Hearts}{10-Spades}{5-Hearts} flop left him needing help. The {2-Spades} turn meant he needed an ace or jack to stay alive, but the {4-Clubs} completed the board to eliminate him in 18th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jack Sinclair gb
Jack Sinclair
Emil Bise ch
Emil Bise

Tags: Emil BiseJack Sinclair

Birger Larsen Eliminated in 17th Place (€27,930)

Niveau 34 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Birger Larsen
Birger Larsen

Birger Larsen was all in for his tournament life from under the gun against Mathias Siljander from the small blind.

Birger Larsen: {a-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Mathias Siljander: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}

Larsen was behind and at risk but didn't improve on as the board came {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{7-Clubs} to send Larsen to the rails for a payday of €27,930.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mathias Siljander fi
Mathias Siljander
Birger Larsen no
Birger Larsen

Tags: Birger LarsenMathias Siljander

Nikita Luther Eliminated in 16th Place (€27,930); Ivan Zhechev Eliminated in 15th Place (€32,120)

Niveau 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Nikita Luther
Nikita Luther

Ivan Zhechev opened to 5,300,000 from early position, leaving just 50,000 behind. Renat Bohdanov called in the hijack, and Nikita Luther called all in for her 4,750,000 chips in the big blind.

The dealer spread the {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} flop and Zhechev check-called for his remaining 50,000.

Nikita Luther: {j-Spades}{j-Diamonds}
Ivan Zhechev: {a-Spades}{q-Spades}
Renat Bohdanov: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}

Bohdanov had the best hand with his cowboys, and the board ran out to leave him with the best hand, eliminating Luther in 16th place for €27,930 since she had fewer chips, and eliminating Zhechev in 15th place for €32,120.

Ivan Zhechev
Ivan Zhechev
Joueur Jetons Progression
Renat Bohdanov ua
Renat Bohdanov
Nikita Luther in
Nikita Luther
Ivan Zhechev bg
Ivan Zhechev

Tags: Ivan ZhechevNikita LutherRenat Bohdanov

Sihao Zhang Eliminated in 14th Place (€32,120)

Niveau 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Sihao Zhang
Sihao Zhang

Jorge Diego Garcia raised to 800,000 from the cutoff before Sihao Zhang moved all in from the small blind for 4,000,000. Garcia called.

Sihao Zhang: {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}
Jorge Diego Garcia: {a-Hearts}{j-Clubs}

Zhang was at risk and was dominated by Garcia. There would be no heroics for Zhang as the board ran out {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{j-Hearts} to eliminate Zhang in 14th for a payday of €32,120.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jorge Diego Garcia es
Jorge Diego Garcia
Sihao Zhang lu
Sihao Zhang

Tags: Jorge Diego GarciaSihao Zhang

Rachid El Yaacoubi Eliminated in 13th Place (€38,540)

Niveau 35 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Rachid El Yaacoubi
Rachid El Yaacoubi

Rachid El Yaacoubi raised from under the gun to 800,000 before Rick Van Bruggen three-bet all in from early position to 10,425,000. Action folded back around to El Yaacoubi who made the call slightly covering Van Bruggen.

Rick Van Bruggen: {j-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}
Rachid El Yaacoubi: {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}

It was a classic race with Van Bruggen at risk. However the Dutchman held as the board ran out {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{7-Spades} which left El Yaacoubi with two big blinds. He was forced all in the very next hand and was eliminated from the tournament in 13th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Rick van Bruggen nl
Rick van Bruggen
Rachid El Yaacoubi fr
Rachid El Yaacoubi

Tags: Rachid El YaacoubiRick Van Bruggen

Jorge Diego Garcia Eliminated in 12th Place (€38,540)

Niveau 36 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Jorge Diego Garcia
Jorge Diego Garcia

It was a blind vs blind confrontation between Hendriekus Soering in the small blind and Jorge Diego Garcia in the big blind. Both players were all in with Garcia at risk.

Jorge Diego Garcia: {a-Clubs}{7-Clubs}
Hendreikus Soering: {k-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}

Garcia was ahead however the flop put him way behind as it came {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}{4-Spades}. There was no saving the Spaniard as the turn came the {9-Hearts} and the river the {5-Spades} to eliminate Garcia from the tournament in 12th place for €38,540.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Hendrik Soering nl
Hendrik Soering
Jorge Diego Garcia es
Jorge Diego Garcia

Tags: Hendriekus SoeringJorge Diego Garcia