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2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€2,200 Estrellas Poker Tour High Roller
Jours 1a
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1a
Joueurs Survivants

Niveau: 7

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Lost and Found: Poker Player Tries for 43 Days to Locate Missing Cat - What Happened?

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Zach Gruneberg, a poker player from Pennsylvania with more than $2.2 million in lifetime tournament earnings, recently lost one of his cats, who escaped from his home while he was out in Las Vegas. What ensued was a frantic search-and-rescue effort that spanned a month and a half.

More specifically, it was a 43-day affair “through hell and back” according to Gruneberg, a five-time World Series of Poker (WSOP) Circuit ring winner, including back-to-back wins in the WSOP PA Online Series at the end of July.
Gruneberg, who is nine years clean and sober, is on Twitter as @HustlerGrune where it states he is both an anime addict and cat dad. One of those cats is a sleek gray feline named “Nook.”

“Nook is the only cat I've had since he was a kitten,” Gruneberg told PokerNews. “He is a super friendly high energy guy that loves to jump up into high places and play more so than any of my other cats.”

So, what’s the story behind Nook’s disappearance?

Read more about the story here!

Amiel Takes All Gao's Chips With Pocket Kings

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Mike Gao
Mike Gao

Action folded around to Mike Gao, who raised to 9,200 from middle position. Alexandre Amiel called on the button and all other players folded. Players flipped their cards, with Gao at risk.

Mike Gao: 77
Alexandre Amiel: KK

The board ran out 28528. Amiel held with his pocket kings to take all of Gao's chips shortly before break.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alexandre Amiel fr
Alexandre Amiel
Mike Gao us
Mike Gao

Tags: Alexandre AmielMike Gao

Liperis Extracts Value

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

The pot stood at 10,500 with two players looking at a board delt J5K2.

Yiannis Liperis, in the big blind, checked and Jose Jaraiz Lopez, who was under the gun, checked back.

The river fell the 9 and Liperis took the lead for 2,600. Lopez didn't take too long before making the call, only to be delivered the bad news as Liperis tabled AK prompting Lopez to muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Yiannis Liperis cy
Yiannis Liperis
Jose Jaraiz Lopez es
Jose Jaraiz Lopez

Tags: Jose Jaraiz LopezYiannis Liperis

Lie Left Short After Franco Makes Flush

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Viorel Gabriel Gavrila open raised to 1,700 from late position and Diogo Franco reraised to 5,500. Aylar Lie called on the button and Gavrilla also called.

Four players went to the flop, which came Q6Q. Action checked to Lie, who made it 4,200 to go. Only Franco called. The turn was the A and both players checked.

The river was the 10. Franco checked and Lie flicked out four blue chips to make it 20,000. Franco made the call. He showed K7 for a rivered flush to win the pot and leave Lie short.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Diogo Franco br
Diogo Franco
Aylar Lie no
Aylar Lie

Tags: Aylar LieDiogo FrancoViorel Gabriel Gavrila

Cai Double Barrells

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Ruoqin Cai raised from the cutoff to 1,800, finding one caller in Giovanni Petroni, in the big blind.

Petroni check-called a bet of 1,800 from Cai on a flop of 5A3.

The K saw Petroni check again. Cai bet once more, this time for 3,000, forcing the fold from Petroni.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Giovanni Petroni it
Giovanni Petroni
Ruoqin Cai hk
Ruoqin Cai

Tags: Giovanni PetroniRuoqin Cai

Kim Doesn't Take the Bait

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

With the pot standing at 5,200, two players reached a flop of 9107.

Cezar Costa Neto, in the hijack, bet out for 2,000. Soojo Kim, on the button, made the call.

The Q turned and Neto chose to check-call a bet of 3,500 from Kim.

The Q paired the board and Neto checked again. Kim checked back and Neto was obliged to show first; he tabled KQ for trips. Kim had correctly checked back and conceded the pot to Neto.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Cezar Costa Neto br
Cezar Costa Neto
Soojo Kim kr
Soojo Kim

Tags: Cezar Costa NetoSoojo Kim

Devaux Makes Set of Tens; Busts Adinolfi

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Christophe Devaux
Christophe Devaux

Massimo Mosele raised from late position and was called by Mario Adinolfi on the button. Christophe Devaux then moved all in for around 20,000 from the small blind. Mosele folded and Adonolfi called with less chips. The cards were turned on their backs.

Mario Adinolfi: 32
Christophe Devaux: 1010

Devaux was well ahead with pocket tens. The board ran out 8Q102A and Devaux further improved to a set of tens. He won the pot and Adinolfi was busted from the tournament, although players still have the possibility to rebuy until the end of late registration.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christophe Devaux fr
Christophe Devaux
Mario Adinolfi it
Mario Adinolfi

Tags: Christophe DevauxMario AdinolfiMassimo Mosele

Niveau: 6

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800