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2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€2,200 Estrellas Poker Tour High Roller
Jours 1a
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1a
Joueurs Survivants

Schneiders Chips Up

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Felix Schneiders
Felix Schneiders

The pot stood at 12,000 with two players looking at a board that read QA107J. Anders Bisgaard, in the cutoff, bet out for 8,500.

"It's always you!" Felix Schneiders, on the button, announced as he went into the tank, perhaps referring to an earlier confrontation the same two players had.

This time Schneiders made the call. Bisgaard tabled A10 for two pair, however, Schneiders claimed this pot with KJ.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Felix Schneiders de
Felix Schneiders
Anders Bisgaard dk
Anders Bisgaard

Tags: Anders BisgaardFelix Schneiders

Ding Busts Pagliazzo With Jacks

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Jianbo Ding
Jianbo Ding

Jianbo Ding raised to 1,300 from middle position and was called by Vedat Mutlu. Francesco Pagliazzo then moved all in from the small blind for 11,400. Ding came over the top with a shove for around 36,000 and Mutlu folded. Players flipped their cards, with Pagliazzo at risk.

Francesco Pagliazzo: 33
Jianbo Ding: JJ

Pagliazzo had pocket threes and Ding had pocket jacks. The board ran out AQ789. Ding held with his pocket jacks to win the pot and Pagliazzo was eliminated from the tournament.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jianbo Ding cn
Jianbo Ding
Francesco Pagliazzo de
Francesco Pagliazzo

Tags: Francesco PagliazzoJianbo DingVedat Mutlu

Round Two to Waki

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

After battling in an earlier hand, Yasuhiro Waki and Giuseppe Simonelli were seen in another confrontation on the felt.

The hijack raised to 1,600, Waki called on the button and Simonelli, in the small blind, three-bet to 3,800. Only Waki called.

The 238 flop checked through to the 5 on the turn. Simonelli checked again and Waki sized up to 7,800. Simonelli eventually chose to fold and Waki claimed this pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Yasuhiro Waki jp
Yasuhiro Waki
Giuseppe Simonelli it
Giuseppe Simonelli

Tags: Giuseppe SimonelliYasuhiro Waki

Korochenskiy Makes Nut Flush to Bust Tounnouti

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of 95K with four players in the pot. Play checked around to Mourad Tounnouti, who moved all in with a short stack. He was called by Anatoly Korochenskiy and the rest of the table folded. Players flipped their cards, with Tounnouti at risk.

Mourad Tounnouti: KQ
Anatoly Korochenskiy: A9

Tounnouti had a pair of kings and Korochenskiy had a pair of nines and was drawing to the nut flush.

The turn came 10 and the J river completed Korochenskiy's flush to claim all of Tounnouti's chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anatoly Korochenskiy ru
Anatoly Korochenskiy
Mourad Tounnouti nl
Mourad Tounnouti

Tags: Anatoly KorochenskiyMourad Tounnouti

Pair of Nines Good

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Alexandre Sako raised to 1,200 from middle position and was called by Mikael Guenni on the button.

The flop came 352. Sako checked and Guenni bet 1,200, which Sako called. The turn was the 9. Sako checked again and Guenni made it 2,800 to go. Sako called.

The river was the Q and both players checked. Guenni showed 96 for a pair of nines, which was enough to win the hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alexandre Sako br
Alexandre Sako
Mikael Guenni fr
Mikael Guenni

Tags: Alexandre SakoMikael Guenni

Niveau: 5

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Simonelli Looks Up Waki on the River

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Giuseppe Simonelli
Giuseppe Simonelli

The cutoff limped in, Yasuhiro Waki completed in the small blind and Giuseppe Simonelli checked his option in the big.

Waki led out for 700 on a flop of 346. Only Simonelli continued.

The 3 turn saw a repeat of the action, this time Waki sized up to 2,200.

The river fell the 6 and Waki emptied the clip with a bet of 8,500, sending Simonelli into the tank.

Simonelli thought for some time before making the call for a good proportion of his own stack. Waki instantly mucked his cards face down while Simonelli proudly slammed AJ on the table for just ace high.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Yasuhiro Waki jp
Yasuhiro Waki
Giuseppe Simonelli it
Giuseppe Simonelli

Tags: Giuseppe SimonelliYasuhiro Waki

Cho Claims Pot on River

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Arden Cho raised to 1,200 from middle position and Joshua Stewart called in the big blind.

The flop came 4910. Stewart checked and Cho continued for 1,300. Stewart check-raised to 2,800 and Cho called. The turn was the 3. Stewart led for 3,600 and Cho called.

On the 9 river, Stewart checked and Cho bet 9,500. Stewart looked over at his opponent and took a moment before making the fold. Cho scooped the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Arden Cho us
Arden Cho
Joshua Stewart gb
Joshua Stewart

Tags: Joshua StewartArden Cho

Flush Over Flush Doubles Up Cesaro

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

The pot stood at approximately 12,000 with two players looking at a board that read J8Q92.

Alessio Di Cesaro, in the big blind, bet out for 2,400. Xia Lin on the button responded with a raise to 10,000. Cesaro retaliated with a three-bet jam to 19,800, sending Lin into the tank.

After some time, Lin elected to make the call. Cesaro tabled K4 for the second nut flush while Lin mucked his cards face up, showing 103.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alessio Di Cesaro it
Alessio Di Cesaro
Xia Lin cn
Xia Lin

Tags: Alessio Di CesaroXia Lin

Agnoletto Wins With River Bet

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

[Removed:435] open raised from middle position and was called by Andrea Agnoletto and Yannick Gautschi in the big blind.

The flop came 9J2 and all three players checked. The turn came the Q. Gautschi bet 5,800 and Agnolleto called.

The river was the J. Gautschi checked and Agnoletto bet 8,000. Gautschi went into the tank and players called the floor for time. Gautschi folded and Agnolleto scooped the pot.

A debate then ensued about whether time should have been called, and continued well into the next hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrea Agnoletto it
Andrea Agnoletto
Yannick Gautschi ch
Yannick Gautschi

Tags: Andrea AgnolettoYannick Gautschi