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2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€2,200 Estrellas Poker Tour High Roller
Jours 1a
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1a
Joueurs Survivants

Margereson Sends Folescu to the Rail

Niveau 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Scott Margereson raised under the gun to 2,700, receiving calls from the cutoff and button. Andrei-Cristian Folescu moved all in from the big blind for 10,200, Margereson isolated the raise with a four-bet jam himself and both other players folded.

Andrei-Cristian Folescu: 77
Scott Margereson: AQ

The board ran out Q23102. The flopped queen sent Folescu to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Scott Margereson gb
Scott Margereson
Andrei-Cristian Folescu ro
Andrei-Cristian Folescu

Tags: Andrei-Cristian FolescuScott Margereson

Cristea Gets Value on the River

Niveau 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Krystian Lisowski raised on the button to 2,500, receiving calls from the the small blind and Valentin Cristea in the big blind.

Action checked to Lisowski who continued for 1,500 on a flop of 8K4. Only Cristea called.

The 2 turn checked through to the 10 on the river. Cristea took the lead betting out for 7,100, leaving himself just 5,000 behind.

Lisowski went into the tank but ultimately made the call. Cristea tabled K9, winning himself the pot with a pair of kings.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Krystian Lisowski fr
Krystian Lisowski
Valentin Cristea ro
Valentin Cristea

Tags: Krystian LisowskiValentin Cristea

Yildiz Triple Barrels All In

Niveau 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Emrah Yildiz raised to 2,600 from under the gun. He was called by Jesus Garcia and Ricardo Maio in the big blind.

The flop came A57. Maio checked and Yildiz bet 2,100. Garcia folded and Maio called. The turn was the 8. Maio checked again and Yildiz bet 8,000, which Maio called.

The river was the K. Maio checked and Yildiz moved all in for 16,500. Maio made the fold and Yildiz scooped the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Emrah Yildiz gb
Emrah Yildiz
Ricardo Maio pt
Ricardo Maio

Tags: Emrah YildizJesus GarciaRicardo Maio

Fatehi Goes For Bullet Number Three

Niveau 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Ali Reza Fatehi
Ali Reza Fatehi

The hijack opened to 2,500, Ali Reza Fatehi moved all in from the small blind for 15,300 and Roberto Olsen four-bet jammed from the big blind, covering both players. The original raiser folded.

Ali Reza Fatehi: AJ
Roberto Olsen: JJ

The board ran out Q4772. Olsen's jacks held to send Fatehi to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Roberto Olsen se
Roberto Olsen
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi

Tags: Ahane OlsenAli Reza Fatehi

Patur Makes Straight and Klein Busts

Niveau 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Jun Beum Chun raised to 2,500 from early position and picked up calls from Balakrishna Patur, Asad Klein, and the player in the big blind.

The flop came 109J. Action checked to Klein, who threw in his last 2,500 chips. Both Chun and Patur called.

The turn came the 4 and both players checked. The river was the 7. Chun checked and Patur fired out a bet of 10,000. Chun folded.

Klein showed A4 and Patur turned over 88 for a rivered straight. He won the pot and Klein was eliminated.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jun Beum Chun
Jun Beum Chun
Balakrishna Patur us
Balakrishna Patur
Asad Klein de
Asad Klein

Tags: Asad KleinBalakrishna PaturJun Beum Chun

Niveau: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

PN Podcast: Guest Billy Baxter Talks Hall of Fame, Doyle Brunson & Battling the IRS

Niveau 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

On the latest PokerNews Podcast, Chad Holloway, Connor Richards, and Matt Hansen come to you from different parts of the world. Chad is back home in Wisconsin, while Connor and Matt are over at the EPT Barcelona. They discuss Daniel Weinman's signing with Poker Royalty, Zach Gruneberg's cat missing for 43 days, and the largest WPT Prime to date. They also talk about both Allen Kessler and Daniel Lowery capturing WSOP Circuit gold rings, as well as the PokerStars Summer Series kicking off in Philadelphia.

As for a guest, this week Chad managed to get Poker Hall of Famer and sports betting legend Billy Baxter on the show. He talks about his recent induction into the Sports Gambling Hall of Fame, what it was like to make a deep run in the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Seniors Event (he finished as runner-up), and remembers how Doyle Brunson fared as a sports bettor. Baxter is a master storyteller, so you don't want to miss this chance to hear from the living legend.

Click here to listen to the new PN Podcast!

Yuma Snap Calls the River

Niveau 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

In a blind versus blind confrontation, the pot stood at 6,000 as the board read 4872.

Joyce Philip Yuma, in the small blind, check-called a bet of 3,800 from Jorge Enrique Ramella Piriz in the big.

The Q fell on the river and Yuma now elected to lead for 2,600. Piriz raised to 16,200 and Yuma snap-called.

Piriz tabled 106 while Yuma held the winner with Q4, for two pair.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jorge Enrique Ramella Piriz uy
Jorge Enrique Ramella Piriz
Joyce Philip Yuma gb
Joyce Philip Yuma

Tags: Jorge Enrique Ramella PirizJoyce Philip Yuma

Khachaturyan Shoves and Busts

Niveau 8 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action folded around to Stepan Khachaturyan, who pushed all in from late position for 11,700. Santiago Varela Gonzales made the call and had Khachaturyan covered.

Stepan Khachaturyan: A4
Santiago Varela Gonzales: 99

The board ran out 5J33Q. Gonzales held with his pocket nines to win the pot and eliminate Khachaturyan.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Santiago Varela Gonzales uy
Santiago Varela Gonzales
Stepan Khachaturyan am
Stepan Khachaturyan

Tags: Stepan KhachaturyanSantiago Varela Gonzales