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2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$10,300 EPT High Roller
Jours 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
60,000 / 120,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 2
Joueurs Survivants

High Roller on Stone Bubble as Lybaert Departs

Niveau 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Bart Lybaert
Bart Lybaert

Ilia Pavlov raised to 13,000 from the hijack before Alex Keating moved all in for 81,000 on the button. Bart Lybaert called all in for 72,000 and Pavlov mucked.

"I have one gin and tonic and I'm all in. I'm such a degen," Lybaert said as they waited for action on the rest of the tables to finish before showing their cards.

"What are you guys all here for," Keating joked as a crowd gathered around the table. "I deserve to bubble. I haven't bubbled in a long time," Keating added.

Bart Lybaert: AK
Alex Keating: AQ

It was looking good for Lybaert, but the 82Q flop spelled disaster for him. The 7 turn and the 10 river could not save him and he was eliminated two spots before the money, meaning that the field had arrived at the stone bubble with 56 players remaining.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ilia Pavlov ru
Ilia Pavlov
Alex Keating
Alex Keating
Bart Lybaert be
Bart Lybaert

Tags: Alex KeatingBart LybaertIlia Pavlov

Jattin Takes From Stok

Niveau 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Farid Jattin opened to 13,000 under the gun before Sven Stok three-bet to 36,000 next to act. Action folded back around to Jattin, who called to see the 10104 flop.

He checked over to Stok, and the Dutchman continued for 18,000. Jattin called and the turn came the 5.

Stok then fired out another 45,000 and Jattin used a time bank before calling. The river came the 9 and Jattin checked again, and this time Stok quickly checked back.

Jattin turned over 66 for two pair and Stok mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Sven Stok nl
Sven Stok

Tags: Farid JattinSven Stok

Sammartino Prospering on the Bubble

Niveau 17 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Dario Sammartino opened in middle position to 15,000 and got called in late position by Jovan Kenjic. The action was then on Viacheslav Goryachev on the button who put in a three-bet to 55,000. It folded back to Sammartino who only took a moment before opting to apply max pressure with an all-in wager.

Both of his opponents' hands found the muck and he scooped yet another pot on the bubble. He flipped the 10 and smiled as he dragged the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Jovan Kenjic rs
Jovan Kenjic
Viacheslav Goryachev ru
Viacheslav Goryachev

Tags: Dario SammartinoJovan KenjicViacheslav Goryachev

Niveau: 18

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000

Dukic and Daubaris Split

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

On 910AQ with 70,000 in the pot, Nenad Dukic on the button bet 40,000. Deividas Daubaris in the big blind check-raised to 130,000. Dukic eventually called.

The K landed on the river and Daubaris moved all in. Dukic quickly called, but had to wait for the tournament director to flip his cards.

Nenad Dukic: AJ
Deividas Daubaris: KJ

Both players hit a straight on the river, so they split the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nenad Dukic rs
Nenad Dukic
Deividas Daubaris lt
Deividas Daubaris

Tags: Deividas DaubarisNenad Dukic

Ladev Doesn't Back Down From Turn Raise

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Heads-up on a board of 310J9, Dmitrii Nazarov bet 15,000 from early position before Markkos Ladev raised under the gun to 60,000.

Nazarov came back with a reraise to 120,000 and Ladev quickly called. The river came the 5 and Ladev checked over to Nazarov, who slowed down and checked behind.

Ladev showed QJ for top pair and Nazarov mucked as Ladev crossed the million-chip milestone.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Markkos Ladev ee
Markkos Ladev
Dmitrii Nazarov ru
Dmitrii Nazarov

Tags: Dmitrii NazarovMarkkos Ladev

Mateos Folds to Rezaei, Then Goes Runner-Runner on Yokosawa

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

Armin Rezaei bet 45,000 on a board of KJ2Q from under the gun and Adrian Mateos called in the big blind.

The river came the Q and Rezaei fired out another 100,000. Mateos this time gave up his hand.

A few hands later, Mateos was in the cutoff on a flop of 7910 and bet 16,000. Masato Yokosawa called in the big blind and the 3 fell on the turn.

Both players checked to the 7 river, where Mateos bet 120,000. Yokosawa called, and Mateos showed A5 for the running flush and Yokosawa mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
EPT 1X Winner
Armin Rezaei at
Armin Rezaei
Masato Yokosawa jp
Masato Yokosawa

Tags: Adrian MateosArmin RezaeiMasato Yokosawa

Pavlov Five-Bet Shoves

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Steve O'Dwyer opened the action with a raise to 13,000 from under the gun before Ilia Pavlov made it 50,000 to go from middle position. The action folded back to O'Dwyer, who four-bet to 114,000.

Pavlov asked O'Dwyer how much he had behind and went all in after he had received the answer, shoving 550,000 chips effectively. O'Dwyer realized he got caught and quickly made the fold, leaving himself plenty of chips to play with.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ilia Pavlov ru
Ilia Pavlov
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ilia PavlovSteve O'Dwyer

Yaghmai Calls With Ace-High, Gets There in the End

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Heads-up on a flop of 889, Andreas Christoforou bet 20,000 from the hijack and Nariman Yaghmai called in early position.

The turn came the 6 and Christoforou bet another 60,000. Yaghmai again called and the Q fell on the river.

Yaghmai checked to Christoforou, and the Cypriot used a time bank before using one of his chips to tap the felt. Yaghmai then turned over AQ for two pair on the river and Christoforou nodded his head before mucking.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nariman Yaghmai ir
Nariman Yaghmai
Andreas Christoforou cy
Andreas Christoforou

Tags: Andreas ChristoforouNariman Yaghmai

Silva Crushing the Bubble

Niveau 18 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Pablo Silva
Pablo Silva

On a board of 7659, 65,000 chips were in the middle in a pot between Juan Pardo and Pablo Silva. Pardo checked to Silva, who put forth a bet of 24,000. Pardo made the call and the Q river rolled off.

Both players now quickly checked and Pardo showed down K7 for a pair of sevens, but he was beaten by A9 of Silva, who played a pair of nines.

Silva has more than doubled his stack since the bubble began, and is playing more than one million chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Pablo Silva br
Pablo Silva
Juan Pardo es
Juan Pardo

Tags: Juan PardoPablo Silva