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2017 Poker Masters

Event #5 $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Jours 3
Event Info

2017 Poker Masters

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
20,000 / 40,000

Hands #41-44: Straight Flush for Seth Davies

Niveau 17 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Seth Davies
Seth Davies

Hand #41: Steffen Sontheimer opened to 36,000 from under the gun holding {A-Hearts}{K-Spades} and Justin Bonomo called in the big blind with {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}.

The flop landed {4-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and Bonomo checked to Sontheimer who bet 32,000. Bonomo folded, and Sontheimer collected the pot.

Hand #42: From the button, Stefan Schillhabel raised to 42,000 holding {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}, and Justin Bonomo called in the small blind holding {A-Clubs}{2-Clubs}.

The flop landed {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and Bonomo checked to Schillhabel who checked behind. The turn landed the {7-Diamonds} and both players checked again.

The river landed the {4-Spades} and Bonomo took a stab with a bet of 75,000. Schillhabel called, and then collected the pot from Bonomo.

Hand #43: Christian Christner raised to 38,000 holding {A-Spades}{9-Hearts} in the hijack, and Justin Bonomo called on the button with {K-Spades}{9-Spades}. Steffen Sontheimer picked up {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds} in the small blind, and he called.

The flop landed {3-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}{3-Spades} and both Sontheimer and Christner checked to Bonomo who bet 35,000. Sontheimer called, and Christner folded, as the turn landed the {2-Hearts}.

Both players checked, and the river landed the {A-Clubs}. Both players checked again, and Sontheimer dragged the pot as Bonomo dropped to 462,000 in chips.

Hand #44: Justin Bonomo looked down at {K-Spades}{J-Spades} in the cutoff, and he raised to 35,000. Seth Davies called in the small blind holding {5-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, and Fedor Holz came along from the big blind with {Q-Hearts}{4-Clubs}.

The flop landed {7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} to see Davies flop the nuts, and all three players checked. The turn landed the {7-Diamonds} to complete Davies' straight flush, and he opted to lead out for 40,000. Holz and Bonomo folded, and Davies didn't opt to show his hand.

Tags: Christian ChristnerFedor HolzJustin BonomoSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer

Hands #36-40: Two Walks and a Raise-and-Take

Niveau 17 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Hand #36: Steffen Sontheimer received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #37: Christian Christner raised to 36,000 from the hijack with the {3-Spades}{3-Hearts} and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #38: Fedor Holz received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #39: Sontheimer raised to 38,000 with the {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds} in the cutoff and Seth Davies flatted the button holding the [33c]. Christner came along from the big blind with the {q-Spades}{5-Spades} and three players saw a flop of {a-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Clubs}. Christner checked, Sontheimer continued for 32,000, and Davies called.

Christner folded and the dealer burned and turned the {K-Hearts}. Both players checked and the {K-Spades} completed the board o the river. Sontheimer tossed out a bet of 65,000 and Davies let it go.

Hand #40: Sontheimer raised to 37,000 from the hijack with the {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs} and Holz called from the button with the {q-Spades}{10-Hearts}. Both blinds folded and the flop came down {a-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Sontheimer bet 30,000 and that did the trick as Holz folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Hands #31-35: Sontheimer Flops a Set to Climb the Leaderboard

Niveau 17 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Hand #31: Stefan Schillhabel raised to 40,000 from the cutoff with {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades} and was called by Steffen Sontheimer in the small blind with {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Seth Davies in the big blind with {k-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The flop came {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{7-Spades} and the action was checked to Schillhabel who bet 65,000. Sontheimer made the call and Davies mucked his hand.

The turn was the {5-Hearts} and Sontheimer checked again. Schillhabel fired 165,000 only to have Sontheimer check-raise to 385,000. Schillhabel called and the {8-Clubs} completed the board. Sontheimer reached back and pushed all-in for 555,000. Schillhabel took his time but eventually found a fold.

Hand #32: Schillhabel opened to 40,000 from the hijack with {q-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and was called by Sontheimer on the button with {a-Diamonds}{10-Spades} and Holz in the big blind with {6-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. The flop came {k-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{2-Spades} and the action was checked around to the {8-Diamonds} on the turn. Schillhabel took the first shot at the pot with a bet of 95,000 and both of his opponent folded.

Hand #33: Schillhabel raised again to 38,000 with {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts} under the gun and Seth Davies called from the button with {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}. Christian Christner also called from the big blind with {k-Spades}{j-Diamonds} and the flop came {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs}. The action was checked around to the {a-Diamonds} on the turn and Schillhabel was the first to bet 80,000. Davies made the call with his open-ended straight draw and Christner folded. The river brought the {4-Spades} and Schillhabel checked. Davies took that opportunity to fire 150,000 and Schillhabel laid down the best hand.

Hand #34: Justin Bonomo raised to 35,000 under the gun with {a-Spades}{q-Hearts} and was called by Christian Christner in the small blind with {q-Spades}{j-Spades}. Schillhabel also called from the big blind with {j-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} and the flop fell {8-Spades}{7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}. The action was checked around to the {4-Diamonds} on the turn and Christner led out for 45,000 with a flush draw. Schillhabel made the call with a pair of sevens and Bonomo folded. The {5-Clubs} on the river put a straight on the board and Christner checked. Schillhabel made a big overbet of 320,000 and Christner was forced to fold.

Hand #35: Seth Davies raised to 35,000 from the hijack with {a-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and was called by Bonomo in the big blind with {6-Spades}{3-Spades}. The flop came {q-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades} and Bonomo check-called a bet of 30,000 from Davies. The turn was the {3-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {2-Spades} on the river. They decided to check again and Bonomo won the pot with a pair of threes.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Christian ChristnerFedor HolzJustin BonomoSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer

Hands #26-30: Davies Makes Mistake and Folds Kings Preflop

Niveau 17 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Hand #26: Christian Christner opened to 38,000 from under the gun holding {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} and Fedor Holz defended the big blind with {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}.

The flop landed {4-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{8-Hearts} and Holz checked to Christner who bet 25,000. Holz called, and the turn landed the {J-Spades}. Holz checked, and Christner bet out 75,000 which was met with a call from Holz as the river landed the {2-Clubs}.

Holz checked, Christner bet 150,000, and Holz folded.

Hand #27: Steffen Sontheimer opened the cutoff to 38,000 holding {Q-Spades}{7-Spades} and Seth Davies three-bet the button to 120,000 holding {K-Spades}{K-Hearts}.

From the big blind, Christian Christner four-bet to 290,000 holding {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}.

Sontheimer quickly mucked, and Davies mucked also believing it was just him and Sontheimer in the hand because when the dealer announced re-raise (in reference to Christner's four-bet), he believed it was a delayed announcement of his three-bet. Following the hand there was a little bit of confusion before Davies realized the mistake he had made.

Hand #28: Steffen Sontheimer opened to 37,000 holding {K-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and Seth Davies called holding {K-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds} in the cutoff. From the button, Fedor Holz three-bet to 156,000 from the button with {J-Hearts}{7-Hearts}.

Sontheimer folded, but Davies called, as the flop landed {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and both players checked. The turn landed the {9-Spades} and both players checked again as the {6-Spades} completed the board on the river. Both players checked, and Davies collected the pot.

Hand #29: From the button, Christian Christner opened to 42,000 holding {K-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and collected the blinds and ante.

Hand #30: From the button, Stefan Schillhabel opened to 42,000 with {10-Hearts}{9-Spades} and Steffen Sontheimer looked down at {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} in the big blind and three-bet to 140,000. Schillhabel mucked, and Sontheimer was pushed the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Christian ChristnerFedor HolzSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer

Hands #21-25: Davies Doubles Through Christner

Niveau 17 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Seth Davies on Day 2
Seth Davies on Day 2

Hand #21: Stefan Schillhabel raised to 34,000 under the gun with the {q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and the folded when Steffen Sontheimer three-bet to 113,000 from the cutoff with the {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}.

Hand #22: Fedor Holz raised the button to 35,000 with the {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} and Schillhabel defended his big blind holding the {k-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}. Schillhabel checked the {6-Spades}{2-Spades}{j-Hearts} flop and folded to Holz's continuation-bet.

Hand #23: Seth Davies looked down at the {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs} in the hijack and raised to 33,000. Christian Christner called from the button with the {7-Spades}{7-Hearts} and the flop came down {j-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}. Christner checked his set and Davies bet 30,000. Christner responded with a check-raise to 100,000 and Davies used a time extension before moving all in for 445,000 total.

Christner snap-called and Davies was looking for some help. The {k-Diamonds} turn gave Davies a Broadway draw, but it was the {a-Spades} on the river that would give him a bigger set and the double.

Hand #24: Christner raised to 40,000 with the {a-Spades}{5-Clubs} in the cutoff and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #25: Holz raised to 38,000 under the gun with the {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts} and Justin Bonomo looked down at the {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} on the button. He reraised to 115,000 and Holz folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Niveau: 17

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 16,000

Hand #16-20: Davies Misses Flush Draw, Slides to the Short Stack

Niveau 16 : 7,000/14,000, 14,000 ante

Hand #16: Seth Davies raised to 33,000 from the cutoff with {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} and Christian Christner three-bet to 135,000 holding {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}. Davies made the call and the flop came {7-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{2-Clubs}. Christner led out for 95,000 and Davies stuck around to see the {10-Clubs} on the turn. Christner fired again for 225,000 and Davies called with his flush draw. The river landed the {9-Spades} and Christner shipped all-in. Davies wasted no time before mucking his hand.

Hand #17: Fedor Holz opened to 35,000 from the cutoff with {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades} and Stefan Schillhabel called from the small blind with {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. The flop fell {9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{3-Hearts} and Schillhabel check-called a bet of 40,000 from Holz. The turn was the {6-Clubs} and both players checked to the {6-Spades} on the river. Schillhabel fired out a bet of 125,000 and Holz made the call with ace-high. Schillhabel showed his two pair and raked in the pot.

Hand #18: Fedor Holz raised to 35,000 again with {a-Spades}{j-Hearts} from the hijack and was called by Steffen Sontheimer with {6-Clubs}{5-Clubs} in the big blind. The flop came {8-Spades}{3-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Sontheimer check-folded to a bet of 40,000 from Holz.

Hand #19: Fedor Holz raised to 35,000 from under the gun with a pair of sixes and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #20: The action was folded to Seth Davies who limped in from the small blind with {a-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}. Fedor Holz raised to 44,000 with {10-Clubs}{2-Clubs} in the big blind and Davies shipped all-in. Holz mucked his cards and Davies earned the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Christian ChristnerFedor HolzSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer

Hands #11-15: Case Ace for Davies

Niveau 16 : 7,000/14,000, 14,000 ante

Hand #11: From the cutoff, Fedor Holz opened to 35,000 holding {A-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} and Justin Bonomo called in the big blind holding {7-Clubs}{3-Clubs}.

The flop landed {4-Spades}{8-Hearts}{10-Hearts} and Bonomo checked to Holz who continued for 45,000. Bonomo mucked, and Holz collected the pot.

Hand #12: From under the gun, Seth Davies raised to 33,000 holding {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts} and Stefan Schillhabel called on the button with {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}.

Justin Bonomo looked down at {9-Spades}{9-Hearts} in the small blind, and he called as Steffen Sontheimer called from the big blind with {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs}.

The flop landed {A-Spades}{3-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and Davies took the first stab with a bet of 35,000. Schillhabel called, Bonomo folded, and Sontheimer called also as the turn landed the {7-Clubs}.

All three players checked, and the river landed the {2-Spades}. Sontheimer checked, Davies bet 65,000, Schillhabel called, and Sontheimer called also.

Davies tabled his top pair with the best kicker, and Sontheimer and Schillhabel both muck. Davies is now sitting with 1,086,000 in chips.

Hand #13: Justin Bonomo opened to 32,000 holding {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} from the button and Seth Davies called in the big blind holding {Q-Spades}{10-Diamonds}.

The flop landed {A-Spades}{K-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Davies checked to Bonomo who bet 30,000. Davies called, and the {2-Clubs} rolled off on the turn and he checked again before Bonomo bet 100,000. Davies called, and the river landed the {A-Clubs}.

Davies checked, and Bonomo bet out 275,000. Davies quickly mucked, and Bonomo collected the pot to move to 892,000 in chips.

Hand #14: Stefan Schillhabel was dealt the {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs}, and he opened the action to 35,000. Justin Bonomo three-bet the cutoff to 110,000 holding {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts} and the blinds quickly mucked, before Schillhabel called.

The flop landed {10-Spades}{9-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Schillhabel checked over to Bonomo who continued for 75,000. Schillhabel called, and the turn landed the {5-Hearts} to give Bonomo further his advantage before both players checked.

The river landed the {8-Diamonds} and both players checked with Schillhabel tabling his rivered pair to collect the pot.

Hand #15: Fedor Holz called in the small blind holding {10-Diamonds}{6-Spades}, and Christian Christner checked his {J-Spades}{5-Hearts} in the big blind.

The flop landed {3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} and Holz checked to Christner who bet 20,000 and was met with an immediate Holz fold.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Fedor HolzJustin BonomoStefan SchillhabelSteffen SontheimerSeth DaviesChristian Christner

Hands #6-10: Seth Davies Picking Up Chips

Niveau 16 : 7,000/14,000, 14,000 ante

Hand #6: Justin Bonomo limped the small blind holding the {2-Spades}{2-Hearts} and Steffen Sontheimer raised to 46,000 from the big with the {k-Clubs}{7-Hearts}. Bonomo called and then both players checked the {5-Spades}{4-Spades}{a-Diamonds} flop.

The action repeated itself on the {Q-Spades} turn, and the {3-Hearts} river wound up giving Bonomo a wheel. Bonomo bet 80,000 and Sontheimer folded.

Hand #7: Christian Christner raised to 33,000 with the {a-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} in the hijack and Bonomo flatted the button with the {j-Spades}{9-Spades}. The {a-Spades}{5-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} flop saw Christner continue for 50,000 and Bonomo released.

Hand #8: Sontheimer raised to 35,000 from the button with the {k-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Seth Davies called from the small blind holding the {j-Spades}{8-Spades}. Fedor Holz then looked down at the {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds} in the big and three-bet to 164,000. That did the trick as both his opponents folded.

Hand #9: Davies raised to 35,000 from the button with the {q-Spades}{10-Spades} and Christner defended the big blind with the {k-Clubs}{4-Spades}. The latter checked the {3-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and folded to a continuation-bet from Davies.

Hand #10: Davies raised to 33,000 with the {10-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} in the cutoff and Stefan Schillhabel defended the big with the {a-Clubs}{2-Hearts}. Schillhabel checked the {j-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} flop and folded when Davies bet 45,000.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Christian ChristnerFedor HolzJustin BonomoSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer

Hands #1-5: Schillhabel Gets Value from Bonomo

Niveau 16 : 7,000/14,000, 14,000 ante

Hand #1: Stefan Schillhabel raised to 33,000 from the hijack with {k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds} and Seth Davies called from the big blind with {6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{4-Spades} and Davies checked to Schillhabel who bet 28,000. Davies made the call and the {k-Hearts} landed on the turn. Davies checked again and Schillhabel fired 130,000. Davies laid his hand down and the first pot went to Schillhabel.

Hand #2: Steffen Sontheimer raised to 35,000 on the button with {8-Spades}{4-Spades} and Fedor Holz three-bet to 150,000 in the big blind with {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}. Sontheimer tossed his cards away and Holz took down the pot.

Hand #3: Sontheimer raised to 33,000 from the cutoff with {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Davies re-raised to 100,000 with {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} on the button. Sontheimer folded again and Davies won the pot preflop.

Hand #4: Justin Bonomo opened to 33,000 from under the gun with {3-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Sontheimer three-bet to 95,000 from the hijack with {a-Clubs}{q-Hearts}. Bonomo folded to the three-bet and Sontheimer scooped the pot.

Hand #5: The action was folded to Schillhabel in the small blind who limped in with {j-Spades}{8-Spades} and Bonomo raised to 55,000 out of the big blind with {9-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Schillhabel called and the flop came {10-Spades}{8-Hearts}{4-Clubs}.

Schillhabel checked and Bonomo fired a continuation bet of 60,000. Schillhabel called with middle pair and the {3-Spades} peeled off on the turn. Both players checked to the {7-Clubs} on the river where Schillhabel bet 125,000. Bonomo made the call and Schillhabel tabled his pair of eights to win the hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Steffen Sontheimer de
Steffen Sontheimer
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Fedor HolzJustin BonomoSeth DaviesStefan SchillhabelSteffen Sontheimer