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2017 Poker Masters

Event #5 $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Jours 1
Event Info

2017 Poker Masters

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
20,000 / 40,000

Nitsche Forces Schillhabel to Fold

Niveau 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Dominik Nitsche raised to 4,000 under the gun and was called by Stefan Schillhabel in the big blind. The flop came {a-Spades}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Schillhabel check-called a bet of 6,000 from Nitsche.

The turn was the {q-Hearts} and Schillhabel checked again. Nitsche continued to fire for 15,000 and Schillhabel didn't shy away just yet.

The river brought the {10-Clubs} and Schillhabel checked for the third time. Nitsche made a bet of 37,000, finally forcing Schillhabel to lay his hand down.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
WPT 1X Winner
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Dominik NitscheStefan Schillhabel

Scott Seiver vs. Tom Marchese

Niveau 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Tom Marchese raised to 4,000 under the gun with the {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds} and Scott Seiver defended the big blind with the {6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}.

Seiver proceeded to check-call bets of 7,500 and 20,000 on the {6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} flop and {3-Clubs} turn respectively. They then both checked the {10-Hearts} river and Seiver won the pot with two pair.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Tom Marchese us
Tom Marchese
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Scott SeiverTom Marchese

Adrian Mateos Eliminated by Christian Christner

Niveau 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

Christian Christner opened to 3,500 from middle position and Stefan Schillhabel called in the cutoff before Adrian Mateos three-bet to 20,000 from the small blind.

Christner called and Schillhabel folded as the flop landed {8-}{4-}{3-} with two spades. Mateos led out for 15,000 and Christner raised to 36,000 with Mateos calling as the turn landed the {9-} as both players checked.

The river landed the {K-Spades} and Mateos pushed his last 65,000 into the pot and Christner called.

Mateos sheepishly revealed his {A-Spades}{Q-} for just ace-high as Christner tabled his {10-Spades}{9-Spades} for a flush to eliminate Mateos while simultaneously moving his stack up to 395,000 in chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Christner de
Christian Christner
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosChristian ChristnerStefan Schillhabel

Davies Doubles Through Holz

Niveau 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Seth Davies raised to 4,000 from the hijack and Fedor Holz defended his big blind. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{4-Hearts} and Holz checked his option. Davies bet 4,000 and Holz check-raised to 11,500. Davies called and the two players saw the {3-Clubs} on the turn.

Holz fired again for 25,500 and Davies stuck around for the {9-Clubs} on the river. Holz waited a full 30 seconds before moving all-in. Davies instantly called and turned over {q-Spades}{q-Hearts} for a full house. Holz was forced to show his hand and tabled {7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Fedor HolzSeth Davies

Katz Doubles with a Flush

Niveau 4 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Dan Shak opened to 4,000 from under the gun and Cary Katz three-bet the button to 16,000. The action passed back to Shak, and he pushed out a stack of blue 5,000-denomination chips into the pot to effectively put Katz all in.

Katz paused, shrugged, and then committed his 86,000 total tabling his {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs} to be in a race against Shak's {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}.

The dealer spread a {5-Clubs}{3-Spades}{10-Clubs} flop to give Katz outs to a flush draw to go along with his pair, and when the turn landed the {J-Hearts}, he picked up another out to a straight.

The river landed the {6-Clubs} completing Katz's flush to ensure him the double to 176,000 as Shak dropped to 125,000 in chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Cary Katz us
Cary Katz
$25K Fantasy
Dan Shak us
Dan Shak

Tags: Dan ShakCary Katz

Niveau: 4

Blinds: 1,000/1,500

Ante: 1,500

Tollerene Flops a Straight to Eliminate Greenberg

Niveau 3 : 500/1,500, 1,500 ante
Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg

With around 20,000 in the pot already, the flop came {5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Ben Tollerene was first to act and checked the action over to Lawrence Greenberg who fired out a bet of 12,000. Tollerene check-raised to 30,000 and Greenberg moved all-in for around 55,000. Tollerene quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Tollerene: {a-Spades}{3-Spades}
Greenberg: {j-Hearts}{j-Clubs}

Tollerene flopped a straight against Greenberg's overpair. The turn was the {8-Clubs} as Greenberg picked up a flush draw. The river landed the {10-Diamonds} and Greenberg was sent to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Lawrence Greenberg us
Lawrence Greenberg
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ben TollereneLawrence Greenberg

River Helps Rast

Niveau 3 : 500/1,500, 1,500 ante

Ike Haxton raised to 4,000 from the cutoff with the {8-Clubs}{8-} and Brian Rast called from the button with the {10-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}.

Both blinds folded, the flop came down {2-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{9-Hearts}, and Haxton led out for 7,000. Rast raised it to 24,000 and Haxton called, which brought about the {5-Clubs} turn.

Both players checked and then did the same on the {10-Spades} river.

"Eights," Haxton proclaimed and tabled his hand. It was no good though as Rast had rivered a pair of tens.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
WSOP 1X Winner
Brian Rast us
Brian Rast
WSOP 6X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Isaac HaxtonBrian Rast