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2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

HK$82,400 PLO High Roller
Jours 1
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Gagnante
950,000 HKD
Event Info
82,400 HKD
Prize Pool
2,793,600 HKD
Info Niveau
10,000 / 20,000

Nguyen Short after Troyanovskiy Double

Niveau 9 : 600/1,200, 0 ante

On the three-way turn showing {A-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{10-Spades}, Edison Nguyen bet 6,500 and Vladimir Troyanovskiy moved all in for another 8,900 on top, forcing out Imad Derwiche who was also in the hand. Nguyen eventually called and the cards were tabled.

Vladimir Troyanovskiy: {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Spades}
Edison Nguyen: {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{J-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

The river was a blank and Troyanovskiy doubled. Nguyen took another hit to the stack soon after, folding to a pot-sized river bet of Sam Greenwood, and fell down further in the counts.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Edison Nguyen au
Edison Nguyen

Tags: Edison NguyenImad DerwicheSam GreenwoodVladimir Troyanovskiy

And Yotsushika Doubles as Well

Niveau 9 : 600/1,200, 0 ante

Kazuhiko Yotsushika raised to 2,500 on the button and Hongjun Zhao called in the small blind. Fabian Geisel three-bet to 10,000 in the big blind and Yotsushika reluctantly called, while Zhao got out of the way. On a flop of {8-Clubs}{7-Spades}{6-Hearts}, Geisel bet the pot for 22,500 and Yotsushika moved all in. Geisel asked for a count, and it was 32,400 in total, which the German then called.

Kazuhiko Yotsushika: {10-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}
Fabian Geisel: {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{6-Clubs}

The {J-Spades} turn and {9-Diamonds} river didn't change the outcome of the hand, just improved Yotsushika to a straight, and he doubled to get ahead of Geisel in the counts.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kazuhiko Yotsushika jp
Kazuhiko Yotsushika
Fabian Geisel de
Fabian Geisel

Tags: Fabian GeiselHongjun ZhaoKazuhiko Yotsushika

Greenwood Sends Weis to the Rail

Niveau 9 : 600/1,200, 0 ante
Oliver Weis
Oliver Weis

Fresh off winning a pot without showdown against Imad Derwiche, Oliver Weis increased the aggression yet another notch when facing the raise to 3,000 by Vladimir Troyanovskiy and the call by Sam Greenwood on the button. Weis three-bet to 13,200 out of the small blind and both his opponents called.

On the {A-Spades}{K-Spades}{3-Hearts} flop, Weis bet 12,000 and Troyanovskiy folded, Greenwood called. The {9-Spades} appeared on the turn and Weis moved in for his remaining 45,000, which Greenwood called after quickly double-checking his cards.

Oliver Weis: {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{4-Spades}
Sam Greenwood: {A-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

The {2-Hearts} river was already meaningless, as Weis was drawing dead to win the pot, and Greenwood boosted his stack significantly.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Imad Derwiche fr
Imad Derwiche
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Oliver Weis de
Oliver Weis

Tags: Imad DerwicheOliver WeisSam GreenwoodVladimir Troyanovskiy

Three Seat Open in Two Hands

Niveau 9 : 600/1,200, 0 ante
Vladimir Troyanovsky
Vladimir Troyanovsky

Hand 1

Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised from early position and Edison Nguyen three-bet out of the big blind, Troyanovskiy shoved his last 17,000 and Nguyen called with the slightly superior stack of 21,000.

Vladimir Troyanovskiy: {K-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{7-Spades}
Edison Nguyen: {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{9-Spades}{5-Spades}

The board came {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{J-Diamonds} and that was it for Troyanovskiy.

Hand 2

The very next hand, Sam Greenwood raised to 3,000 and Imad Derwiche called. Nguyen three-bet the pot with around 25,000 behind and both opponents called to see a flop of {7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Nguyen shoved, Greenwood called and then also called the shove of Derwiche to put two players at risk.

Edison Nguyen: {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{4-Spades}
Imad Derwiche: {A-Spades}{J-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{6-Spades}
Sam Greenwood: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}

The {2-Diamonds} on the turn changed nothing just yet, but the {K-Clubs} on the river gave Greenwood a flush and he knocked out yet another two opponents. "Good job," joked Maksim Shuts, who was the sole remaining opponent on the table, and both were soon sent to another table in order to balance the remaining field.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Edison Nguyen au
Edison Nguyen
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Imad Derwiche fr
Imad Derwiche

Tags: Edison NguyenImad DerwicheMaksim ShutsSam GreenwoodVladimir Troyanovskiy

Niveau: 10

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 0

Derwiche Back in as Three Tables Remain

Niveau 10 : 800/1,600, 0 ante

After that crazy action within a matter of minutes, the remaining 20 players are left on three tables and Imad Derwiche bought back in at the start of the new level to take the second bullet. Edison Nguyen had already been on the second entry and has been eliminated for certain, while Vladimir Troyanovskiy may still show up again.

Registration remains open until the end of the current level and following 15-minute break.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Imad Derwiche fr
Imad Derwiche

Tags: Edison NguyenImad DerwicheVladimir Troyanovskiy

Some Action on Table One

Niveau 10 : 800/1,600, 0 ante

What has happened at the other tables while Sam Greenwood cleaned up table four?

Felipe Ramos and Martin Kozlov built their stacks while Shuo Li and Jan Collado dropped some over on table one.

In a recent hand, there wasn't much action on a board of {A-Spades}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs}{K-Spades}{K-Hearts}. In fact, Sylvain Loosli, Collado and Ka Kwan Lau checked the turn and also river. Loosli shook his head and showed the {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}, then Collado turned over {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. Lau played along in the game and flashed [JsJc before also showing {10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} for the best of it.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ka Kwan Lau es
Ka Kwan Lau
WSOP 1X Winner
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Martin Kozlov au
Martin Kozlov
WSOP 1X Winner
Shuo Li cn
Shuo Li
Jan Collado de
Jan Collado
Sylvain Loosli fr
Sylvain Loosli
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Felipe RamosJan ColladoKa Kwan LauMartin KozlovSam GreenwoodShuo LiSylvain Loosli

Yang Takes from Greenwood

Niveau 10 : 800/1,600, 0 ante

The rush hour of Sam Greenwood came to an abrupt end, but the Canadian remains the current chip leader while Shao Me Yang just won a big pot off him.

On the {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} flop, Yang bet half the pot and Greenwood called before Yang then checked the {Q-Spades} turn. Greenwood bet 15,000 into 25,000 and received the call before the {10-Spades} river paired the board.

Yang now vet 20,000 and Greenwood called, only to muck when Yang showed {K-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for a straight.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Shao Me Yang cn
Shao Me Yang

Tags: Sam GreenwoodShao Me Yang

Yotsushika No More

Niveau 10 : 800/1,600, 0 ante
Kazuhiko Yotsushika
Kazuhiko Yotsushika

On the heads-up turn of {J-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Hearts}{K-Hearts} with 14,400 in the middle, Fabian Geisel checked out of the big blind and Kazuhiko Yotsushika bet the pot on the button. Geisel then check-raised all in for more than 60,000 and Yotsushika was about to drop in the chips immediately before apologizing and checking his cards again. Geisel nodded, and Yotsushika then called all in for around 57,000.

Kazuhiko Yotsushika: {Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}
Fabian Geisel: {Q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}

The {5-Diamonds} river failed to improve Yotsushika and he has been eliminated.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Fabian Geisel de
Fabian Geisel
Kazuhiko Yotsushika jp
Kazuhiko Yotsushika

Tags: Fabian GeiselKazuhiko Yotsushika

Lau Doubles Collado; Busts Loosli

Niveau 10 : 800/1,600, 0 ante
Sylvain Loosli
Sylvain Loosli

Hand 1

Jan Collado limped from the cutoff and Ka Kwan Lau raised from one seat over, before Sylvain Loosli called in the big blind. Collado squeezed to 24,000 and just Lau called, Loosli folded.

On the {K-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{4-Spades} flop, Collado shoved for the last 12,400 with {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Lau called with {Q-}{10-}{9-}{8-}. The {6-Diamonds} turn and {5-Spades} river blanked and Collado doubled.

Hand 2

Lau raised to 5,100 in the cutoff and Loosli three-bet the pot to pick up a call by Lau. The Spaniard joked "now I gonna hit a good turn," and with a pot worth 35,400 to the {10-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} flop, he faced the shove of Loosli for just under the size of the pot. Lau called and the cards were turned over.

Sylvain Loosli: {A-Diamonds}{K-Spades}{7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}
Ka Kwan Lau: {A-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{J-Spades}{7-Hearts}

The {8-Diamonds} turn left Loosli drawing dead, making the {10-Spades} river a formality. After first losing a pot, Lau recovered quickly and boosted his stack slightly throughout the two hands. At the same time, Kenneth Wong was eliminated at another table and that reduced the field to the last 17.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ka Kwan Lau es
Ka Kwan Lau
WSOP 1X Winner
Jan Collado de
Jan Collado
Kenneth Wong hk
Kenneth Wong
Sylvain Loosli fr
Sylvain Loosli
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Jan ColladoKa Kwan LauKenneth WongSylvain Loosli