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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Jours 1a
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Joueurs - Jour 1a
Joueurs Survivants

Mercurio Adds Some More With Good Flop

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Matthew Mercurio, who knocked out a similarly-stacked opponent with a straight versus nut flush draw earlier today, just took down another big pot to add to his stack.

Mercurio was in the small blind and called a bet of 3,500 from an opponent in middle position on a flop of {8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. The turn was the {8-Spades}, and Mercurio check-called another bet of 4,500.

The river came the {3-Spades} and Mercurio checked once again. This time his opponent checked behind and Mercurio showed {7-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for two pair, eights and sevens, which was good enough to take the pot.

"He had a flush draw, too. Jesus," a tablemate said upon seeing how much the flop had helped Mercurio.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Matthew Mercurio us
Matthew Mercurio

Tags: Matthew Mercurio

Silverman's Big Blind Hurts Nguyen

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Action picked up on the turn in a heads-up pot. The board showed {4-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. Stephen Silverman sat in the big blind and checked it over to Qui Nguyen. From early position, Nguyen bet 4,100, Silverman made the call.

The river brought the {5-Spades}, and Silverman checked again. Nguyen thought about the spot for about a minute before deciding to bet 7,000. Silverman made the call fairly quickly.

Nguyen rolled over {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts} for top pair, but that was bested by the {7-Spades}{4-Spades} of Silverman who took down the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Stephen Silverman us
Stephen Silverman
Qui Nguyen us
Qui Nguyen
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Qui NguyenStephen Silverman

Grant Gets a Shove Through in Lengthy Hand

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Heads-up on the turn with the board showing {7-Clubs}{4-Spades}{7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}, the player on the button bet 10,000 as action went back on Jim Grant in the cutoff.

Grant responded by shoving all in for his last 62,000, sending his opponent deep into the tank. After several minutes, Grant took a look at his watch before calling the clock.

A tournament official counted down to zero before the button eventually folded. Grant returned his cards to the dealer and accepted the pot while he whispered over to his tablemate on his right about the hand afterward.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jim Grant us
Jim Grant

Tags: Jim Grant

Shakerchi Outkicks Gathy

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Talal Shakerchi
Talal Shakerchi

With 7,300 in the pot on a {a-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} flop, Talal Shakerchi checked in early position, Michael Gathy bet 2,700 in the cutoff, and Shakerchi called.

The duo checked the {5-Diamonds} turn to the {7-Spades} river. Shakerchi led for 5,200 and Gathy called.

Shakerchi revealed {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}, which was barely good enough to defeat Gathy's {a-Spades}{8-Spades}, and chips were exchanged from the Belgian to the Brit.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner
Talal Shakerchi gb
Talal Shakerchi

Tags: Michael GathyTalal Shakerchi

Moreno Gets Paid Off

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Andrew moreno
Andrew moreno

Picking up the action on the turn, Andrew Moreno in late position was involved in a hand with a player in middle position. With the board reading {6-Clubs}{7-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} action checked to Moreno, who bet 6,200. His opponent called to send the two players to the river.

The middle position player checked once more on the {8-Clubs} river and Moreno promptly tossed a single T-25,000 chip into the middle. After some consideration his opponent called and Moreno flipped over {a-Hearts}{6-Hearts} for turned trips. With a look of disgust the middle position player mucked, sending more chips Moreno's way.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrew Moreno us
Andrew Moreno

Tags: Andrew Moreno

Sodafsky Makes Right Laydown

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Action was picked up with 24,500 in the pot with a flop of {8-Spades}{3-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} on the felt.

Sergio Benso led out from the small blind for 9,000. Jill Sodafsky made the call.

On the {9-Diamonds} turn, Benso checked to Sodafsky, who fired for 15,000. Benso put in a raise to 60,000, which is about all Sodafsky had left. She went into the tank for a few minutes, before eventually announcing, "Nice hand. I fold,"

"If you show me I'll show you," Benso offered. Sodafsky obliged, and flipped over {j-Clubs}{j-Hearts}. "Do you want to guess what I had?" Benso continued.

"Queens?" Sodafsky posited, before Benso turned over {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}. Sodafsky had lost a big one, but managed to get away from it before she lost all of it.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sergio Benso it
Sergio Benso
Jill Sodafsky us
Jill Sodafsky

Tags: Sergio BensoJill Sodafsky

Rast, Lichtenberger Side by Side

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Day 1 of the Main Event is usually a minefield of home game heroes and amateurs taking their one shot at poker glory. In such a large field, it was rare for two seasoned pros to be seated at the same table.

But that's just what has happened to seven unfortunate players at one table which includes Brian Rast and Andrew Lichtenberger sitting right beside each. The two of them have more than $35 million in combined live winnings and six WSOP bracelets.

Rast would take the last small pot they played against each other. He opened to 1,200 from under the gun and action folded around to Lichtenberger in the big blind, who called to see the {j-Spades}{10-Spades}{2-Diamonds} flop.

Lichtenberger checked as Rast put out a bet of 2,000. "LuckyChewy" quickly mucked as round one between these two accomplished pros went to Rast.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Brian Rast us
Brian Rast
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Andrew Lichtenberger us
Andrew Lichtenberger
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerBrian Rast

One Barrel Not Enough to Make Dzivielevski Fold

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Yuri Dzivielevski
Yuri Dzivielevski

In a heads-up pot that held about 8,000, Yuri Dzivielevski checked to Kenny Hsiung on his left. The flop showed {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}{8-Clubs} Hsiung bet 3,600, Dzivielevski made the call.

Both players checked the {7-Hearts} when it came on the turn.

Dzivielevski also checked the {q-Diamonds} river. After a little thought, Hsiung shook his head and checked behind.

Dzivielevski showed {6-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} for the winner.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Yuri Dzivielevski br
Yuri Dzivielevski
WSOP 1X Winner
Kenny Hsiung us
Kenny Hsiung
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Kenny HsiungYuri Dzivielevski

Sileo Collects With Straight

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante

Three players were on the river as the board read {7-Spades}{j-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}. James Sileo was in the cutoff and bet 2,900. He got calls from Mangual Ruivo and the third player in the hand.

Sileo tabled the {a-Spades}{9-Spades} for the straight which got both of his opponents to muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
James Sileo us
James Sileo
Manuel Ruivo pt
Manuel Ruivo

Tags: James Sileo

Kuo Takes One From Muehloecker

Niveau 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Kitty Kuo
Kitty Kuo

Kitty Kuo opened to 1,400 from the cutoff and was called by Thomas Muehloecker out of the big blind.

Muehloecker checked on a flop of {q-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and Kuo continued for 2,500. It was not enough to shed the Austrian high stakes regular, who made the call.

Action was once again checked to Kuo after the {a-Clubs} turn and she fired off a bet of 4,800. Muehloecker did not wait long before tossing his hand away to take a small hit to his stack.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Thomas Muehloecker at
Thomas Muehloecker
Kitty Kuo tw
Kitty Kuo

Tags: Kitty KuoThomas Muehloecker