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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #11: $600 No-Limit Hold'em Deepstack
Jours 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
1,500,000 / 3,000,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1
Joueurs Survivants

Boyko for the Win

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

The pot was approximately 2,000 and read QK8, the big blind checked, and Rob Boyko in middle position bet 1,000. The big blind moved all in for 18,000 and Boyko called.

Big Blind: K8
Rob Boyko: QK

Both players had two pair heading to the turn but Boyko had the lead and the big blind could not catch up with him on either the turn 3 or the river 2.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Robert Boyko ca
Robert Boyko

Tags: Robert Boyko

Top Pair on the River for Twilligear

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Mark Twilligear raised to 1,000 under the gun and only the big blind made the call.

The dealer fanned a flop of 984 and both players quickly checked to see the 7 on the turn. The big blind led out for 1,000 and Twilligear tossed in a chip to call.

The J completed the board and once the big blind checked, Twilligear quickly knuckled the table, checking back. Twilligear tabled QJ for top pair on the river and his opponent mucked his hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mark Twilligear us
Mark Twilligear

Tags: Mark Twilligear

Kaplan Flops Trips to Crack Kings

Niveau 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Three players were involved in post-flop action on a board of 225.

After the first two players checked, a player in middle position moved all in. The first player to act folded, but Joshua Kaplan quickly called and tabled 42 for trip deuces. His opponent tabled pocket kings.

The dealer then ran out A and 6. Kaplan’s trio of ducks held and he scooped the pot to send his opponent to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Joshua Kaplan
Joshua Kaplan

Tags: Joshua Kaplan

Niveau: 4

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 400

Kings versus Queens

Niveau 3 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante

The board read 59Q6J and Chris Hornung shoved his 13,200 stack into the pot of approximately 6,000. The player on the button quickly called.

Chris Hornung: KK
Button: mucked

The button was damaged and Hornung prevailed.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Chris Hornung us
Chris Hornung

Tags: Chris Hornung

Aces are Good; Cunningham Spotted

Niveau 3 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante

On a board of 428, John Schoenecker called an all-in bet and put his opponent at risk.

Opponent: QQ
John Schoenecker: AA'

The board remained clean for Schoenecker as the 3 and the 6 rolled off, sending his opponent to the rail.

Allen Cunningham, 5-time bracelet winner, was seen entering the field with a fresh stack as well.

Joueur Jetons Progression
John Schoenecker
John Schoenecker
Allen Cunningham us
Allen Cunningham
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Allen CunninghamJohn Schoenecker

Jansen's Aces Scoop Large Pot

Niveau 3 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante

2021 WSOP bracelet winner Bradley Jansen found himself in a large pot early in Level 3.

A player in early position raised to 500 and the player to his immediate left flatted. Jansen, who was next to act, announced a raise before betting 1,800. The action drew calls from the other two players

The flop produced 35Q, drawing consecutive checks from Jansen’s opponents. Jansen then pushed out 2,200, resulting in the original raiser folding and the other player calling.

The turn showed 3 and Jansen’s remaining opponent checked. Jansen bet 4,800 and his opponent called to bloat the pot.

The dealer placed 6 on the river and Jansen’s opponent checked. Jansen took his time and slowly counted out 12,500 before pushing it out in front of him. His opponent went in the tank for at least a minute, even leaning forward to look at Jansen’s stack, before making the call.

Jansen tabled AA and his opponent folded as the dealer pushed the large pot to Jansen.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Bradley Jansen us
Bradley Jansen
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bradley Jansen

Queens for Lekamof

Niveau 3 : Blinds 200/300, 300 ante

Gabe Gonzales raised in early position and Robert Lekamof three-bet to 2,200 from a couple of spots to his left. The action folded back around to Gonzales and he made the call.

When the flop came 942, Gonzales checked to Lekamof who continued for 3,100. Gonzales quickly mucked his hand, and Lekamof let him know he made the right decision, showing QQ.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Robert Lekamof us
Robert Lekamof
Gabe Gonzales us
Gabe Gonzales

Tags: Gabe GonzalesRobert Lekamof