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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #36: $3,000 Nine Game Mix
Jours 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
40,000 / 80,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 2
Joueurs Survivants

The Chad & Jesse Show Episode 5: Catching Up With Some Aceholes Caitlin Comeskey & Nikki Limo

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

In the fifth episode of The Chad & Jesse Poker Show, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen go head-to-head talking about the latest hot topics live from the WSOP. Johnny "World" Hennigan burns Ben Lamb on Day 2 but should he have taken the offer? Eden Rocks and poker twitter spaces...is it time to unplug? Two weeks in and we check on Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth's runs so far and more in the fifth episode of the Chad & Jesse Poker Show.

They also welcome guests Nikki Limo and Caitlin Comeskey, the hosts of the popular Acesholes podcast.

Click here to watch the latest episode now!

Clements Not Afraid of the Bubble

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

Stud Hi-Lo

Scott Clements: XxXx/6J23/Xx
Fu Wong: XxXx/7455/Xx

Fu Wong bet on fifth street and Scott Clements called.

Wong paired his five on sixth and checked over to Clements, who put out a bet. Wong called, then called another bet on seventh.

Clements turned over AA7 for aces and a low and scooped the pot.

"Scott is like, I don't give a f**k about min-cashing," tablemate David "ODB" Baker said.

"I probably have the record for most soft bubbles," Clements replied.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Scott Clements us
Scott Clements
WSOP 3X Winner
Fu Wong us
Fu Wong

Tags: Scott ClementsFu Wong

Wang Doubles on Bubble

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

No-Limit Hold'em

Yueqi Zhu opened to 15,000 on the button and Peiwen Wang called off for the remainder of his chips in the small blind while Per Hilderbrand called in the small blind.

Zhu continued for 25,000 after action checked to him on a flop of 8K9, getting a fold from Hildebrand. Once action was completed at the other tables, the two players turned over their hands.

Peiwen Wang: K10
Yueqi Zhu: K5

Wang was ahead with the better kicker and held on the 7J runout to secure a full double on the bubble.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Yueqi Zhu cn
Yueqi Zhu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Per Hildebrand se
Per Hildebrand
Peiwen Wang us
Peiwen Wang

Tags: Peiwen WangPer HilderbrandYueqi Zhu

Vengrin Saved By the Board

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

No-Limit Hold'em

Matt Vengrin raised to 15,000 from under the gun, leaving just 3,500 behind, as action folded around to Jason Pedigo in the big blind. Pedigo reraised enough to put Vengrin all in, and Vengrin called.

Matt Vengrin: AQ
Jason Pedigo: 94

Neither player connected with the 1010K flop, and the K on the turn gave Vengrin two pair and a lock on the hand. The 4 on the river was too little, too late for Pedigo, and Vengrin doubled up on the bubble.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jason Pedigo us
Jason Pedigo
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin

Tags: Jason PedigoMatt Vengrin

Aldridge Left Short on the Bubble

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw

Three-handed on the first draw, Ken Aldridge took one and bet and only Allan Le called after drawing two.

Aldridge stood pat and checked to Le, then called a bet. Both players stood pat on the final draw and Le bet again.

Aldridge called with an 8-7, but Le turned over a 7-6 to take the pot.

"Hard not to get involved," Aldridge said about his hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Allan Le us
Allan Le
WSOP 1X Winner
Ken Aldridge us
Ken Aldridge
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Allan LeKen Aldridge

Gaspard Dominating

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw

Jean Gaspard stood pat on the first draw and bet before Jared Jaffee, who took one, raised. Gaspard came back with a reraise and Jaffee called.

Gaspard patted again and Jaffee took one. Gaspard bet and Jaffee called before taking one again, while Gaspard stood pat.

Both players checked and Gaspard turned over a 8-7-5. "Paired every one of these cards," a frustrated Jaffee said as he mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jean Gaspard us
Jean Gaspard
WSOP 1X Winner
Jared Jaffee us
Jared Jaffee
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jared JaffeeJean Gaspard

Wong Survives

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante

Andres Korn opened to 13,000 on the button only to see Fu Wong move all in for 81,000 out of the small blind. Scott Clements just called in the big blind but folded after Korn re-jammed.

Fu Wong: AK
Andres Korn: KK

Wong was not in great shape and looked set to be the bubble boy. That all changed after the flop came 37A, pairing Wong's ace and leaving him needing to fade kings with two cards to come. The 9 turn was clean with the 6 river confirming a triple up for Wong.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Scott Clements us
Scott Clements
WSOP 3X Winner
Andres Korn ar
Andres Korn
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Fu Wong us
Fu Wong

Tags: Andres KornFu WongScott Clements

Pisarenko Bursts the Bubble

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante
Max Kruse
Max Kruse

Limit 2-7 Triple Draw

Maksim Pisarenko was forced all in from the big blind and the rest of the table folded after Max Kruse raised.

Pisarenko took four and Kruse one. Pisarenko then took two on the next two draws, while Kruse drew one.

Kruse turned over a 9-5, while Pisarenko had a 7-6-4 showing but paired his four on the draw to finish as the unfortunate bubble boy.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Max Kruse de
Max Kruse
WSOP 1X Winner
Maksim Pisarenko ru
Maksim Pisarenko
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Maksim PisarenkoMax Kruse

Linkenback Sneaks Into the Money

Niveau 17 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 0 ante


George Linkenback was all in by fourth street and up against Scott Bohlman.

Bohlman finished with 2x4x8x6x5xQx9 for a 8-6-5-4-2. Linkenback had Ax47x8x10x10x showing. "You're dead," a tablemate said to him even before turning over his final card.

"If you walk slow you might make the pay jump," another tablemate said to Linkenback, who was still in good spirits as he headed off for the payout desk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner
George Linkenback us
George Linkenback

Tags: George LinkenbackScott Bohlman