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2024 World Series of Poker

Christopher Collier Eliminated in 13th Place ($24,094)

Niveau 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Christopher Collier
Christopher Collier

Christopher Collier opened to 805,000 from under the gun, and he was called by Evan Benton on the button. Nicolas Vayssieres in the small blind went into the tank, but he eventually folded, and so did Nick Maimone in the big blind.

Christopher Collier: KK All in
Evan Benton: 88

Benton flopped a full house on QQ8 to crack Collier's kings. The A turn and the 10 river didn't bring the king Collier needed and he was eliminated in 13th place for $24,094.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Evan Benton us
Evan Benton
WSOP 1X Winner
Nicolas Vayssieres fr
Nicolas Vayssieres
Christopher Collier us
Christopher Collier

Tags: Christopher CollierEvan BentonNicolas VayssieresNick Maimone