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2024 World Series of Poker

Blom Limps From The Small Blind

Niveau 22 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Viktor Blom sat in the small blind and was first to act after a couple of folds. He limped holding 102 and Chris Hunichen tapped the table with J4 in the hole to see a flop.

The flop fell J98 giving Blom a ton of outs against the top pair of Hunichen. A quick 300,000 bet from Blom followed and Hunichen called.

The turn was the 6 and Blom didn't improve. Blom continued again with a bet of 1,200,000 and Hunichen called yet again with top pair.

The river was the 8 and both players checked as Blom failed to improve and Hunichen dragged in the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom
Day 2 Chip Leader
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chris HunichenViktor Blom