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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #15: $10,000 Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Jours 1
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
50,000 / 100,000

Round of 128 Set

This is the bracket of matches in list form and an actual bracket will be posted shortly before the matches begin. The Round of 128 is set to begin at 6 p.m.

Dan Smithvs.Aaron Mermelstein
Ali Davoudivs.Raymond Dandrea
Michel Haliouavs.David Rentzsch
Darren Eliasvs.Alex Keating
Jose Tavaresvs.Kane Kalas
Philip Wiszowatyvs.Dau Ly
Dimitar Danchevvs.Jeremy Wien
Ryan Riessvs.Goran Mandic
Jason Lesvs.Chad Power
Patrick Leonardvs.Justin Bonomo
Doug Polkvs.Albert Daher
Sergi Reixachvs.Pavel Plesuv
Orlando Romerovs.Simon Lam
Olivier Busquetvs.Scott Davies
Faraz Jakavs.Thiago Nishijima
Bertrand Grospelliervs.Kristen Bicknell
Richard Kirschvs.Igor Yaroshevskyy
Erik Seidelvs.Carl Leckner
Scott Seivervs.Alessandro Meoni
Dan Zackvs.Jack Duong
Jonathan Jaffevs.Gal Yifrach
Chou Chouvs.Pablo Fernandez
Sorel Mizzivs.Dario Sammartino
Paul Volpevs.Brady Seeley
Sam Steinvs.Tom Marchese
Cary Katzvs.Barry Woods
Jan-Eric Schwippertvs.Brock Parker
Russell Thomasvs.Anthony Zinno
John Smithvs.Osman Ihlamur
Dietrich Fastvs.Bill Klein
Chris Fergusonvs.Daniel Merrilees
James Chenvs.Chance Kornuth
Yevgeniy Timoshenkovs.Julien Martini
Benjamin Geismanvs.Nick Petrangelo
Markus Gonsalvesvs.Brandon Steven
Moritz Dietrichvs.Rainer Kempe
Ivan Lucavs.Mark Radoja
Richard Tuhrimvs.Jake Abdalla
Ryan Hughesvs.Jeffrey Wagner
Kitty Kuovs.Jimmy Guerrero
Cate Hallvs.Sylvain Loosli
Taylor Paurvs.David Peters
James D'Ambrosiovs.Martin Kabrhel
Christopher Dowvs.Samuel Touil
Matthew Diehlvs.Ian O'Hara
Adrian Mateosvs.Daniel Negreanu
Eric Wassersonvs.Koray Aldemir
Jared Jaffeevs.Michael Ross
Aymon Hatavs.Alex Luneau
Michael Addamovs.Alan Percal
Joe McKeehenvs.Dominik Nitsche
Keith Blockvs.Andrew Lichtenberger
Ryan Feevs.Jake Schindler
Laszlo Bujtasvs.Ruoyang Wang
Corey Doddvs.Jason Mercier
Christopher Krukvs.Davide Suriano
Jason Koonvs.David Benyamine
Stefan Schillhabelvs.Joe Cada
Chae Anvs.Jason Mo
Chris Moorevs.Taha Maruf
Jason McConnonvs.Alan Schein
Ayaz Mahmoodvs.Ben Tollerene
Charlie Carrelvs.Timothy Adams
Keith Lehrvs.Stephen Chidwick

Mark Radoja Defeats Kyle Bowker

Mark Radoja
Mark Radoja

Mark Radoja raised to 1,000 from the button, Kyle Bowker three-bet 3,000 from the big blind, and Radoja called.

The flop fell {A-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and Bowker continued for 3,200. Radoja called to see the {10-Spades} turn, and Bowker bet 7,000. Radoja called, the {8-Diamonds} river completed the board, and Bowker shoved for roughly 29,500. Radoja called instantly.

Bowker turned over {A-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} for aces and deuces, but Radoja tabled {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs} for aces and tens to win the pot and defeat Bowker.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mark Radoja ca
Mark Radoja
WSOP 2X Winner
Kyle Bowker us
Kyle Bowker
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kyle BowkerMark Radoja

Mark Radoja Takes the Lead

Kyle Bowker raised to 700 on the button, Mark Radoja three-bet to 2,800 in the big blind, and Bowker called.

The flop came {8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and Radoja continued for 2,500. Bowker called and the {4-Hearts} landed on the turn. Radoja checked this time, Bowker bet 5,000, and Radoja called.

On the {5-Spades} river, Radoja checked and Bowker checked back. Radoja showed {6-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, which was good for a straight and the pot to give him the lead.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mark Radoja ca
Mark Radoja
WSOP 2X Winner
Kyle Bowker us
Kyle Bowker
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kyle BowkerMark Radoja

Bowker Extends

Mark Radoja raised to 700 from the button and Kyle Bowker defended his big blind.

The flop came down {J-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{3-Hearts}, and Bowker check-called 500 from Radoja to see the {4-Clubs} turn. Bowker led for 900, Radoja called, and the {2-Diamonds} river completed the board. Bowker bet 2,800 and after a few moments, Radoja called.

Bowker tabled {A-Spades}{5-Clubs} for a wheel, Radoja mucked, and Bowker collected the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kyle Bowker us
Kyle Bowker
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Radoja ca
Mark Radoja
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Kyle BowkerMark Radoja

Kyle Bowker Takes an Early Lead over Mark Radoja in Qualifying Match

Kyle Bowker
Kyle Bowker

In one of the first hands of the match, Kyle Bowker raised on the button and Mark Radoja made it 3,300 in the big blind. Bowker called and they saw a flop of {8-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{6-Spades}. Radoja checked, Bowker bet 1,600, and Radoja called.

The turn was the {A-Hearts} and Radoja checked again. Bowker bet 4,000 this time and Radoja called.

On the {5-Clubs} river, Radoja checked once more and Bowker put out a bet of 7,500. Radoja thought it over for a little while and folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kyle Bowker us
Kyle Bowker
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Radoja ca
Mark Radoja
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Kyle BowkerMark Radoja

Field Set at 129 Players

Mark Radoja vs. Kyle Bowker
Mark Radoja vs. Kyle Bowker

There are 129 players registered, meaning there will be one match taking place before the bracket redraws at 128 players. Kyle Bowker versus Mark Radoja is the lone "play-in" matchup. The rest of the field will return at 6 pm when the random redraw will take place, which will include the winner of Bowker and Radoja.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kyle Bowker us
Kyle Bowker
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Radoja ca
Mark Radoja
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Kyle BowkerMark Radoja