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2023 WSOP Europe

Event #13: €10,350 Main Event NLH European Championship
Jours 4
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 4
Joueurs Survivants

Petkov Hits the River on Neugebauer

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Lachezar Petkov
Lachezar Petkov

Max Neugebauer raised to 165,000 in the cutoff and Lachezar Petkov called in the big blind.

Neugebauer bet another 150,000 on the A410 flop and Petkov called. Both players then checked the 5 turn.

The river was the Q and Neugebauer fired out 450,000. Petkov snap-called and Neugebauer showed A7 for a pair of aces.

Petkov, though, had Q10 for two pair on the river to take the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Lachezar Petkov bg
Lachezar Petkov
Run It Once
Max Neugebauer at
Max Neugebauer
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Lachezar PetkovMax Neugebauer

Jalba's Read is Wrong

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart looked down at KK from the small blind and made it 200,000. Eusebiu Jalba called with 44 from the big blind.

Jelba check-called bets of 80,000 and 250,000 for the final board to read Q85108. Jalba snap-called for 335,000 on the river and was shown his opponent's superior pair.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart fr
Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart
Eusebiu Jalba ro
Eusebiu Jalba

Tags: Eusebiu JalbaGiuseppe Mazza-Boussemart

Rocco Bets the Minimum

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Andrea Radicchi raised to 160,000 from the hijack. and Andrej Cintula called from the cutoff. Michael Rocco then also came along from the big blind, and the three saw a flop of 968, which was checked by all.

The K turn then also checked through before Rocco made a bet of 80,000 on the 5 river. Radicchi made the call before Cintual folded.

Rocco showed J8 for a pair of eights, but Radicchi had the better hand with K10 for top pair and raked in the small pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrea Radicchi it
Andrea Radicchi
Michael Rocco us
Michael Rocco
Andrej Cintula sk
Andrej Cintula

Tags: Andrea RadicchiAndrej CintulaMichael Rocco

Neugebauer Picks Off a Bluff to Double

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Max Neugebauer
Max Neugebauer

Max Neugebauer raised to 165,000 on the button and Kasparas Klezys called in the big blind.

Both players checked the 974 flop before Klezys led out for 275,000 on the 2 turn.

Neugebauer called and the 9 fell on the river. Klezys then moved all in and Neugebauer took one last look at his hand before calling for his last 1,855,000.

Klezys could only show 65 for a bluff, while Neugebauer turned over 109 for trips to earn the pot and double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kasparas Klezys lt
Kasparas Klezys
Max Neugebauer at
Max Neugebauer
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kasparas KlezysMax Neugebauer

Vella Leaves Rcheulishvili Devestated by River

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Vito Vella
Vito Vella

Vito Vella raised to 160,000 from middle position before Levan Rcheulishvili made it 400,000 from the button. The action then folded back to Vella, who four-bet jammed for 1,410,000 chips and a snap call followed from Rcheulishvili, who had the covering stack.

Vito Vella: QQ
Levan Rcheulishvili: AA

Rcheulishvili looked on as his aces were holding on the 596J board, but he retracted in his hoodie when the river was due to arrive.

It came down the Q, giving a set to Vella. Vella cheered with friends because he had just doubled up, while Rcheulishvili sat in his chair dejectedly. He remained with eight big blinds to try and spin up to keep his Main Event dream alive.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Vito Vella it
Vito Vella
Levan Rcheulishvili ge
Levan Rcheulishvili
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Levan RcheulishviliVito Vella

Ion Tabacaru Eliminated in 19th Place (€49,300)

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Ion Tabacaru
Ion Tabacaru

Alf Martinsson raised to 175,000 from the hijack and the action folded to Ion Tabacaru in the small blind. He then jammed all in for 775,000 and an instant call followed from Martinsson.

Ion Tabacaru: K10
Alf Martinsson: JJ

Tabacaru flopped a pair on 104Q, but his tens were still behind the jacks of Martinsson. He then received no further help on the 7A runout and was thus eliminated from the Main Event in 19th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alf Martinsson se
Alf Martinsson
Ion Tabacaru ro
Ion Tabacaru

Tags: Alf MartinssonIon Tabacaru

Rocco Checks to the River, Then Raises Big

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Andrej Desset raised to 160,000 in the hijack and Michael Rocco called on the button.

Both players checked to the river on a board of 7A959 when Desset led out for 265,000. Rocco then raised to 850,000.

Desset slammed his chips down on the table in frustration as he went deep into the tank. He eventually folded after several minutes and angrily flung his cards into the middle of the table.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Michael Rocco us
Michael Rocco
Andrej Desset sk
Andrej Desset

Tags: Andrej DessetMichael Rocco

Levan Rcheulishvili Eliminated in 18th Place (€49,300)

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Levan Rcheulishvili
Levan Rcheulishvili

Max Neugebauer opened the action with a raise to 210,000 from the cutoff. It then folded to the short-stacked Levan Rcheulishvili, who counted out his chips before making the call, leaving 380,000 chips behind.

The flop came down 437 and Rcheulishvili led all-in. Neugebauer asked for a count, after which he quickly called.

Levan Rcheulishvili: 86
Max Neugebauer: A10

Rcheulishvili had a gutshot straight draw but Neugebauer was still ahead with his ace-high. The K turn did nothing for either player and the A river gave Neugebauer the winning hand with a pair of aces.

Rcheulishvili finished in 19th place, leaving the field with one more elimination to go before a two-table redraw takes place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Max Neugebauer at
Max Neugebauer
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Levan Rcheulishvili ge
Levan Rcheulishvili
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Levan RcheulishviliMax Neugebauer

Tsai Gets Paid on the River

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart raised to 210,000 in the cutoff and Eric Tsai called in the small blind.

Action was checked to the river as the board came 352103. Tsai then led out for 455,000 and Mazza-Boussemart gave it some thought before calling.

Tsai turned over 88 and Mazza-Boussemart sent A6 into the muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart fr
Giuseppe Mazza-Boussemart
Eric Tsai tw
Eric Tsai
Day 4 Chip Leader

Tags: Eric TsaiGiuseppe Mazza-Boussemart

Pudel Snaps Off Radicchi With the Nuts

Niveau 25 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Nils Pudel
Nils Pudel

Heads-up on a flop of K310, Andrea Radicchi bet 140,000 from under the gun and Nils Pudel called in the big blind.

The turn was the 8 and Radicchi bet another 575,000. Pudel called and the river came the 2.

Pudel checked again, and Radicchi announced he was all in, sliding forward a tower of chips. Pudel tossed in a chip to call for his last 1,800,000 even before Radicchi had finished.

Radicchi was forced to show Q9 for a missed straight draw, while Pudel turned over AJ for the nut flush to double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andrea Radicchi it
Andrea Radicchi
Nils Pudel de
Nils Pudel

Tags: Andrea RadicchiNils Pudel