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2022 Wynn Millions

$10,000 Main Event [$10,000,000 GTD]
Jours 2ab
Event Info

2022 Wynn Millions

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
150,000 / 300,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 2ab
Joueurs Survivants

$10,000 Main Event [$10,000,000 GTD]

Jour 2ab a débuté

Day 2ab Seat Draw By Chip Count

455Johan Guilbert624,000
452Jonathan Jaffe382,000
448Joao Simao375,500
337Chad Eveslage373,500
475Tsz Shing350,000
436Mike Lang345,500
484Vanessa Kade345,000
396Brian Altman327,000
424Gianluca Speranza326,000
479Sam Soverel325,500
447Sylvain Loosli322,500
389Scott Mayfield321,000
411Joseph Liberta308,000
363David Miscikowski307,500
465Ian O'Hara295,500
341Diogo Veiga290,000
413Shawn Daniels282,500
487Sofia Lovgren280,000
477Robert Michener279,500
437Martin Stausholm278,000
474Jack Hardcastle270,500
431Thomas Boivin265,000
435Daniel Lazrus264,000
383Ronald Sullivan263,500
359Almedin Imsirovic258,000
381Salim Admon255,000
416Amnon Filippi245,000
418Ariel Mantel242,500
412Uri Reichenstein242,000
342Dylan DeStefano238,000
364Matthew Wantman224,000
387Daniel Negreanu219,500
466Shankar Pillai203,000
368Leo Worthington-Leese202,000
361James Romero200,000
367Daniel Smiljkovic188,000
478Brekstyn Schutten185,500
432Dan Smith184,000
425Fikret Kovac180,500
399Glenn LaFaye174,000
398Dylan Smith173,000
439Ardit Kurshumi171,500
441Jim Collopy170,000
369Tony Tran168,500
394Victoria Livschitz166,500
352Darren Elias163,000
403Nicholas Pupillo162,000
462Brett Apter161,000
445Ludovic Periaux160,500
333Clayton Maguire156,500
405Jeff Dumas154,500
355Cary Katz148,500
463Mohammad Arani145,500
482Sergi Reixach144,000
356Daniel Rezaei143,000
362Jason Koon143,000
429Corey Lieblein141,500
344Michael Rossitto139,500
366Aaron Massey139,000
378Ian Matakis139,000
335Joey Weissman138,500
458Andrew Lichtenberger137,000
336Dragana Mackelprang136,000
464Kitty Kuo135,000
347Johan Schumacher133,000
409Taylor Paur132,500
419Scott Matte132,500
489Elvis Toomas132,000
388Florian Duta125,000
379Jordan Spurlin124,500
391Endrit Geci121,500
434Ralph Wong121,500
401Vineet Pahuja120,500
349Brian Batt120,000
357Saloman Sutton119,000
457Balakrishna Patur118,000
426Alex Foxen115,500
393Steven Begleiter113,500
486Pierce McKellar112,000
348Kristen Bicknell111,500
444Ben Palmer111,000
338Joel Gola108,000
404Brandon Wilson108,000
407David Jackson106,000
421Rick Salomon106,000
365Shannon Shorr103,000
392John Riordan103,000
332Kenny Nguyen101,000
471Shan Jing98,000
488Kim Ng98,000
384Ben Yu96,500
377George Rakitzis94,000
469Scott Ball94,000
406Omar Saeed92,500
417Nicholas Manganaro92,000
422Lou Barlow90,500
483Lanny Vaysman89,500
375Jake Schwartz88,000
468David Leese86,000
485Craig Mason85,500
453Vikenty Shegal85,000
443Barry Hutter84,000
408Altynai Fung82,500
446Sean Winter81,000
331Jason Somerville79,500
433Jake Schindler78,500
461Dylan Linde78,500
459Mitchell Halverson78,000
346Dan Shak77,000
351Haim Gabay75,000
373Landon Tice74,500
428Martin Mathis74,500
456Anthony Marquez73,500
451David Coleman72,000
353Armand Anicete71,000
376Joseph Cheong70,000
476Robert Cowen69,500
386Ema Zajmovic66,000
481Markus Gonsalves62,500
372Amir Mirrasouli61,500
449Cole Ferrraro61,500
438Johan Martinet60,000
374Andy Park57,500
382Gaurav Raina55,500
334Arian Stolt54,000
414Daniel Wilson54,000
423David Toscano53,500
467Joel Baker53,500
442Adam Hendrix51,000
339Paul Balzano50,000
427Filipp Khavin49,500
343Bobby Sanoubane46,000
395Sergio Aido46,000
358Martin Raus40,500
345Joe Kuether39,500
454Scott Baumstein38,000
385Terrence Revere36,000
473Erik Seidel34,000
354Faraz Jaka30,500
371Jared Jaffee29,500
397Nikita Kutukov27,000
402Dustin Dirksen24,500
472Jonathan Martinelli24,000

Day 2ab Seat Draw By Table

331Jason Somerville79,500
332Kenny Nguyen101,000
333Clayton Maguire156,500
334Arian Stolt54,000
335Joey Weissman138,500
336Dragana Mackelprang136,000
337Chad Eveslage373,500
338Joel Gola108,000
339Paul Balzano50,000
341Diogo Veiga290,000
342Dylan DeStefano238,000
343Bobby Sanoubane46,000
344Michael Rossitto139,500
345Joe Kuether39,500
346Dan Shak77,000
347Johan Schumacher133,000
348Kristen Bicknell111,500
349Brian Batt120,000
351Haim Gabay75,000
352Darren Elias163,000
353Armand Anicete71,000
354Faraz Jaka30,500
355Cary Katz148,500
356Daniel Rezaei143,000
357Saloman Sutton119,000
358Martin Raus40,500
359Almedin Imsirovic258,000
361James Romero200,000
362Jason Koon143,000
363David Miscikowski307,500
364Matthew Wantman224,000
365Shannon Shorr103,000
366Aaron Massey139,000
367Daniel Smiljkovic188,000
368Leo Worthington-Leese202,000
369Tony Tran168,500
371Jared Jaffee29,500
372Amir Mirrasouli61,500
373Landon Tice74,500
374Andy Park57,500
375Jake Schwartz88,000
376Joseph Cheong70,000
377George Rakitzis94,000
378Ian Matakis139,000
379Jordan Spurlin124,500
381Salim Admon255,000
382Gaurav Raina55,500
383Ronald Sullivan263,500
384Ben Yu96,500
385Terrence Revere36,000
386Ema Zajmovic66,000
387Daniel Negreanu219,500
388Florian Duta125,000
389Scott Mayfield321,000
391Endrit Geci121,500
392John Riordan103,000
393Steven Begleiter113,500
394Victoria Livschitz166,500
395Sergio Aido46,000
396Brian Altman327,000
397Nikita Kutukov27,000
398Dylan Smith173,000
399Glenn LaFaye174,000
401Vineet Pahuja120,500
402Dustin Dirksen24,500
403Nicholas Pupillo162,000
404Brandon Wilson108,000
405Jeff Dumas154,500
406Omar Saeed92,500
407David Jackson106,000
408Altynai Fung82,500
409Taylor Paur132,500
411Joseph Liberta308,000
412Uri Reichenstein242,000
413Shawn Daniels282,500
414Daniel Wilson54,000
416Amnon Filippi245,000
417Nicholas Manganaro92,000
418Ariel Mantel242,500
419Scott Matte132,500
421Rick Salomon106,000
422Lou Barlow90,500
423David Toscano53,500
424Gianluca Speranza326,000
425Fikret Kovac180,500
426Alex Foxen115,500
427Filipp Khavin49,500
428Martin Mathis74,500
429Corey Lieblein141,500
431Thomas Boivin265,000
432Dan Smith184,000
433Jake Schindler78,500
434Ralph Wong121,500
435Daniel Lazrus264,000
436Mike Lang345,500
437Martin Stausholm278,000
438Johan Martinet60,000
439Ardit Kurshumi171,500
441Jim Collopy170,000
442Adam Hendrix51,000
443Barry Hutter84,000
444Ben Palmer111,000
445Ludovic Periaux160,500
446Sean Winter81,000
447Sylvain Loosli322,500
448Joao Simao375,500
449Cole Ferrraro61,500
451David Coleman72,000
452Jonathan Jaffe382,000
453Vikenty Shegal85,000
454Scott Baumstein38,000
455Johan Guilbert624,000
456Anthony Marquez73,500
457Balakrishna Patur118,000
458Andrew Lichtenberger137,000
459Mitchell Halverson78,000
461Dylan Linde78,500
462Brett Apter161,000
463Mohammad Arani145,500
464Kitty Kuo135,000
465Ian O'Hara295,500
466Shankar Pillai203,000
467Joel Baker53,500
468David Leese86,000
469Scott Ball94,000
471Shan Jing98,000
472Jonathan Martinelli24,000
473Erik Seidel34,000
474Jack Hardcastle270,500
475Tsz Shing350,000
476Robert Cowen69,500
477Robert Michener279,500
478Brekstyn Schutten185,500
479Sam Soverel325,500
481Markus Gonsalves62,500
482Sergi Reixach144,000
483Lanny Vaysman89,500
484Vanessa Kade345,000
485Craig Mason85,500
486Pierce McKellar112,000
487Sofia Lovgren280,000
488Kim Ng98,000
489Elvis Toomas132,000

Five Players to Watch on Day 2ab of 2022 Wynn Millions Main Event

Five Players to Watch
Five Players to Watch

Day 2ab of the 2022 Wynn Millions Main Event, a $10,000 buy-in tournament, kicks off Sunday at noon, and it's setting up to be an action-packed session.

The PokerNews live reporting team will be following all of the 143 players who will be in attendance at the start of the day. Among the high-profile participants in the field will be Kristen Bicknell, Alex Foxen, Erik Seidel, and Ali Imsirovic. But we'll be keeping an extra close eye on the progress of five players, all listed below, and one of them is the ex-spouse of Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson.

Who to Watch

Jonathan Jaffe

Jonathan Jaffe
Jonathan Jaffe

The chip leader is always worth monitoring closely, especially when it's a talented pro like Jonathan Jaffe, who bagged 382,000 chips on Day 1b (Friday). Jaffe already has over $5.5 million in live tournament cashes, but this would be his signature win. His previous largest score came in 2008 at the World Poker Finals, a $670,000 payday.

Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu winning at Wynn.

Daniel Negreanu is fresh off a big win in a Wynn $15,000 high roller on Thursday, his third tournament title since last summer after going eight years without winning one. "DNegs" bagged 219,500 chips, well above the average, on Day 1a (Thursday). Any time one of poker's most popular players of all time has a big stack, following closely is a must.

Vanessa Kade

Vanessa Kade
Vanessa Kade

Vanessa Kade is among the chip leaders and will start Day 2 with 345,000. The Canadian poker pro has an opportunity to earn a seven-figure score for the second time in less than a year. She won the 69,876-player PokerStars Sunday Million last March for a whopping $1,514,920.

Landon Tice

Landon Tice
Landon Tice

Landon Tice is one of the top up-and-coming players in the game, and he could prove that with a deep run in the Wynn Millions Main Event. Even better, if he wins the tournament, the 22-year-old Floridian will pick up a career-defining win at such a young age. Tice already has an impressive tournament resume that includes winning a $1,100 MSPT at Venetian in 2020 for $201,529. He'll begin Day 2ab with 74,500 chips, and we'll see if he can move up the leaderboard.

Rick Salomon

Rick Salomon
Rick Salomon in WSOP action.

Rick Salomon is one of the most exciting and wealthy players in the field. He plays in some of the biggest games in the world, but he isn't a traditional professional poker pro. Previously married to actresses Pamela Anderson and Shannon Doherty, Salomon is a loose-aggressive player who brings action to any table. If you've never watched Salomon in action (we're talking about on the felt, not in a sex tape with Paris Hilton), you've been missing out, and now is the time to do so.

Guilbert, Jaffe Lead Players Returning for Day 2ab

Day 2ab of 2nd annual $10,000 buy-in, $10 million GTD Wynn Millions Main Event is almost underway and will kick off at noon local time as part of 2022 Wynn Millions at Wynn Las Vegas.

Johan Guilbert and Jonathan Jaffe lead the 143 players from the first two starting flights who will compete in Day 2ab with stacks of 624,000 and 382,000, respectively. Other big stacks who will be in the action include Joao Simao (375,500), Chad Eveslage (373,500), Philip Shing (350,000). Vanessa Kade (345,000) and Brian Altman (327,000).

This year's Main Event attracted many of poker's biggest and brightest stars to generate a total prize pool of $10,105,000 off of 1,075 entries. Other grinders who made it to Day 2ab include Ali Imsirovic, Daniel Negreanu, Dan Smith, Cary Katz, Jason Koon Sam Soverel, Ian O'Hara, Sofia Lovgren, Thomas Boivin and Daniel Lazrus.

Day 2ab will consist of five 90-minute levels with a 10-minute break after every level, beginning on Level 11 with blinds at 1,500/2,500/2,500. Days 2c, 3, 4 and 5 will also last for five 90-minute levels, while Day 6 will play down to a winner.

The lion's share of the prize pool, $1,655,952, will go to the eventual champion of the remaining 315 players, who will also take home the glamorous Main Event trophy.

Stay tuned as the PokerNews live reporting team is ready to bring you updates of the Day 2ab action.

Tags: Ali ImsirovicBrian AltmanCary KatzChad EveslageDan SmithDaniel LazrusJoao SimaoJohan Guilbert

Niveau: 11

Blinds: 1,500/2,500

Ante: 2,500

Halverson Hits Full House to Eliminate Shegal

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Mitchell Halverson opened to 5,000 in early position and Vikenty Shegal three-bet jammed a stack of around 85,000 from the cutoff.

Day 1a chip leader Johan Guilbert then called the 5,000 from the big blind without realizing there had been a shove. Guilbert surrendered the 2,500 and folded, while Halverson called.

Vikenty Shegal: {k-Spades}{q-Spades}
Mitchell Halverson: {j-Spades}{j-Hearts}

The flop came {2-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} to have Shegal out of his seat as his opponent had flopped a set. The runout of {5-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} improved Halverson to a full house and Shegal was eliminated.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Johan Guilbert fr
Johan Guilbert
Day 1A Chip Leader
Run It Once
Mitchell Halverson us
Mitchell Halverson
Vikenty Shegal us
Vikenty Shegal

Tags: Johan GuilbertMitchell HalversonVikenty Shegal

Foxen Takes From Salomon

Niveau 11 : 1,500/2,500, 2,500 ante

Rick Salomon opened to 5,500 in middle position and Alex Foxen defended the big blind.

The flop fell {8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{2-Spades} and Foxen check-raised a 5,000 bet up to 14,000. Salomon called.

Both players checked the {8-Hearts} turn, and Foxen led for 35,000 on the {6-Clubs} river. Salomon folded to concede the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alex Foxen us
Alex Foxen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon