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2016 PokerStars.es EPT Season 13 Barcelona

€10,300 High Roller
Jours 3
Event Info

2016 PokerStars.es EPT Season 13 Barcelona

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Info Niveau
150,000 / 300,000

€10,300 High Roller

Jour 3 terminé

Connor Drinan met tout le monde d'accord

Niveau 33 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Connor Drinan
Connor Drinan

Joli vainqueur pour ce High Roller à 10300€ du dernier EPT Barcelona de l'histoire. Connor Drinan s'impose après 13 heures 30 de jeu lors du Jour 3 d'un tournoi qui a cumulé 591 entrées. L'Américain encaisse un gain de 849 200€ .


Ils étaient 36 à revenir pour l'ultime journée, menés par Julian Stuer. Benjamin Pollak signe la meilleure performance française en terminant 29e pour un chèque de 27 800€. Davidi Kitai s'incline lui en 16e position sur un flip au Casino Barcelona. Le Belge repart avec un peu moins de 50000€. Georgios Zisimopoulos (35e), le vainqueur EPT London Robin Ylitalo (33e), Mike McDonald (30e) et Ivan Luca (2èe) ont tenu moins longtemps que le Belge du Team Winamax.

Natasha Barbour et Aaron Lim n'nont pas vu les demi-finales alors qu'Anthony Zinno tombe à l'approche de la TF, 13e. Patrick Leonard en profitait pour prendre la tête avec des joueurs rattrapés par la structure. 9e l'an passé Jansson lui donnait encore quelques jetons en tombant à la 10e place.

Leonard va ensuite passer de hero à zéro en deux mains : la première perdue contre Leranen, la seconde en s'empalant sur les {k-}{k-} de Morozovs. Le letton trouvait le carré pour sortir le Britannique en 7e place !

Joseph Cheong saute derrière, éliminé par Connor Drinan. L'Américain va ensuite faire top deux paires au flop avec {a-}{k-} contre le vainqueur de l'EPT Vienne, Oleksii Khoroshenin. L'Ukrainien va payer le check-raise avant de payer n deuxième barrel turn. Mis à tapis sur une rivière anodine pour un pot gigantesque, Khoroshenin va payer avec {a-}{10-} pour dégager la voie du succès à son bourreau. Il encaisse tout de même 396,700€.

Dernier du classement, Keranen saute sur la main suivante contre Morozovs qui trouve encore les {k-}{k-} mais ne fait cette fois que brelan. Les deux derniers rescapés, presque à égalité, vont jouer une heure avant qu'un pot limpé ne fasse la décision.

Avec {6-}{4-} sur un flop {6-}{4-}{j-} contre {j-}{10-} chez Morozovs, Drinan trouve la configuration finale d'une dernière table ou il aura dominé. Le joueur US signe le deuxième gain de sa carrière et dépasse désormais les 10 millions de gains...

Les résultats

PlaceNomPaysPrix (EUR)
1Connor DrinanUSA849,200
2Mihails MorozovsLatvia616,840
3Kyle KeranenUSA496,440
4Oleksii KhorosheninUkraine396,700
5Ari EngelUSA307,900
6Joseph CheongUSA233,300
7Patrick LeonardUnited Kingdom169,700
8Pascal HartmannGermany124,400

Tags: Aaron LimAnthony ZinnoAri EngelBenjamin PollakChristopher FrankConnor DrinanDamian SalasDavidi KitaiGeorgios ZisimopoulosIlkin AmirovIvan LucaJean FerreiraJoe SerockJoseph CheongJulian StuerKyle KeranenMihails MorozovsMike McDonaldnatasha barbourOleksii KhorosheninOlov JanssonPascal HartmannPatrick LeonardRafael MoraesRobin Ylitalo

Mihails Morozovs Eliminated in 2nd Place (€616,840)

Niveau 33 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Mihails Morozovs
Mihails Morozovs

Mihails Morozovs limped in and Connor Drinan checked, which resulted in the flop of {10-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{4-Spades}. Drinan checked, Morozovs bet 700,000, Drinan check-raised to 1,700,000 and Morozovs then moved all in for less than 14,000,000. Drinan called and the cards were turned over.

Morozovs: {J-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Drinan: {6-Spades}{4-Hearts}

The Russian rail came right behind Morozovs and rooted for a jack, but the {K-Spades} turn and {Q-Clubs} river were both blanks. Morozovs was eliminated in second place and takes home €616,840 for his efforts. Drinan will be lifting the trophy shortly and is rewarded with €849,200.

This marks the end of the PokerNews live reporting here in the Casino Barcelona and a recap of today's action will be available shortly.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Tags: Connor DrinanMihails Morozovs

Mihails Morozovs Trying the Utmost

Niveau 33 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

On the {10-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop, Mihails Morozovs checked and Connor Drinan bet 300,000. Morozovs check-raised to 900,000 and Drinan folded.

Then, Morozovs limped in, Drinan raised to 1,000,000 and Morozovs called. On the {A-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{4-Hearts} flop, Drinan bet 700,000 and Morozovs called. After the {5-Diamonds} turn, Drinan fired 700,000 again and then folded to the big raise of Morozovs. The American kept a narrow lead by winning many smaller pots.

Tags: Connor DrinanMihails Morozovs

More Small Pots

Niveau 33 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

While Connor Drinan won most of the small pots, Mihails Morozovs won two smaller hands at the start of the level to close the gap again.

In the first hand, Morozovs limped and Drinan checked. On the {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop, Drinan check-called a bet of 400,000 and then folded the {5-Clubs} turn to a second bet worth 1,600,000.

Then, Drinan raised to 650,000 and Morozovs called. The flop of {Q-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{5-Clubs} went check, check. Neither the {Q-Clubs} turn nor the {2-Clubs} river brought any betting action and Morozovs won the pot with the {K-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Tags: Connor DrinanMihails Morozovs

Niveau: 33

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 50,000

Back and Forth, Break

Niveau 32 : 125,000/250,000, 50,000 ante

The players agreed to take a quick 5-minute break, before the next levels then last 45 minutes each.

Connor Drinan won most of the last few hands in the level and the biggest one came off a raise to 700,000 by Mihails Morozovs. Drinan called and the flop came {Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}. Drinan checked, Morozovs continued for 800,000 and Drinan called.

On the {4-Clubs} turn, Drinan bet 1,300,000 and Morozovs folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Mihails Morozovs Back to Even

Niveau 32 : 125,000/250,000, 50,000 ante

Mihails Morozovs raised to 725,000 and Connor Drinan called.

The flop was {j-Spades}{9-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Morozovs bet 850,000 and Drinan called.

The turn was the {3-Hearts} and Morozovs bet 2,200,000 and Drinan called.

The river was the {8-Spades} and both players checked.

Morozovs turned over {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts} and took down the pot. This brings the stacks to almost level with five minutes left in the level.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Almost 2-1 Lead for Connor Drinan

Niveau 32 : 125,000/250,000, 50,000 ante
Connor Drinan
Connor Drinan

After trading a few pots without much change to the stacks, Connor Drinan raised to 525,000 and Mihails Morozovs called. On the {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} flop, Morozovs checked. Drinan bet 600,000 and was called before Morozovs checked again the {3-Spades} turn. Drinan announced a bet of 1,400,000 and that did the trick, as Morozovs folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Tags: Connor DrinanMihails Morozovs

Early Momentum for Drinan

Niveau 32 : 125,000/250,000, 50,000 ante

Connor Drinan had a bet of 500,000 paid off by Mihails Morozovs on the {7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} river and flipped over {7-Spades}{6-Clubs} as winning hand.

Then, a limped pot produced the flop of {Q-Spades}{J-Spades}{9-Spades} and Morozovs bet 300,000. Drinan raised to 800,000 and Morozovs then reraised to almost two million. Drinan folded the {3-Clubs} and Morozovs returned the favor, revealing the {K-Spades}. "I made a bluff, sue me," Drinan laughed.

One hand later, the flop came {Q-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{3-Spades} and Drinan bet 250,000. Morozovs called and did so again for 700,000 on the {A-Clubs} turn. After the {7-Clubs} river, Drinan bet 1,200,000 and Morozovs eventually called. Drinan showed the {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and Morozovs mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
Profile photo of Mihails Morozovs lv
Mihails Morozovs

Tags: Connor DrinanMihails Morozovs

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