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2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

€25,750 High Roller
Jours 1
Event Info

2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
12,000 / 24,000

More for Fatehi

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

Ali Reza Fatehi raised to 800 and Sam Greenwood three-bet to 2,200, which only Fatehi called. The duo headed to the {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop and both players checked. On the {4-Spades} turn, Fatehi checked and Greenwood bet 3,00, Fatehi called. The {9-Clubs} on the river saw no betting action once again and Fatehi flashed the {Q-Spades}{2-Spades} first.

Greenwood mucked {A-Spades}{J-Spades} and a spade on the river would have certainly made things more interesting.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
Run It Once

Tags: Ali Reza FatehiSam Greenwood

Silver Moves In On Shak

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

Scott Seiver opened with a raise to 700 in early position and Max Silver called one seat over. Dan Shak three-bet to 4,000 on the button, which Seiver called. Silver, however, put in a re-raise to 13,200. Shak called and after some deliberation, Seiver folded.

The flop came {6-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{2-Spades} and Silver confirmed Shak's remaining stack (around 15,000) before moving all in. Shak thought for thirty seconds before relinquishing his holding.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Max Silver gb
Max Silver
Dan Shak us
Dan Shak
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Dan ShakMax SilverScott Seiver

Petrangelo Puts Pressure on Loosli

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

With around 5,000 chips in the pot and the board reading {2-Spades}{Q-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, Nick Petrangelo threw in a bet of 4,000, after Sylvain Loosli had checked to him from the big blind. Loosli weighed his options and made the call.

The river brought the {6-Diamonds} and Loosli checked again. Petrangelo put him to the test by firing out a big bet of 16,700, with only 15,000 behind. Loosli went into the tank and took his time while getting a massage. After several minutes he opted to fold.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sylvain Loosli fr
Sylvain Loosli
Jaka Coaching
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo

Tags: Nick PetrangeloSylvain Loosli

Kolonias Bounces Back Some

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

On the {10-Spades}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts} flop, the action went check, check between Charlie Carrel in the big blind and Alexandros Kolonias on the button. Carrel then bet the {Q-Spades} turn for 2,000 and Kolonias clicked it up to 4,500. Carrel called to see the {K-Diamonds} on the river and check again immediately.

Kolonias bet 5,000 and immediately the face of Carrel showed frustration. He gave it more than a minute of consideration and then slid the cards into the muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Alexandros Kolonias gr
Alexandros Kolonias

Tags: Alexandros KoloniasCharlie Carrel

Not So Fast

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

Yesterday's €10,000 High Roller winner Dietrich Fast, just joined the tables. He was looking for a head start, but Anthony Zinno slowed him down.

Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised to 800 and Zinno, seated on the button, made the call. Fast threw in a reraise to 4,000 and Zinno was the only caller.

The flop came down {4-Spades}{3-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Fast continued for 2,200. Zinno took his time, before raising to 10,000. Fast wasn't ready to play such a big pot right away and tossed his cards in the muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anthony Zinno us
Anthony Zinno
$25K Fantasy
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Dietrich Fast de
Dietrich Fast

O'Dwyer Loses to Loosli and Finger

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

On the heads-up flop of {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{8-Spades}, Sylvain Loosli bet 1,250 in the hijack and Steve O'Dwyer called from one seat over in the cutoff. The {5-Hearts} on the turn triggered a bet worth 3,000 by Loosli and a call before the Frenchman then made it 7,500 to go on the {3-Hearts} river. O'Dwyer called and mucked once he was shown the {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts} by Loosli.

Soon after, O'Dwyer raised to 750 twice in a row. In the first hand he grabbed the blinds and antes. The second hand saw Martin Finger three-bet to 3,200 in the small blind and O'Dwyer called. On the {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} flop, Finger bet 3,800 and O'Dwyer came along. There was no betting action on the {5-Hearts} turn and Finger took down the pot uncontested by betting the {8-Clubs} river for 11,500.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
EPT 1X Winner
Sylvain Loosli fr
Sylvain Loosli
Jaka Coaching
Steve O'Dwyer ie
Steve O'Dwyer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Martin FingerSteve O'DwyerSylvain Loosli

Buddiga Gets One Through

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante
Pratyush Buddiga - EPT 13 Barcelona €25,500 Single-Day High Roller Winner
Pratyush Buddiga - EPT 13 Barcelona €25,500 Single-Day High Roller Winner

Martin Finger opened with a raise on the button. Pratyush Buddiga three-bet to 3,200 from the small blind, Sylvain Loosli cold-called from the big blind, and Finger called as well. On the {9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{2-Spades} flop, Buddiga continued with 6,000, which netted two snap-folds from his opponents.

Buddiga is looking to repeat his performance from EPT Barcelona, where he took down the €25,500 Single Day High Roller for a whopping €690,275. The American started off well here in Malta, finishing fourth in yesterday's €10,300 High Roller, boosting his bankroll with a €61,690 payday.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Pratyush Buddiga us
Pratyush Buddiga

Tags: Pratyush Buddiga

Silver Makes a Big Call Against Seiver

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante
Scott Seiver - Max Silver
Scott Seiver - Max Silver

Satish Sanan limped in from the button and small blind Scott Seiver bumped it up to 1,300. Big blind Max Silver had even bigger plans and three-bet to 5,300. Sanan had seen enough and got out of the way. Action was back on Seiver and he four-bet to 13,000. Silver tanked for a bit before he called.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{5-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Seiver slid forward a big tower of 5,000-chips to put Silver all in.

Silver, with 27,375 behind, said "Too gross!"

Seiver, calm as ever, answered "Aces versus kings usually is."

The two exchanged some words, mostly debating who had the aces and who had the kings in supposed classic set-up, before Silver went back into thinking-mode.

After 4 minutes or so, Silver made the call. It wasn't aces versus kings.

Scott Seiver: {9-Hearts}{9-Clubs}
Max Silver: {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The {2-Clubs} on the turn and {8-Clubs} on the river were both blanks and Silver doubled up to 81,850.

He lost some of that the following hand, check-calling both the {2-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}-flop and {6-Hearts}-turn before check-folding the {7-Diamonds}-river against Oleksii Khoroshenin.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Max Silver gb
Max Silver
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Max SilverOleksii KhorosheninScott Seiver

Kolonias Kings

Niveau 3 : 150/300, 50 ante

[Removed:17] put in a raise to 750 from the cutoff and Martin Kozlov folded his button. In the small blind, Alexandros Kolonias decided to throw in a three-bet to 2,500. Stephen Chidwick quickly folded his big blind, but Yan stayed around to see a flop.

The dealer spread out {8-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{A-Diamonds} and Kolonias opted for a check, as did Yan. The {3-Hearts} on the turn, and {Q-Diamonds} river were checked as well. Kolonias showed {K-Diamonds}{K-Clubs} which was enough to win the hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
[Removed:17] nz
Alexandros Kolonias gr
Alexandros Kolonias