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2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

€5,300 Main Event
Jours 1b
Event Info

2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
40,000 / 80,000

Anton Bertilsson with a Ton(ny) of Chips

Niveau 5 : 200/400, 50 ante

"I hit top set in a four-bet pot, some aces and kings," Anton Bertilsson said. The Swede has heaps of chips right now and even lost a small pot to Tonny van Eck while High Roller Mikita Badziakouski sits behind a tiny stack next to Bertilsson.

The Swede raised to 1,000 in the cutoff and van Eck defended the big blind. On the {10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop, van Eck check-called a bet worth 1,200 and both then checked the {4-Clubs} turn and {3-Clubs} river. Van Eck showed the {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Bertilsson mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anton Bertilsson se
Anton Bertilsson
Tonny van Eck nl
Tonny van Eck
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski

Tags: Anton BertilssonTonny van EckMikita Badziakouski

More Seat Open

Niveau 5 : 200/400, 50 ante

Among those to depart recently were Alex DiFelice, Romain Lewis, Ondrej Vinklarek, defending champion Niall Farrell and EPT12 Grand Final third-place finisher Jimmy Guerrero.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Walter Blaettler ch
Walter Blaettler
Ondrej Vinklarek cz
Ondrej Vinklarek
Giulio Spampinato it
Giulio Spampinato
Romain Lewis fr
Romain Lewis
Alex DiFelice ca
Alex DiFelice
Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
EPT 1X Winner
Jimmy Guerrero fr
Jimmy Guerrero

Tags: Niall FarrellOndrej VinklarekRomain LewisJimmy Guerrero

Niveau: 6

Blinds: 250/500

Ante: 75

Segatto Forces Folds from Ho and Hall

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

Maria Ho was the initial raiser and picked up two callers in Tom Hall on the cutoff and Massimo Segatto in the big blind. A continuation bet on the {5-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{4-Spades} flop wasn't enough, as both Hall and Segatto called. On the {9-Diamonds} turn, Segatto checked again. Ho bet 3,800 and Hall called. Segatto then took a long time to make his decision and check-raised to 12,300. Ho folded quickly, Hall did so with a pained expression in the face.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Massimo Segatto it
Massimo Segatto
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho
$25K Fantasy
Tom Hall gb
Tom Hall

Tags: Maria HoMassimo SegattoTom Hall

"Never Been Defeated"

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante
Dietrich Fast
Dietrich Fast

On the {3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{J-Clubs} turn, Kees van Brugge bet 3,350 into a pot of around 5,000 from early position and Dietrich fast called from two seats over. The {8-Hearts} fell on the river and the Dutchman bet 11,000. Fast didn't call very fast, but eventually did so only to see van Brugge turn over the {3-Spades}{3-Hearts} for a flopped full house.

Ironically, Fast is wearing a t-shirt with the slogan "never been defeated."

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kees van Brugge nl
Kees van Brugge
Dietrich Fast de
Dietrich Fast

Tags: Dietrich FastKees van Brugge

Nikolov Takes from Nguyen

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

The pot had already grown to 18,000 and Thi Nguyen bet as much on the {K-Spades}{4-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{10-Spades}{7-Diamonds} river when Martin Nikolov had checked to her. Nikolov spent a long time in the think tank, yet nobody called time on the Bulgarian. Once he called, Nguyen instantly mucked her cards with the words "nice call" and both parted way soon after as the table broke.

Nikolov moved up to almost three times the starting stack while Nguyen dropped below one of them.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Martin Nikolov bg
Martin Nikolov
Thi Nguyen ca
Thi Nguyen

Tags: Martin NikolovThi Nguyen

Lavi Doubles With a Set

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

Preflop, Viktor Lavi made a three-bet to 3,000, only to see Anton Kraus reraising to 11,000. Lavi tanked for a while and made the call.

The flop came {3-Spades}{5-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Kraus checked to Lavi. The Israeli made it 6,000 to go and Kraus called.

The {9-Diamonds} was dealt on the turn and Kraus checked again. Lavi shoved all in for 20,550 and his opponent took his moment to think about the situation.

After a minute or so, he made the call only to see that he was drawing dead with his {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}. Lavi had {9-Clubs}{9-Hearts} for a turned set and the {8-Clubs} on the river had no meaning at all.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Viktor Lavi il
Viktor Lavi
Anton Kraus bg
Anton Kraus

Tags: Viktor LaviAnton Kraus

Nemeth Chipping Up

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

Andras Nemeth is on the rise in this EPT Malta Main Event. The Hungarian is sitting with a stack of 86,000. Some of his freshly gained chips came from the following hand.

Nemeth was up against Andrea Cortellazzi and charged the Italian 2,200 on a {6-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} board to go to showdown. There was around 7,000 in the middle but that couldn't convince Cortellazzi in making the call.

He folded and Nemeth could stack some more chips.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Andras Nemeth hu
Andras Nemeth

Kitai, Yan and Jedlicka on Board

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

[Removed:17], who won the €25,750 Super High Roller yesterday, played in today's Single-Day version and busted. The New Zealander then joined the Main Event and immediately doubled up with top pair against a flush draw that faded.

Fellow High Roller Davidi Kitai is seated next to Sylvain Loosli with an equally decent stack whereas Stefan "mindgamer" Jedlicka, who just took down the IPT €2,000 High Roller, joined the field for more poker action.

Joueur Jetons Progression
[Removed:17] nz
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Stefan Jedlicka at
Stefan Jedlicka

Tags: Davidi KitaiSylvain LoosliStefan Jedlicka

Stokkan Eliminated by Messina

Niveau 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

Preben Stokkan was already short and eventually got it all in for his last 7,000 or something. He had {A-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and was up against Valentin Messina's {A-Spades}{9-Diamonds}.

The {Q-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{5-Hearts} flop wasn't anything Stokkan was looking for. He needed a seven or running cards to stay in this tournament. The turn was the {6-Hearts} which gave him some straight outs but the {5-Clubs} on the river couldn't save him.

Stokkan hits the rail, Messina's get a nice boost to his stack.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Valentin Messina fr
Valentin Messina
Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan

Tags: Valentin MessinaPreben Stokkan