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2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

€5,300 Main Event
Jours 5
Event Info

2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Info Niveau
150,000 / 300,000

Janos Kurtosi Eliminated in 9th Place (€74,850)

Niveau 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Janos Kurtosi
Janos Kurtosi

David Peters raised to 175,000 in the cutoff and Janos Kurtosi called on the button, Sam Cohen filled up from the big blind. Cohen checked the {A-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{8-Hearts} flop and Peters continued for 230,000. Only Kurtosi called.

The two remaining players headed to the {2-Hearts} turn and Peters checked. Kurtosi bet 425,000 with 1,160,000 behind and Peters called.

A pot of almost two million emerged and the {K-Spades} river completed the board. Peters checked again quickly and Kurtosi moved all in after some consideration. Peters called in a matter of seconds and Kurtosi already stood up from his chair.

Janos Kurtosi: {J-Clubs}{10-Clubs}
David Peters: {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}

The bluff of the Hungarian had gone wrong and Kurtosi was eliminated in ninth place for €74,850.

Joueur Jetons Progression
David Peters us
David Peters
Janos Kurtosi hu
Janos Kurtosi

Tags: David PetersJanos KurtosiSam Cohen

Kiryl Radzivonau Eliminated in 8th Place (€74,850)

Niveau 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Kiryl Radzivonau
Kiryl Radzivonau

Marton Czuczor raised to 180,000 from early position. The action folded to Kiryl Radzivonau who jammed all in for 1,030,000 from the small blind. It folded around to Czuczor who snap called.

Marton Czuczor: {K-Diamonds}{K-Spades}
Kiryl Radzivonau: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}

Radzivonau was a 4-1 dog before the flop and it went from bad to worse for the Belarussian after the flop came {4-Spades}{3-Spades}{10-Clubs}. The {6-Diamonds} on the turn and the {2-Diamonds} on the river completed the board and sent Radzivonau to the rail. Radzivonau collected €74,850 for his eighth place finish while Czuczor became the first player over 8 million in chips after the hand.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Kiryl Radzivonau by
Kiryl Radzivonau

Tags: Kiryl RadzivonauMarton Czuczor

Petrushevskii Doubles Against Peters

Niveau 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Sergei Petrushevskii
Sergei Petrushevskii

Marton Czuczor opened from the hijack to 225,000. Sergei Petrushevskii three-bet from the small blind to 505,000. David Peters jams all-in for 6,385,000. Czuczor folded before Petrushevskii called for the rest of his chips for a little more than 2 million

Sergei Petrushevskii: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
David Peters: {A-Spades}{k-Hearts}

Petrushevskii doubled up and Peters is once again below 4 million in chips after the board ran out {6-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{q-Spades}{10-Spades}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii
Sam Cohen us
Sam Cohen
David Lopez Llacer es
David Lopez Llacer
David Peters us
David Peters
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Marius Gierse at
Marius Gierse

Tags: David PetersMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

David Lopez Llacer Eliminated in 7th Place (€104,510)

Niveau 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
David Lopez Llacer
David Lopez Llacer

David Peters bet 220,000 from under the gun. The action folded to David Lopez Llacer, who three-bet to 650,000 from the button, and Peters called.

Peters check-called a bet from Lopez Llacer for 600,000 after the {6-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{q-Hearts} appeared on the flop and Peters called. Peters checked again before Lopez Llamer jammed all-in for 2,910,000 when the {2-Spades} appeared on the turn. Peters thought for a minute before he called.

David Lopez Llacer: {9-Spades}{8-Spades}
David Peters {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}

The board completed with the {2-Diamonds} to eliminate Lopez Llacer in seventh place for €104,510, while Peters chip stack soared to 8,880,000.

Joueur Jetons Progression
David Peters us
David Peters
David Lopez Llacer es
David Lopez Llacer

Tags: David Lopez LlacerDavid Peters

EPTPrague : Marton Czuczor chipleader, David Peters et Samantha Cohen en finale

Niveau 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Marton Czuczor
Marton Czuczor

Un tiers du field présent au départ du Jour 5 à survécu et ils ne sont plus que 6 en finale du Main Event PokerStars European Poker Tour Prague à 5300€ l'entrée. 1192 joueurs se sont assis aux tables du Hotel Hilton Casino pour constituer un prizepool de plus de 5,7 millions d'euros. Les finalistes se partageront la plus grosse part, environ 2,5 millions d'euros.

Chipleader à 18 left, le Néerlandais Jasper Meijer van Putten est en finale, assuré de son plus gros gain en carrière. Comme les autres finalistes il remportera un minimum de 145 900€. Marton Czuczor (photo ci dessous) a emballé 9,7 millions de jetons (81bb) et vise plus haut. Le chipleader possède deux fois plus de jetons que quatre finalistes. David Peters (74bb) est la seule menace immédiate dans son sillage.

Sergei Petrushevskii complète le podium avec 5,2 millions de jetons alors que la joueuse Samantha Cohen (4,5millions) n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Meijer van Putten (3,8millions) et Marius Gierse (3,5millions) ne sont pas irrémédiablement distancés.

1Jasper Meijer van PuttenNetherlands3,815,00031
2Sam CohenUnited States4,520,00037
3Marton CzuczorHungary9,710,00081
4Marius GierseGermany3,555,00029
5Sergei PetrushevskiiRussia5,265,00043
6David PetersUnited States8,880,00074

L'action est à suivre à partir de 13 heures sur PokerNews et sur le streaming EPT Live.

Payout Main Event EPT Prague 2016


Le classement complet de l'EPT Prague 2016

Tags: Andrew HulmeApostolos BechrakisCristinel DumitruDavid Lopez LlacerDavid PetersFelipe RamosGang WangJanos KurtosiJasper Meijer van PuttenJosip VidovicJukka PaloniemiKiryl RadzivonauMarius GierseMartin KabrhelMarton CzuczorSam CohenSamantha CohenSergei Petrushevskii