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2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

€10,000 High Roller
Jours 3
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
60,000 / 120,000

Preben Stokkan Eliminated in 8th Place (€63,000)

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Hossein Ensan & Preben Stokkan
Hossein Ensan & Preben Stokkan

On a {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} board, Hossein Ensan bet 75,000 in the cutoff and Preben Stokkan called on the button after the flop went check/check. The river brought the {9-Diamonds} and Ensan bet 270,000. Stokkan moved in for 945,000 and Ensan called with lightning speed.

Preben Stokkan: {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}
Hossein Ensan: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}

All players stared in bewilderment to what just transpired in front of their eyes. All, except for Ensan, who instantly grabbed Stokkan's arm, raised it, then high-fived it. The gesture wasn't ill-intended by Ensan. Stokkan, however, was still processing the incredible one-outer that just ended his tournament life and wasn't really about to cheer along with Ensan.

"Nines kill you, all the time," Ensan said with a smile afterwards. The German from Iranian descent had Stokkan covered and the Norwegian, who finished 2nd in the first €10,300 High Roller earlier this week, now became 8th for €63,000.

Preben Stokkan
Joueur Jetons Progression
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan

Tags: Hossein EnsanPreben Stokkan

Roman Emelyanov Eliminated in 7th Place (€85,000)

Niveau 26 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Roman Emelyanov
Roman Emelyanov

Roman Emelyanov raised to 125,000 in middle position. Sergio Aido three-bet to 310,000 in the cutoff and Emelyanov called, leaving himself with just 325,000 behind.

On the {A-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} flop, Emelyanov checked, Aido bet 65,000 and the Russian called. The {7-Hearts} on the turn got checked by both players.

Emelyanov shoved his final chips in on the {8-Diamonds} river and Aido instantly called.

Roman Emelyanov: {Q-Spades}{10-Spades}
Sergio Aido: {A-Spades}{K-Hearts}

Emelyanov came up short with queen-high and was eliminated. The Day 1 chipleader fell to the Day 2 chipleader finished in 7th place and received €85,000.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sergio Aido es
Sergio Aido
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Roman Emelyanov ru
Roman Emelyanov
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Roman EmelyanovSergio Aido

Liwei Sun Eliminated in 6th Place (€116,000)

Niveau 27 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Liwei Sun
Liwei Sun

Sergio Aido raised to 160,000 from the hijack and Liwei Sun three-bet all in for 570,000 from the cutoff. Aido asked for a count and called to create the following showdown.

Liwei Sun: {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs}
Sergio Aido: {K-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}

While the {9-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{2-Hearts} flop and the {6-Spades} turn were blanks, the {K-Spades} fell on the river and that improved Aido, eliminating Sun in 6th place for a payday of €116,000.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Sergio Aido es
Sergio Aido
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Liwei Sun it
Liwei Sun

Tags: Sergio AidoLiwei Sun

Orpen Kisacikoglu Eliminated in 5th Place (€152,900)

Niveau 28 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Orpen Kisacikoglu
Orpen Kisacikoglu

Danny Tang limped from the small blind and Ben Heath raised to 325,000, Tang folded.

One hand later, Hossein Ensan announced "all my chips" and won the blinds and antes with his shove. That bumped his stack to around 15 big blinds and Orpen Kisacikoglu asked for his stack size as the only other real short stack.

Moments later, Kisacikoglu shoved for around 1.3 million and Ensan snap-called out of the big blind.

Orpen Kisacikoglu: {Q-Clubs}{7-Clubs}
Hossein Ensan: {A-Clubs}{A-Spades}

The board came {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} and Kisacikoglu had to settle for 5th place and a payday of €152,900.

Orpen Kisacikoglu & Hossein Ensan
Joueur Jetons Progression
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Orpen Kisacikoglu tr
Orpen Kisacikoglu
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben HeathDanny TangHossein EnsanOrpen Kisacikoglu

Ben Heath Eliminated in 4th Place (€196,000)

Niveau 28 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Ben Heath
Ben Heath

Danny Tang raised to 250,000 from the small blind and Ben Heath three-bet shoved 3,110,000 from the big blind. Tang double-checked his hole cards, then swiftly called all in for 2,780,000 total.

Ben Heath: {6-Clubs}{6-Spades}
Danny Tang: {K-Diamonds}{K-Spades}

"Hooooold!" Tang yelled, which triggered his friends to run over from the other side of the room. The flop directly brought a king for Tang: {5-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{10-Clubs}.

"Yeees! Wait wait, not yet," Tang instantly corrected himself, as he could technically still lose the hand.

The turn was the {5-Spades} and Heath was officially drawing dead, making the {A-Spades} river a formality.

Heath was left with 330,000 and those went in the hand after. Hossein Ensan had raised to 200,000, Heath was all in from the small blind and Sergio Aido called from the big blind. Ensan wasn't having it multiway and shoved to get Aido out.

Ben Heath: {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}
Hossein Ensan: {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

"Wow, he has eights!" laughed Tang and Heath was smiling too, knowing he could triple himself back into it if the eights held. They did until the river, which gave Ensan Broadway: {K-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{K-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{10-Spades}. Heath received an applause from his tablemates and the onlookers and received €196,000 for his deep run.

Danny Tang & Ben Heath
Joueur Jetons Progression
Danny Tang hk
Danny Tang
WSOP 1X Winner
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben HeathDanny TangHossein EnsanSergio Aido

Hossein Ensan Eliminated in 3rd Place (€242,000)

Niveau 29 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Hossein Ensan
Hossein Ensan

Sergio Aido raised to 300,000 in the small blind, Hossein Ensan shoved 2,400,000 from the big blind and Aido snap-called to put Ensan at risk.

Sergio Aido: {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}
Hossein Ensan: {Q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}

A rather sizable crowd ran to the rail in anticipation of what was about to unfold.

"One time!" Ensan yelled, but the {3-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades} flop proved far from helpful. Ensan needed to hit a queen or one of the backdoors if he was going to survive. The turn brought the {2-Hearts}, opening up the flush draw, which was met by many cheers from the rail.

Despite the chants for a queen or heart, the river bricked with the {6-Clubs} and Aido let out a small fist pump. Ensan, still smiling, made his exit in 3rd place and the crowd favorite added another six-figure score to his impressive poker resumé here in Prague.

Hossein Ensan
Joueur Jetons Progression
Sergio Aido es
Sergio Aido
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Danny Tang hk
Danny Tang
WSOP 1X Winner
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Hossein EnsanSergio Aido

Danny Tang Wins the 2017 PokerStars Championship €10,300 High Roller (€381,000)

Niveau 29 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
PSC Prague High Roller Winner Danny Tang
PSC Prague High Roller Winner Danny Tang

The 2017 PokerStars Championship Prague €10,300 High Roller has come to an end and it was Danny Tang that lifted the trophy at 11 p.m. local time in the Hilton Hotel Prague. Several other side events had just finished when Hossein Ensan was eliminated in third place, and Tang as well as runner-up Sergio Aido discussed a straight ICM deal - both shook hands soon after.

Tang officially claimed the first place and the trophy, and the twenty-five year old will cross $1 million in live cashes. He has moved to Macau in late 2016 and and made the trip to cold Prague with several friends, while his girlfriend was cheering on the rail. “I bricked everything. I told my friends I had to brick everything to win this $10k.” And that's exactly what he did, taking home €381,000 for his efforts.

The two biggest cashes of Aido, who had racked up more than $5.9 million on the live circuit prior to the tournament, come from events in Manila and the Spaniard has been crushing the Asian poker scene in the last two years. While Aido won't have to worry about extra kilos in the hand luggage, he takes home the lion's share of the prize pool for €449,000.

Final Result €10,300 High Roller

PlaceWinnerCountryPrize (in EUR)Deal (in EUR)
1Danny TangHong Kong€498,000€381,000*
2Sergio AidoSpain€332,000€449,000*
3Hossein EnsanGermany€242,000 
4Ben HeathUnited Kingdom€196,000 
5Orpen KisacikogluTurkey€152,900 
6Liwei SunItaly€116,000 
7Roman EmelyanovRussia€85,000 
8Preben StokkanNorway€63,000 

*denotes deal of the last two players

PSC Prague High Roller Winner Danny Tang
Danny Tang wins the 2017 PokerStars Championship Prague €10,300 High Roller

The tournament attracted a field of 256 entries including 61 single re-entries, and a prize pool of €2,483,200 was split among the top 39 finishers. Some of the biggest names on the live poker circuit took to the felt and the bubble burst after the dinner break on Day 2.

Among those to cash the same day still were Ryan Riess (32nd, for €17,000), Antoine Saout (31st, for €19,300), Sam Greenwood (30th, for €19,300), Anthony Zinno (29th, for €19,300), Jean-Noel Thorel (27th, for €21,800), Anton Wigg (25th, for €21,800), Sergi Reixach (21st, for €24,300), and Saar Wilf (20th, for €26,800).

Day 3 Action

Sergio Aido had a comfortable lead with 16 players left and after just one hand, the field was reduced by one hopeful. Christopher Kruk came back with the shortest stack and opened for more than half of it before calling off the shove of David Peters. Kruk showed queen-nine suited and faced the pocket jacks of Peters. A queen on the flop was followed by a jack on the turn and the fifth spade for a chop didn't arrive anymore.

Peters started well into the final day but would have to settle for 15th place eventually. Short he got it in with king-ten and Hossein Ensan called before folding to the raise of Preben Stokkan. The latter had pocket aces in the big blind and a dramatic run out with the flopped straight for Peters ended in the runner runner full house for Stokkan.

Igor Yaroshevskyy, €25,500 Single-Day High Roller II runner-up JC Alvarado, Guillaume Pau Davy, Tsugunari Toma and Viliyan Petleshkov all bowed out before the remaining contenders for the title combined to one table. Kfir Ivgi, who had previously won the €2,200 Event #26, was second in chips behind Ben Heath, but it was Ivgi that had to settle for 9th place and €52,000.

Artan Dedusha & Kfir Ivgi
A Side Event win and 9th place in the High Roller for Kfir Ivgi

Ivgi first lost half of his stack when paying off the shove of Orpen Kisacikoglu only to see his opponent turn over king-deuce suited for trips kings. Soon after, Ivgi was all in and at risk with pocket jacks against the ace-king of Liwei Sun, who flopped a king and left the Brit with fewer than two big blinds. Those vanished soon after in a three-way all in.

Down to the last eight players it was Preben Stokkan that busted in unfortunate fashion. The Norwegian flopped trips sevens with nine-seven suited and improved to a full house on the river only for the case nine in the deck to give Hossein Ensan the superior full house.

Roman Emelyanov was left short and raised with queen-ten suited, called a three-bet by Sergio Aido and called all in with a double gutshot on an ace-high turn. Aido had ace-king for top pair and the river was a blank.

Six players headed into the short dinner break and one of them would only return for one hand. Liwei Sun three-bet shoved for fewer than eight big blinds with ace-ten suited and Sergio Aido called with king-queen. A king appeared on the river and the Italian was gone in 6th place.

High Roller regular Orpen Kisacikoglu and Hossein Ensan fell back and were suddenly the bottom stacks with five left. Kisacikoglu shoved for 13 big blinds with queen-seven suited and Ensan snap-called with pocket aces in the big blind. A queen on the flop brought some hope, but two blanks followed.

The big stack of Ben Heath vanished in two consecutive hands. A big three-bet shove with pocket sixes came at the wrong time, as Danny Tang called instantly with pocket kings and immediately hit top set on the flop. The remaining few chips went into the middle with pocket eights and Hossein Ensan isolated after a call by Sergio Aido, turning over ace-queen. By the river, Ensan had improved to a straight and the field was down to the last three hopefuls.

Hossein Ensan
Hossein Ensan finishes 3rd

Three-handed play saw the chip lead change a few times and it was Hossein Ensan that ended up all in and at risk via three-bet shove for 20 big blinds with queen-ten. Sergio Aido called with pocket tens and faded the one over card and back door flush draw of the EPT11 Prague Main Event champion to end the last tournament of the festival.

This marks the end of the PokerNews live reporting from Prague and a busy poker year is done and dusted.

Tags: Anthony ZinnoAntoine SaoutAnton WiggBen HeathChristopher KrukDanny TangDavid PetersGuillaume DavyHossein EnsanIgor YaroshevskyyJC AlvaradoJean-Noel ThorelKfir IvgiLiwei SunOrpen KisacikogluPreben StokkanRoman EmelyanovRyan RiessSaar WilfSam GreenwoodSergi ReixachSergio AidoTsugunari TomaViliyan Petleshkov