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2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

€25,500 Single-Day High Roller II
Jours 1
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
30,000 / 60,000

€25,500 Single-Day High Roller II

Jour 1 terminé

Igor Kurganov remporte le Single-Day High Roller II pour 371,250€

Niveau 19 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Igor Kurganov Wins the €25,500 Single-Day High Roller II
Igor Kurganov Wins the €25,500 Single-Day High Roller II

Remporté par Albert Daher après un deal à 3, le premier Single Day High Roller à 25.500€ (100 000 jetons - 30 minutes) au programme du PokerStars Championship Prague avait atteint les 50 entrées.

La deuxième édition a fait un peu mieux avec52 entrants (dont 12 re-entries) pour un prizepool de presque 1,3 million d'euros à la fin des inscriptions tardives. Ils n'étaient plus que 40 en lice à la fin des 4 premières heures de jeu. Bryn Kenney, Benjamin Pollak, Stefan Schillhabel et Koray Aldemir n'étaient déjà plus là.

Une place dans les sept derniers survivants assurait 67 000€ pour un premier prix de 401 000€. Un peu plus de 12 heures après le coup d'envoi de l'événement, c'est finalement le Team Pro PokerStars Igor Kurganov qui levait le trophée après avoir battu JC Alvarado lors du dernier duel.

Une fois à égalité lors du head's up, les deux hommes avaient partagé les sous en deux en laissant 50.000€ à la gagne. Après un ultime affrontement d'une heure, le Russe empoche 371 270€ contre 319 750€ à son dauphin. C'est Christopher Kruk qui a complété le podium pour 185 000€.

Stephen Chidwick (4e - 140,000€), Thomas Muehloecker (5e - 108,000€), Vladimir Troyanovskiy (6e - 83,000€) et Erik Seidel (7e - 67,000€) n'ont pas terminé les mains vides. Igor Kurganov compte lui désormais plus de 14,5 millions de gains en carrière. C'est le joueur russe qui a le plus amassé d'argent de l'histoire du poker sur les tournois en Live.

Les résultats du SDHR PSCPrague 2017

PlaceJoueurPaysPrix (EUR)Deal (EUR)
1Igor KurganovRussia€401,000€371,250*
2JC AlvaradoMexico€290,000€319,750*
3Christopher KrukCanada€185,000 
4Stephen ChidwickUnited Kingdom€140,000 
5Thomas MuehloeckerAustria€108,000 
6Vladimir TroyanovskiyRussia€83,000 
7Erik SeidelUnited States€67,000 


Sam Greenwood, Sergi Reixach et Albert Daher n'ont pas atteint les trois dernières tables alors qu'Orpen Kisacikoglu,David Peters, Ivan Luca, Daniel Dvoress, Ole Schemion, Jean-Noel Thorel, Timothy Adams, Ryan Riess, Dietrich Fast et Mustapha Kanit ont pu profiter de la pause dîner sans stress.

La période de bulle a ensuite été très rapide avec 8 éliminations en moins d'une heure. Oleksii Khoroshenin, John Juanda et Christoph Vogelsang (bubble-boy) échouant tout près du but.

Christoph Vogelsang fait la bulle
Christoph Vogelsang fait la bulle

Tags: Albert DaherBenjamin PollakBryn KenneyChristoph VogelsangChristopher KrukDavid PetersDietrich FastErik SeidelIgor KurganovIvan LucaJC AlvaradoJean-Noel ThorelJohn JuandaJulian ThomasKitson KhoKoray AldemirMustapha KanitOle SchemionOleksii KhorosheninOrpen KisacikogluRocco PalumboRyan RiessSam GreenwoodSergi ReixachStefan SchillhabelStephen ChidwickThomas MuehloeckerTimothy AdamsVladimir TroyanovskiyXiaoyang Luo

JC Alvarado Eliminated in 2nd Place (€319,750)

Niveau 19 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
JC Alvarado
JC Alvarado

Igor Kurganov raised to 135,000 and JC Alvarado called to see a flop of {7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Alvarado checked and subsequently check-raised from 100,000 to 250,000 in order to pick up a call by Kurganov.

On the {10-Spades} turn, Alvarado continued for 400,000 and Kurganov called before the {5-Spades} fell on the river. Alvarado moved all in and Kurganov snap-called, turning over {A-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} for a straight draw that got there. Alvarado had {10-Clubs}{7-Hearts} for top pair and the stacks were counted. Kurganov had 1.81 million and Alvarado was covered by one ante only to finish in second place. He takes home €319,750 for his efforts according to the deal, while Kurganov gets the trophy and €371,250 to show for.

A recap of today's action is to follow.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado

Tags: Igor KurganovJC Alvarado

"Three Time Banks to Fold"

Niveau 19 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

JC Alvarado raised to 130,000 and Igor Kurganov called to see a flop of {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}. Both checked and Kurganov check-called a bet of 130,000 on the {5-Clubs} turn. After the {6-Clubs} river, the action went check, check, and Kurganov tabled {J-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} as winning hand.

Soon after it was again Alvarado that raised to 130,000, Kurganov called. The {J-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Diamonds} flop brought a check, a bet of 90,000 by Alvarado and a call. On the {9-Diamonds} turn, Kurganov check-called another bet of 325,000 before checking the {A-Spades} river. Alvarado emptied the clip and bet 1.0 million.

Kurganov was sent in the think tank and eventually used all of his three remaining time bank chips. That led to a fold and Kurganov laughed. "Three time banks to fold ... pocket fours, no spade," he added while Alvarado dragged in the pot to even out the stacks once more.

Heads Up
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado

Tags: Igor KurganovJC Alvarado

Niveau: 19

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 10,000

Kurganov Back On Top

Niveau 18 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Igor Kurganov is back on top after dragging a decent-sized pot from JC Alvarado. Alvarado bet the turn on {8-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}, then check-called a 440,000 bet from Kurganov on the {K-Hearts} river.

Kurganov showed {8-Spades}{4-Spades} for trip eights and regained the lead.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado

Tags: Igor KurganovJC Alvarado

One for Each

Niveau 18 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Igor Kurganov raised to 115,000 and JC Alvarado three-bet to 380,000, which Kurganov called. On the {J-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} flop, Alvarado quickly continued for 260,000 and Kurganov folded.

Alvarado made it 115,000 to go and Kurganov called. The {Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} flop was checked and Kurganov check-called a bet of 115,000 on the {A-Diamonds} turn. Both checked the {A-Hearts} river and Kurganov tabled {K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} as winning hand, while Alvarado mucked the {K-Hearts}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado
Profile photo of Igor Kurganov ru
Igor Kurganov
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Igor KurganovJC Alvarado

Trophy and €50,000 Up for Grabs

Niveau 18 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Within a few minutes of discussion, Igor Kurganov and JC Alvarado quickly agreed to play for €50,000 and almost evenly split the remaining prize pool. Below are what both have guaranteed already:

Igor Kurganov: €321,250
JC Alvarado: €319,750

With near identical stack sizes, it may take a while until the champion will be determined. On top of the €50,000 to first, the trophy is also still up for grabs. Heads-up play will recommence shortly.

Tags: Igor KurganovJC Alvarado

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