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2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tulsa

$800 Main Event
Jours 1a
Event Info

2024 RGPS RunGood Resort Tulsa

Event Info
Prize Pool
Joueurs Survivants
Tapis moyen
Jetons au total
Info Niveau
500 / 1,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1a
Joueurs Survivants

Niveau: 7

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Seffense Leads the Turn and Takes it Down

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Steve Seffense opened the action with a raise to 1,600 from early position, before a player on the button three-bet to 3,600.

After the 7310 flop Seffense check-called a bet of 4,000.

The turn brought the 5 and Seffense decdied to lead out for a bet 6,500. The player on the button gave it some thouhght before mucking his hand and giving the pot to Seffense.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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Steve Seffense

Tags: Steve Seffense

Drewery Doubles With Jacks

Niveau 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

A player in early position raised to 1,600, before Jeremy Drewery three-bet all in for 8,100. it folded back to the original raiser who called to put Drewery at risk.

Jeremy Drewery: JJ All in
Early Position: Q10

Drewery was in great position to double up, and once the board ran out 89236 Drewery improved to a flush to secure the double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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Jeremy Drewery

Tags: Jeremy Drewery

Niveau: 6

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

Sawyer Rivers Trips and Gets Paid

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Rachel Sawyer opened the action with a raise to 1,200, and was called by a player in middle position, and the big blind.

All three players checked after the AQ5 flop, and 10 turn. The river brought the A and the big blind checked to Sawyer, who bet out 2,000. The middle position player called, and the big blind folded. Sawyer then tabled A6 for trip aces to take the pot as the middle position player quickly mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Rachel Sawyer
Rachel Sawyer

Tags: Rachel Sawyer

Brower Takes Down Jacks to Double Up

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Joshua Brower
Joshua Brower

Lucas Drummonds opened the action with a raise, before Joshua Brower three-bet all in for 23,500. It folded back to Drummonds who made the call to put Brower at risk.

Joshua Brower: AJ All in
Lucas Drummonds: JJ

Brower ran into the pocket jacks and would need to improve to stay in the tournament. The 6Q6 flop didn't bring much help, but the 2 on the turn, and 9 on the river improved him to the nut flush, to take the pot and double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Joshua Brower us
Joshua Brower
Profile photo of Lucas Drummonds
Lucas Drummonds

Tags: Joshua BrowerLucas Drummonds

Sawyer Plays Kings Tricky

Niveau 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Rachel Sawyer
Rachel Sawyer

A player opened the action with a raise to 1,500, and was called by Rachel Sawyer in early position, a player in middle position, the player on the button, and the big blind.

After the flop came 737 the big blind blind led out for a bet of 1,500, which got the under the gun player to fold, but was called by Sawyer. Then the middle position player, and the player on the button both folded to leave the player heads up.

The turn brought the 5 and the big blind bet out 3,500, and Sawyer quickly called.

After the 7 on the river, the big blind fired out 5,000, and after giving it some thought, Sawyer made the call.

The big blind quickly turned over JJ for a full house, sevens full of jacks, but Sawyer tabled KK for a full house, sevens full of kings to take the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Rachel Sawyer
Rachel Sawyer

Tags: Rachel Sawyer

Niveau: 5

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Erickson Rivers a Straight

Niveau 4 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

Jason Hart opened the action with raise to 1,200, and was called by the player in the cutoff, Hedi Erickson on the button, and both the small blind and big blind.

All five players checked after the KQ7 flop, and 2 turn. After the river brought the 10 the big blind bet out 2,000, and it folded to Erickson on the button who made the call.

The big blind showed K7 for two pair, but Erickson had the winner when she tabled J9 for a straight.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Jason Hart
Jason Hart
Profile photo of Hedi Erickson
Hedi Erickson