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2018 World Series of Poker

Event #24: $2,620 THE MARATHON No-Limit Hold'em
Jours 5
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #161-166: Sleet Doubles Through Lybaert

Niveau 29 : 60,000/120,000, 15,000 ante

Hand #161: Mark Sleet raised to 325,000 from the button and everyone folded.

Hand #162: Bart Lybaert raised to 400,000 and Sleet three-bet to 1,200,000. Lybaert called. The flop came {k-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{k-Spades}. Lybaert check-called the 500,000 bet of Sleet. The turn brought them the {2-Diamonds} on which they both checked to the {7-Hearts} on the river. Lybaert bet 2,100,000 and Sleet folded.

Hand #163: Lybaert raised to 325,000 from the button, Sleet called in the small blind. Addamo did the same in the big blind. The flop came {8-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{2-Spades}, Sleet and Addamo checked, Lybaert bet 365,000, and Sleet raised to 1,500,000. Addamo folded and Lybaert called.

The turn brought them the {2-Diamonds}, Sleet bet 3,000,000, and Lybaert called. The river completed the board with the {4-Hearts}. Sleet shoved for 5,810,000. Lybaert shook his head and considered his options. Lybaert asked for a count. The dealer confirmed the amount. Lybaert cut out calling chips and then counted the remainder of his stack. He called. Sleet tabled {10-Hearts}{8-Spades} for two pair with the ten-kicker. Lybaert had to show {8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} for the same two pair but with the lower kicker.

Hand #164: Addamo completed his small blind and Lybaert checked. The flop came {k-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, Addamo 120,000. Lybaert called. The turn brought them the {4-Clubs}, Addamo checked. Lybaert bet 230,000. Addamo check-raised to 900,000 after Lybaert had bet 230,000. Lybaert called. The river completed the board with the {6-Spades} and Addamo checked. Lybaert did the same. Addamo tabled {k-Spades}{7-Diamonds} for the pot.

Hand #165: Addamo raised to 300,000 and Sleet called in the big blind. The flop came {6-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} on which both players checked to the {3-Diamonds} on the turn. They both checked again. The {q-Clubs} on the river completed the board. Sleet bet 400,000 and Addamo looked at his cards again. Addamo called. Sleet tabled {5-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} and Addamo showed {7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} for a flopped pair of sixes and the pot.

Hand #166: Addamo got a walk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Mark Sleet us
Mark Sleet
Day 4 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Michael Addamo au
Michael Addamo
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Bart Lybaert be
Bart Lybaert

Tags: Bart LybaertMark SleetMichael Addamo