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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #3: BIG 50 - $500 No-Limit Hold'em
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
15,000,000 / 30,000,000

Niveau: 43

Blinds: 2,500,000/5,000,000

Ante: 5,000,000

Hands #6-8: Atwood Adds More to His Stack

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Walter Atwood
Walter Atwood

Hand #6: Nicholas Chow raised to 12,000,000 from under-the-gun and it folded around to Walter Atwood who made the call from his small blind, and Elharar folded his big blind. After Atwood checked the {j-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{7-Clubs} flop, Chow continued for 12,000,000 and Atwood called. Both players then checked the {2-Clubs} turn and {9-Spades} river. Atwood tabled {5-Clubs}{5-Spades} and Chow flashed the {a-Clubs} before sending his cards to the muck.

Hand #7: Paul Cullen raised to 12,000,000 and took down the blinds and ante.

Hand #8: Daniel Ghobrial raised to 11,000,000 and Femi Fashakin defended his big blind. They went headsup to a flop of {4-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}, and after Fashakin checked, Ghobrial put out a bet of 14,000,000, which was enough to take down the pot.

Tags: Walter Atwood

Hands #9-12: Cullen Doubles Through Atwood

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Paul Cullen
Paul Cullen

Hand #9: Walter Atwood raised to 12,000,000 from the hijack and David Rasmussen called from the big blind.

The flop was {8-Hearts}{3-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Rasmussen check-folded to Atwood's continuation bet of 12,000,000.

Hand #10: Walter Atwood opened to 12,000,000 from middle position, Paul Cullen three-bet to 45,000,000 from the big blind, Atwood four-bet to effectively 97,000,000 and Cullen called all in with {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds}, leading Atwood's {a-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}.

The board ran out {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}{4-Spades}, giving Cullen a set of queens to double up.

Hand #11: Adrian Curry raised from under the gun and got no action.

Hand #12: Atwood raised from early position and Adrian Curry called from the big blind.

The flop was {j-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}, Curry led for 12,000,000 and Atwood called. The turn was the {k-Diamonds} and Curry check-called 20,000,000 from Atwood. The river was the {6-Hearts} and both players checked.

Curry showed {k-Spades}{7-Clubs} for a pair of kings, but Atwood held {a-Spades}{q-Hearts} for Broadway to win the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Walter Atwood us
Walter Atwood
Paul Cullen us
Paul Cullen

Tags: Adrian CurryDavid RasmussenPaul CullenWalter Atwood

Hands #13-15: Wheel for Christensen

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante
Morten Christensen
Morten Christensen

Hand #13: Nicholas Chow raised to 12,500,000 from middle position and won uncontested.

Hand #14: Adrian Curry raised to 12,000,000 from the button and Walter Atwood called from the big blind.

The flop was {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and Atwood check-called 12,000,000 from Curry. The turn was the {5-Hearts} and Atwood check-called another 12,000,000 from Curry. The river was the {7-Spades} and both players checked.

Curry tabled {j-Spades}{10-Clubs} for tens and fives, Atwood mucked and Curry won the pot.

Hand #15: Morten Christensen raised to 12,000,000 from the hijack and Rafi Elharar called from the big blind.

The flop came down {5-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{2-Spades} and Elharar check-called 12,000,000 from Christensen. The {4-Diamonds} turn was checked by both player, landing the {k-Spades} river. Elharar checked, Christensen bet 15,000,000 and Elharar called.

Christensen tabled {a-Hearts}{q-Spades} for a wheel, Elharar mucked and Christensen won the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
Morten Christensen (SG) sg
Morten Christensen (SG)

Tags: Adrian CurryMorten ChristensenNicholas ChowRafi ElhararWalter Atwood

Atwood Applies Big Stack Pressure

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Hand #16: Rafi Elharar completed the small blind and Nicholas Chow checked his option in the big blind. On the {7-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{9-Clubs} flop Elharar bet 6,000,000 and Chow made the call. After Elharar checked the {9-Diamonds} turn, Chow bet 12,000,000 and took down the pot.

Hand #17: Femi Fashakin got a walk in his big blind and folded {a-Diamonds}{9-Spades} face up.

Hand #18: Daniel Ghobrial raised to 14,000,000, current chipleader Walter Atwood then three-bet to 31,5000,000, which got a fold from Ghobrial.

Hands #18-21: Aces for Curry

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Hand #18: Rafi Elharar raised to 11,000,000 from the hijack, Nicholas Chow called from the cutoff and Femi Fashakin three-bet to 40,000,000 from the button. Both Elharar and Chow folded, giving Fashakin the pot.

Hand #19: Femi Fashakin raised from the cutoff and collected the blinds and ante.

Hand #20: Nicholas Chow raised to 12,500,000 from middle position and got no action.

Hand #21: Walter Atwood raised to 12,000,000 from under the gun, Adrian Curry three-bet to about 43,000,000 from the small blind and Atwood folded.

Curry showed {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs} as he collected the pot.

Tags: Walter AtwoodRafi ElhararNicholas ChowFemi FashakinAdrian Curry

Hands #22- 25: Rasmussen in Danger

Niveau 43 : 2,500,000/5,000,000, 5,000,000 ante

Hand 22: Adrian Curry raised to 12,000,000 on the button and Walter Atwood raised to 26,000,000. Curry folded.

Hand 23: David Rasmussen opened to 13,000,000 and got called by Daniel Ghobrial on the button. The flop came {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Rasmussen bet 9,000,000, called by Ghobrial. On the turn {3-Spades}, Rasmussen continued for 15,000,000 and faced a raised to 40,000,000 from Ghobrial. Rasmussen folded.

Hand 24: Rasmussen pushed all in for around 40,000,000 and everybody folded.

Hand 25: Curry opened to 12,000,000 and no one called.

Tags: Adrian CurryDaniel GhobrialDavid RasmussenWalter Atwood

Niveau: 44

Blinds: 3,000,000/6,000,000

Ante: 6,000,000

David Rasmussen Eliminated in 9th Place ($109,922)

Niveau 44 : 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante
David Rasmussen
David Rasmussen

Hand #26: Action folded to Rafi Elharar and he raised to 14,000,000. It was then folded to David Rasmussen, who three-bet shoved all in for 47,000,000 from his big blind and Elhara made the call.

David Rasmussen: {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}
Rafi Elhara: {a-Hearts}{8-Hearts}

The board ran out {5-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{10-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, with Elhara hitting one of his two overcards on the turn, and ending Rasmussen's deep run.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Rafi Elharar il
Rafi Elharar
David Rasmussen us
David Rasmussen

Tags: David RasmussenRafi Elharar

Hands #27-28: Cullen Flops a Set

Niveau 44 : 3,000,000/6,000,000, 6,000,000 ante

Hand #27: Daniel Ghobrial raised to 12,000 from early position, Nicholas Chow called from the cutoff and Morten Christensen called from the big blind.

The flop came down {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}{2-Spades} and action checked to Chow who bet about 20,000,000. Both opponents folded and Chow won the pot.

Hand #28: Femi Fashakin raised to 14,000,000 from the cutoff and Paul Cullen called from the big blind.

Both players proceeded to check down a board of {a-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{k-Spades}{j-Spades}. Cullen showed {9-Hearts}{9-Clubs} for a set of nines and Fashakin mucked.

"I was hoping he was going to bet at some point," remarked Cullen.

Tags: Paul CullenNicholas ChowMorten ChristensenFemi FashakinDaniel Ghobrial