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2022 World Series of Poker

[Online] $777 Lucky 7's No-Limit Hold'em Second Chance
Jours 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
120,000 / 240,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1
Joueurs Survivants

Ball Raises the River

Niveau 6 : Blinds 80/160, 0 ante

Scott "Rumcake" Ball raised to 400 from under the gun and "WinnerVK" defended the big blind.

The flop came {a-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} and Ball bet 293. "WinnerVK" called and both players checked the {5-Clubs} on the turn.

The river was the {9-Spades} and "WinnerVK" led out for 977. Ball came back with a raise to 2,865 and "WinnerVK" called.

Ball showed {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} for top pair on the flop that turned into two pair to take down the pot.

Ball Raises the River
Ball Raises the River
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Scott "Rumcake" Ball us
Scott "Rumcake" Ball
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of "WinnerVK"

Tags: Scott Ball

Alfa Takes a Big Hit

Niveau 6 : Blinds 80/160, 0 ante

"MissSylvie" opened the pot for 320 in middle position before Dave "CRISPR" Alfa three-bet to 777 on the button. Benjamin "onlyrednose" Francisco called in the small blind, while "MissSylvie" folded.

Both players checked to the river on a board of {q-Spades}{j-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{7-Hearts}, when Francisco put in a more than pot-size bet of 2,354. Alfa called as Francisco showed {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} for two pair to take the pot.

Alfa Takes a Big Hit
Alfa Takes a Big Hit
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of "MissSylvie"
Profile photo of Benjamin "onlyrednose" Francisco us
Benjamin "onlyrednose" Francisco
Profile photo of Dave "crispr" Alfa
Dave "crispr" Alfa

Tags: Dave AlfaBenjamin Francisco

Niveau: 6

Blinds: 80/160

Ante: 0

Jones Bluffs Into Aces

Niveau 5 : Blinds 60/120, 0 ante

"cjf5348" raised to 240 from early position and was called by two opponents, including Ryan "doyouliftbro" Jones in the small blind.

All three players checked the {9-Spades}{j-Hearts}{q-Clubs} flop before Jones led out for 480 on the {q-Spades} turn.

Only "cjf5348" called as the river came the {4-Hearts}. Jones bet another 240 and was called.

Jones showed {10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for a missed draw, while "cjf5348" had {a-Hearts}{a-Spades} to take the pot.

Jones Bluffs Into Aces
Jones Bluffs Into Aces
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ryan "doyouliftbro" Jones us
Ryan "doyouliftbro" Jones
Profile photo of "cjf5348"

Tags: Ryan Jones

Niveau: 5

Blinds: 60/120

Ante: 0

Gheba Forces Out Jewett

Niveau 4 : Blinds 50/100, 0 ante

Matthew "WhiteMJ" Jewett raised to 300 in middle position, then called when Daniyal "Lixiyum" Gheba re-raised to 1,150 next to act.

The flop came {6-Spades}{2-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} and Jewett checked over to Gheba, who continued for 650. Jewett called and the turn came the {5-Diamonds}.

Jewett checked once more and Gheba kept betting, this time for 2,812. Jewett folded his hand, but, despite dropping this pot, he still sports a chip-leading stack early in the tournament

Gheba Forces Out Jewett
Gheba Forces Out Jewett
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Matthew "WhiteMJ" Jewett us
Matthew "WhiteMJ" Jewett
Profile photo of Daniyal "Lixiyum" Gheba
Daniyal "Lixiyum" Gheba

Tags: Matthew JewettDaniyal Gheba

Niveau: 4

Blinds: 50/100

Ante: 0

McVay Fills Up to Double

Niveau 3 : Blinds 40/80, 0 ante

Bryce "MommaDavis" McVay raised to 240 from under the gun and was called by "Bond55" to his immediate left.

The flop came {5-Spades}{3-Spades}{3-Hearts} and McVay led out for 300. "Bond55" raised to 600 and McVay called.

The turn came the {5-Diamonds} and McVay check-called a bet of 1,120 to see the {k-Spades} on the river. He checked again as "Bond55" bet 2,240.

McVay came back with an all-in raise for 11,435 and "Bond55" called with {j-Spades}{7-Spades} for a flush. McVay, though, showed {7-Clubs}{5-Clubs} for a full house to double up.

McVay Fills Up to Double
McVay Fills Up to Double
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Bryce "MommaDavis" McVay
Bryce "MommaDavis" McVay
Profile photo of "Bond55"

Tags: Bryce McVay

Niveau: 3

Blinds: 40/80

Ante: 0