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2023 World Series of Poker

Online Event #13: $5,300 No-Limit Hold'em High Roller Championship
Jours 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
60,000 / 120,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1
Joueurs Survivants

Niveau: 10

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 100

McKeehen Jams On Morris

Niveau 9 : Blinds 400/800, 80 ante

Nicolai "OrangeEagle" Morris opened to 1,600 from the hijack and Joe "IhateChadE" McKeehen made the call in the big blind.

The flop came Q72 and McKeehen checked to Morris who continued for 1,200. McKeehen check-raised to 2,875 and Morris called.

On the Q turn McKeehen checked and Morris bet 2,400. McKeehen put in another check-raise, this time for all of the remaining 6,011 of Morris, who quickly folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Joe "IhateChadE" McKeehen us
Joe "IhateChadE" McKeehen
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 3X Winner
Nicolai "OrangeEagle" Morris us
Nicolai "OrangeEagle" Morris

Tags: Joe McKeehenNicolai Morris

The Chad & Jesse Poker Show Episode #10: GGPoker Ambassador Daniel Negreanu

Niveau 9 : Blinds 400/800, 80 ante

On the latest The Chad & Jesse Poker Show[/I][/B] straight from the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP), Chad Holloway & Jesse Fullen are joined by none other than Daniel Negreanu, who took a break from his busy summer schedule to talk about a plethora of topics including what it’s been like running deep in the lower buy-in, big field events, interacting with fans, and how he feels about his performance thus far.

The GGPoker Ambassador also offers his thoughts on the Poker Hall of Fame, including who he thinks will get in and the changes he’d like to see moving forward. Finally, “Kid Poker” offers his prediction for the 2023 WSOP Main Event, which is also the first big topic discussed by the hosts.

Agony of Defeat: Poker Player Runs Kings into Aces Twice Vs. Same Opponent, Busts Main Event Day 1

Niveau 9 : Blinds 400/800, 80 ante
Idan The One
Idan The One

There always seems to be that one player on Day 1 of the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event who runs into a brutal cooler or bad beat to bust early. On Monday, Idan The One, who hails from Israel, was that player.

The 2023 WSOP Main Event kicked off at noon PT from inside Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. At the time this article was published, more than 800 players already registered for the first of four Day 1 starting flights.

Read the Full Story Here

Tags: Idan The One

Niveau: 9

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 80

Tuhrim Takes Three-Bet Pot

Niveau 8 : Blinds 300/600, 60 ante
Richard "cognitusss" Tuhrim
Richard "cognitusss" Tuhrim

Aram "X69Podheiser" Zobian opened to 1,200 from the hijack and Richard "cognitusss" Tuhrim put in a three-bet to 3,358 on the button. The blinds folded and Zobian came along.

The flop fanned out A109 and Zobian checked to Tuhrim who continued for 2,758, which Zobian made the call.

On the 8 turn both players checked their options to the 3 river, and again the action checked through. Zobian tabled J8 for a pair of eights but was no good against the JJ for Tuhrim to score the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Richard "cognitusss" Tuhrim us
Richard "cognitusss" Tuhrim
Aram "X69Podheiser" Zobian us
Aram "X69Podheiser" Zobian
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Richard TuhrimAram Zobian

Niveau: 8

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 60

"Euan_" Raises Ripnick On River

Niveau 7 : Blinds 250/500, 50 ante

In a limped pot preflop on a flop of AJ4, John "UndividedOne" Ripnick checked in the small blind and "Euan_" checked back from the big blind.

The Q hit the turn and Ripnick led out for 1,250, which "Euan_" called. The K completed the board and Ripnick bet again, this time for 1,225. "Euan_" raised to 4,325 and Ripnick quickly let his cards go.

Joueur Jetons Progression
John "UndividedOne" Ripnick us
John "UndividedOne" Ripnick
Euan_ us

Tags: John Ripnick