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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #27: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed
Jours 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #21-26: Chris Moorman Continues to Dominate

Niveau 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #21: Michael Gagliano went all in for around 1,000,000 chips in the small blind and Sung folded his big blind

Hand #22: It folded to Steve Sung in the small blind and he completed. Newly overwhelming chipleader Chris Moorman made it 195,000 in the big blind and Sung called.

The flop was {K-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and it went check, check. The {4-Spades} came on the turn and Sung checked. Moorman bet 175,000 and Sung check-raised to 500,000. Moorman called.

The river was the {K-Diamonds}. Sung checked and Moorman bet 675,000. Sung stared Moorman down for awhile and then folded.

Hand #23: Steve Sung raised to 135,000 on the button and Bernardo Dias called in the big blind. The flop was {9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{6-Spades} and Dias checked. Sung bet 135,000 and Dias moved all in.

Sung immediately asked for a count and it was 1,005,000. Sung folded.

Hand #24: Steve Sung raised to 135,000 in the cutoff and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #25: Chris Moorman raised to 130,000 in the cutoff and Michael Gagliano went all in from the big blind. Moorman quickly folded.

Hand #26: Chris Moorman raised to 130,000 under the gun and took down the blinds and antes.