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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #39: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Super Turbo BOUNTY
Jours 1
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
100,000 / 200,000

Event #39: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Super Turbo BOUNTY

Jour 1 terminé

Rifat Palevic capture son premier bracelet en 14 heures de jeu et une gain horaire de 12.260$ !

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Rifat Palevic
Rifat Palevic

Pour gagner un bracelet World Series of Poker en 14 heures, il fallait participer au Super Bounty à 1000$, l'Event #39 de la 48e édition des Championnats du Monde.

C'est Rifat Palevic qui s'impose sur un tournoi aux niveaux de 20 minutes qui a rassemblé 1867 joueurs et dont la moyenne des éliminations est de 2,2 par minute ! Le Suédois empoche 183 903$ pour sa journée de boulot soit 12 260$ de l'heure... sans compter les bounties à 300$ qu'il a amassés durant la journée.

Il a fallu 13 heures de jeu pour faire tomber le field à 9 joueurs et la finale a été pliée en 54 mains. L'Américain Ryan Olisar avait deux tiers des jetons en début de head's up et Palevic a sondé son adversaire pour partager l'argent et jouer le bracelet. Olisa a refusé et s'est incliné 8 mains plus tard pour un gain de 113 581$.

La finale de l'Event #39

1Rifat PalevicSweden$183,903
2Ryan OlisarUnited States$113,581
3Dean BlattAustralia$82,227
4Robert HeidornGermany$60,132
5Rick HollmanUnited States$44,244
6Joe MontervinoUnited States$33,160
7Gavin O'RourkeIreland$25,010
8George DolofanUnited States$19,063
9Victor KimUnited States$14,685

281 places payées étaient prévues par les organisateurs mais trois joueurs ont sauté à trois tables différentes et se sont donc partagés les 998$ du min-cash. Howie Shen, Brian Fite et Maria Lampropoulos repartent avec 332,66$ pour leurs efforts et 283 joueurs ont donc fait l'argent sur ce tournoi.

La joueuse argentine a en plus gardé son bounty de 300$ puisque son bourreau s'est montré gentleman. "Je n'en ai pas besoin. J'ai beaucoup de chance dans la vie et il y a des gens bons dans le coin. C'est ma bonne action... quand vous donnez, de bonnes choses vous arrivent", a indiqué Jeffrey Winchell avant de filer un bonus de 100$ à la gagnante du partypoker LIVE MILLIONS ! Pas forcément récompensé niveau karma, l'Américain terminera 121e pour 1374$.

De nombreuses figures du circuit ont atteint les places payées parmi lesquelles Robin Ylitalo, Matt Waxman, Joe Serock, Anatoly Filatov, Antonio Esfandiari, Chance Kornuth, Keven Stammen, Mike Leah, Julian Stuer, Thomas Boivin, Manig Loeser, Andrey Zaichenko, Mihails Morozovs, Andrey Pateychuk, Jim Collopy, Christopher Brammer, Chris Ferguson, Justin Oliver, Maurice Hawkins, Max Pescatori, Dimitar Danchev, Dzmitry Urbanovich, Steven Wolansky, Nick Yunis, Sam Chartier, Bruno Politano, Greg Mueller, Pratyush Buddiga, TJ Cloutier, Konstantin Maslak, Rex Clinkscales, Dan Murariu, Goran Mandic ou encore Caufman Talley (11e)

6 Français ne sont pas repartis les mains vides dont Jimmy Guerrero qui rate le Top 100 de peu.

Les Français ITM
72 Noe Maheahea FR $2,308
86 Heiarii Bonno FR $1,738
101 Jimmy Guerrero FR $1,374
136 Julien Loire FR $1,244
137 Jean-luc Adam FR $1,244
237 Joseph Teanotoga FR $1,061

Ryan Olisar Eliminated in 2nd Place ($113,581)

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Ryan Olisar Eliminated in 2nd Place ($113,581)
Ryan Olisar Eliminated in 2nd Place ($113,581)

Hand #54: Ryan Olisar moved all in for about 1,500,000 and Rifat Palevic called.

Olisar: {j-Diamonds}{8-Spades}
Palevic: {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}

The board ran out {5-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{9-Spades} and Palevic collects the last bounty of the tournament and keeps his own as he is the Event #39: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Super Bounty Turbo champion.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Rifat Palevic se
Rifat Palevic
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar

Tags: Rifat PalevicRyan Olisar

Hands #47-49: Palevic Doubles Into the Lead

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #47: Ryan Olisar moved all in and Rifat Palevic folded.

Hand #48: Palevic moved all in and Olisar called. Palevic showed {j-Spades}{9-Hearts} and Olisar tabled {a-Spades}{6-Spades}.

The board ran out {k-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{9-Clubs} {5-Hearts} {2-Clubs} and Palevic vaulted back into the lead with his pair of nines.

Hand #49: Palevic got a walk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Rifat Palevic se
Rifat Palevic
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar

Tags: Rifat PalevicRyan Olisar

Dean Blatt Eliminated in 3rd Place ($82,227)

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Dean Blatt
Dean Blatt

Hand #46: Dean Blatt was all in for just 5,000 before the hand started.

Rifat Pelavic called from the big blind. Ryan Olisar checked his option from the small blind.

Both players then checked down the {a-Spades}{j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{2-Spades}{3-Spades} board.

Olisar showed {9-Clubs}{6-Hearts} for nine-high. Pelavic then flipped over {9-Spades}{2-Hearts} for a pair of deuces. Blatt then peeled his cards one-by-one, and exposed {k-Clubs}{4-Spades} for king-high, and was eliminated in 3rd place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt

Tags: Dean BlattRyan Olisar

Hand #45: Palevic Doubles; Blatt Has One Chip Left

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #45: Dean Blatt moved all in for 1,360,000 from the button and was called by Rifat Palevic in the small blind who had 5,000 less.

Palevic: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Blatt: {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}

Blatt was dominated, and would find no help from the {2-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{6-Spades}{a-Diamonds} board, dropping to just 5,000 in chips.

"He's back to starting stack," joked Scott Davies from Blatt's rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt

Tags: Dean BlattRifat PalevicScott Davies

Hands 41 - 44:

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #41:
Ryan Olisar moved all in and took it down pre flop.

Hand #42:
Ryan Olisar gets a walk.

Hand #43:
Rifat Palevic moved all in and took the pot pre flop.

Hand #44:
Olisar moved all in and Palevic called.

Olisar: {a-Hearts}{2-Hearts}
Palevic: {a-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{10-Spades} and they chopped the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar
Profile photo of Rifat Palevic se
Rifat Palevic
WSOP 1X Winner

Hands #37 - 40: Blatt doubles to Survive Then Olisar Doubles Into Chip Lead

Niveau 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #37: Ryan Olisar moved all in from the small blind and Dean Blatt called in the big blind with 1,110,000 remaining.

Blatt tabled {k-Spades}{2-Spades} and Olisar showed {6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}.

The board ran out {j-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{7-Spades} {2-Diamonds} {a-Hearts} and Blatt got the much needed double.

Hand #38: Rifat Palevic got a walk.

Hand #39: Rifat Palevic moved all in from the small blind and took it down.

Hand #40: Rifat Palevic was on the button and moved all in. Ryan Olisar was in the small blind and called.

Olisar tabled {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and palevic showed {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}.

The board ran out {2-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{9-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {a-Clubs} and Olisar got a huge double to take over the chip lead and open up a gap on Palevic.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar
Profile photo of Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt
Profile photo of Rifat Palevic se
Rifat Palevic
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dean BlattRifat PalevicRyan Olisar

Niveau: 33

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 30,000

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