Hands #109-118: The Chance Kornuth Show
Hand #109: Harrison Gimbel moved all in and won the pot.
Hand #110: Chance Kornuth got a walk.
Hand #111: Kornuth limped the small blind and Gimbel checked. The flop was and a bet from Kornuth took the pot.
Hand #112: Kornuth moved all in and won the pot.
Hand #113: Kornuth got a walk.
Hand #114: Kornuth shoved and Gimbel called. Kornuth had and Gimbel
. The board ran out
and Ginbel doubled up.
Hand #115: Kornuth shoved from the button and won.
Hand #116: Van Sanford moved all in and won the pot.
Hand #117: Kornuth made it 480,000 from the small blind and took the pot.
Hand #118: Kornuth opened for 320,000 and folded to a Gimbel shove.