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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Lee Drops a Mammoth Pot to Schulz

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Gyeongbyeong Lee
Gyeongbyeong Lee

A preflop raising war had Gyeong Byeong Lee, in the cutoff, and Robert Schulz, from the small blind, each committing about 450,000 to the pot after a raise and a three-bet.

The flop came down {Q-Hearts}{3-Spades}{10-Spades}, and both players checked to see the {Q-Clubs} on the turn. Schulz decided to lead out, putting out a bet of 440,000. Lee thought for a long time, so long, in fact, that another player at the table called the clock on him. With 10 seconds left on his clock, Lee decided to raise, making it one million total.

Schulz dropped into the tank. He thought for several minutes, then moved all in for a total of 2,525,000. Lee asked for a count, thought for about a minute, then folded his hand, allowing Schulz to take in the monster pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Robert Schulz de
Robert Schulz
WSOP 1X Winner
Gyeong Byeong Lee kr
Gyeong Byeong Lee

Tags: Gyeong Byeong LeeRobert Schulz

Bond Flushes Out Jahn

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

The action was folded to Kenny Hallaert in the cutoff, who raised to 90,000. Sonke Jahn called on the button, Matt Bond called in the small blind, and the big blind defended, as well.

The flop came {10-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. The action was checked to Jahn, on the button, who bet 225,000, and Jahn raised to 725,000. Both the big blind and Hallaert mucked their cards, and Jahn shoved all in for his remaining 1,500,000. Bond quickly called, and the cards were tabled.

Bond: {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Jahn: {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}

Jahn was out front with a set of deuces but needed to dodge Bond's flush draw. The turn was the safe {4-Hearts}, but the river brought the {7-Diamonds}, and Jahn slammed his hand down on the table in frustration.

Bond rivered his flush and scooped a healthy pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Matt Bond us
Matt Bond
Sonke Jahn us
Sonke Jahn

Tags: Kenny HallaertMatt BondSonke Jahn

Smith Busts in Two Hands

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

In a hand that carried over into the next level, Alex Smith was left short-stacked and busted right after the blinds went up.

First, Smith raised to 95,000 from under the gun, and Damian Salas three-bet to 235,000, which prompted Smith to four-bet to 550,000. Salas called. On the {Q-Hearts}{J-Spades}{10-Hearts} flop, Smith checked and called a bet of 185,000 by Salas before both checked the {9-Diamonds} turn. On the {4-Spades} river, Smith took a long time before betting 550,000 with just about as much behind. Salas took equally long before announcing the call.

Smith mucked, and Salas let out a, "Come on," before raking in the pot. Other players on the table complained that the hand took very long and were unsure when to call the clock, as a significant portion of Smith's stack was up for grabs.

"And now we don't even get to see the hands," another player said.

Right after, the blinds went up, and Karen Sarkisyan raised from the small blind. Smith moved all in. Sarkisyan asked for a count and called once it was deemed to be for 630,000.

Alex Smith: {K-Spades}{4-Clubs}
Karen Sarkisyan: {A-Spades}{7-Spades}

The board ran out {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{A-Hearts}, and Smith headed to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Damian Salas ar
Damian Salas
Day 4 Chip Leader
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Karen Sarkisyan ru
Karen Sarkisyan
Alex Smith us
Alex Smith

Tags: Alex SmithDamian SalasKaren Sarkisyan

The Ladies are No Good to Bob Shao

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Bob Shao was on his feet for his tournament life with {q-Spades}{q-Hearts} in front of him, and he was up against Paul Vas Nunes' {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}. Shao was the player at risk for his stack of 2,015,000, as Vas Nunes had him covered by around a million chips.

The flop came {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{6-Clubs}, and Vas Nunes remained ahead with a pair of aces. The turn was the {a-Spades} for top set for Vas Nunes, but it gave Shao more outs with a straight draw. The river was the {4-Clubs}, and Shao was eliminated.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Paul Vas Nunes gb
Paul Vas Nunes
Bob Shao us
Bob Shao

Tags: Bob ShaoPaul vas Nunes

128th-143rd-Place Finishers

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

The following players earned $53,247 for their respective finishes.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Alex Smith us
Alex Smith
Nick Schwarmann us
Nick Schwarmann
Avdo Djokovic us
Avdo Djokovic
Sonke Jahn us
Sonke Jahn
Ben Jacobs us
Ben Jacobs
Eugene Kotlyarevskiy us
Eugene Kotlyarevskiy
Michael Addamo au
Michael Addamo
WSOP 4X Winner
Ben Richardson au
Ben Richardson
Hans Winzeler us
Hans Winzeler
Benoit Jean ca
Benoit Jean
Sergio Castelluccio it
Sergio Castelluccio
Aaron Overton us
Aaron Overton
Steve McKoy us
Steve McKoy
Michael Benvenuti us
Michael Benvenuti
James Salmon us
James Salmon
Donald Dombach us
Donald Dombach

Joshua Tieman Doubles Through Ben Lamb

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

After Ben Lamb raised in early position and Joshua Tieman moved all in for 585,000 from the cutoff, Lamb called to put Tieman at risk.

Tieman: {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Lamb: {K-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}

The flop came {K-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}, giving Lamb the lead with kings and nines. The {2-Clubs} turn changed nothing, but Tieman found the {A-Clubs} on the river to double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
WSOP 2X Winner
Joshua Tieman us
Joshua Tieman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben LambJoshua Tieman

Kenny Hallaert Loses Some

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

On a {9-Spades}{10-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} board, Kenny Hallaert bet 560,000 into a pot of around 500,000 against a solitary opponent. Matt Bond sat thinking at the other end of the table for a while before calling.

Hallaert showed {k-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} for a pair of nines, but Bond showed {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} for a set of tens and took down the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Matt Bond us
Matt Bond
Kenny Hallaert be
Kenny Hallaert

Day 3 Chip Leader Patrick Lavecchia Sent to The Rail

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Patrick Lavecchia
Patrick Lavecchia

Down to just 105,000, Patrick Lavecchia moved all in from the cutoff and was called by Fadi Hamad one seat over.

Patrick Lavecchia: {Q-Spades}{5-Spades}
Fadi Hamad: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}

The board ran out {8-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}. Lavecchia found no help and was sent to the rail. After coming into Day 5 shortest in chips with just 174,000 chips, Lavecchia did well to last this long and has departed just under half an hour into Level 25.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Fadi Hamad us
Fadi Hamad
Patrick Lavecchia us
Patrick Lavecchia
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Fadi HamadPatrick Lavecchia

Dwek Doubles Up Sarkisyan

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Jonathan Dwek
Jonathan Dwek

Jonathan Dwek opened with a raise to 125,000, and Karen Sarkisyan three-bet to 275,000. Action was back on Dwek, and he made it 575,000. Sarkisyan called.

The flop came {5-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}, and both players checked to the {J-Spades} on the turn, where fireworks exploded. Dwek bet 700,000, and Sarkisyan called. The river was the {10-Diamonds}, and Dwek shoved all in with a covering stack. Sarkisyan snap-called all in for his total stack of 940,000.

Dwek confidently turned over {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds}, but his hand was no good. Sarkisyan was holding {K-Clubs}{10-Spades} for three tens, and he earned a double-up through the Superman-clad Dwek.

That pot pushed Sarkisyan over four million chips, while Dwek was left with just over one million.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Karen Sarkisyan ru
Karen Sarkisyan
Jonathan Dwek ca
Jonathan Dwek

Tags: Jonathan DwekKaren Sarkisyan

Bansal's Two Pair Can't Hold Up

Niveau 25 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

After a {J-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{4-Spades} flop, Paawan Bansal, in the big blind, and Kfir Nahum, on the button, got into a raising war, and the former ended up as the player at risk.

Paawan Bansal: {J-Hearts}{4-Hearts}
Kfir Nahum: {7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}

"Jack, please," Bansal requested, while Nahum was hoping for a three or eight in order to avoid a setback to his stack. The blank {A-Clubs} on the turn changed nothing, but the {8-Hearts} river improved Nahum to a straight, and he celebrated loudly with a, "Yessssss."

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kfir Nahum il
Kfir Nahum
Paawan Bansal in
Paawan Bansal

Tags: Kfir NahumPaawan Bansal