Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliott perd sa bataille face au cancer

Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliott s'est éteint à l'âge de 61 ans a annoncé un de ses fils sur le compte Twitter de son père dans la journée de lundi.
Vainqueur d'un bracelet WSOP et d'un bracelet WPT, DevilFish a marqué le poker moderne en participant aux premières émissions de télévision, notamment Late Night Poker en 1999. Personnage haut en couleur, il laisse derrière lui sa femme Anpaktita et huit enfants : Chris, David, Kerry, Lucy, Matthew, Mike, Paul et Steven.
Dave Ulliott a gagné 6 218 293 dollars en tournois lors de sa carrière. Une carrière remplie de moments inoubliables. Grand amateur de belles histoires, le joueur avait compilé ses anecdotes dans une autobiographie qui perpétuera sa mémoire chez les passionnés de poker. DevilFish ne devrait pas tarder à entrer au Hall Of Fame...
Unfortunately Dad, Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliott lost his battle with cancer today and died peacefully surrounded by his loved ones. xxx
— David Ulliott (@devilfish2011)

RIP one and only @devilfish2011 - @TexDolly @phil_hellmuth @Jtillathekilla2 + others are all correct - he should be in Poker's Hall of Fame
— Warren Lush (@warrenlush)
“@rocher6475: Dave 'Devilfish' Ulliott lost his battle with cancer today" @MikeSexton_WPT sadly true this time” Sad is right. #pokerlegend
— Mike Sexton (@MikeSexton_WPT)
RIP @Devilfish2011 Devilfishes effusive personality, good heart and beautiful world class style of poker lit up televised poker for yrs!
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
RIP @Devilfish2011 if you knew Devilfish, then you loved him. He's a poker legend who is going into #PokerHallOfFame I'll miss you Fish!
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)
Agree w @TexDolly, it'd be good to see @devilfish2011 in HOF. Devilfish's book is a great read also
— Erik Seidel (@Erik_Seidel)
Poker lost one of it's most colorful characters today. RIP Dave "DevilFish" Ulliot http://t.co/K9YdPahx7H
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
I was expecting Devilfish to pass, but not as quickly. He sent me 3 Direct Messages on twitter just days ago.#RIPpokerhalloffame?
— Doyle Brunson (@TexDolly)
Interviewed Devilfish just over a year ago for @PokerPlayer365. Funny and fascinating stories, defined a poker era. http://t.co/Q9EpFTxAIp
— Ross Jarvis (@Starch_Jarvis)