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2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

$5,000 Main Event
Jours 6
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

$5,000 Main Event

Jour 6 terminé

Christian Harder remporte le premier PokerStars Championship Bahamas (429.664$) devant Cliff Josephy (403.448$)

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Christian Harder
Christian Harder

Christian Harder triomphe sur le premier Main Event PokerStars Championship Bahamas de l'histoire. L'Américain devance son compatriote finaliste du Main Event WSOP 2016, Cliff Josephy... qui était aussi son ancien sponsor. Les deux hommes ont dealé la plus grosse partie du prieepool de 3,376,712$, le vainqueur prenant 429,664$, le dauphin 403,448$.

1Christian HarderUnited States$429,664*
2Cliff JosephyUnited States$403,448*
3Michael VelaUnited States$259,980
4Aleksei OpalikhinRussia$191,420
5Michael GentiliCanada$140,940
6Rasmus GlæselNorway$103,780

*Denotes heads-up deal

Rasmus Glæsel n'a pas profité longtemps. Le Norvégien a été le premier sortant de cette Table Finale à 6 joueurs à l'Atlantis Resort, à la 7e main du Jour 6 après un flip perdu contre Cliff Josephy. Il faudra 99 mains de plus pour que le chipleader à l'entame de la TF, Michael Gentili, fasse doubler Aleksei Opalikhin.

Après s'être empalé sur les {a-}{a-} de son adversaire avec {2-}{2-}, Gentili se retrouve short et paye à tapis couvert avec {9-}{7-} après un open de Josephy. Le {k-}{10-} du November Niner fera l'affaire et le Canadien rejoint le rail plus riche de 140 940$.

Aleksei Opalikhin va perdre une grosse partie de ses jetons sur un lancer de pièce face à Cliff Josephy, toujours du bon côté avec {9-}{9-}. Le Russe sautera sur la main suivante contre Michael Vela, plus riche de 191 420$.

Michael Vela se hisse donc sur le podium 100% américain du premier PokerStars Championship Bahamas. Il squeeze à tapis avec {a-}{6-}... et se fait payer par ses deux adversaires. Christian Harder détient {a-}{q-}, Cliff Josephy {k-}{j-} et si Vela trouve un {6-} pour une paire, Josephy fait couleur à une carte !

Christian Harder and Cliff Josephy discussing a deal

Les deux derniers joueurs en lice s'arrangent financièrement tout en laissant le trophée et 10.000$ à la gagne. Le duel final commence avec un léger avantage pour le plus jeune des deux concurrents (12 contre 9 millions de jetons, ndlr) et Harder a rapidement et régulièrement pris des jetons à son ancien backer. Josephy va se retrouver à tapis avec {a-}{8-}, dominé par le {a-}{j-} de Harder, et ne va pas trouver d'aide sur le board.

Finaliste du PCA 2008 où il avait terminé 7e pour 200 000$ à l'occasion de son deuxième cash en carrière, Christian Harder fête son 10e trip aux Bahamas par une victoire. Ironie de l'histoire, Cliff Josephy était son sponsor en 2008 !

En plein rush depuis son accession à la finale WSOP, Josephy a aussi remporté un side event au WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic pour 163 250$ le mois dernier.

La deuxième étape du PokerStars Championship aura lieu le 11 mars au Panama. Le PokerStars Festival London commence lui la semaine prochaine, PokerNews sera présent sur ces deux événements pour vous faire vivre l'action !

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael VelaRasmus Glæsel

Cliff Josephy Eliminated in 2nd Place ($403,448)

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Cliff Josephy
Cliff Josephy

Hand #151: Josephy raised to 400,000 with {a-Spades}{8-Hearts}. Harder paused for a moment and three-bet to 1,100,000 with {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}. Josephy wasted no time and moved all in for 6,100,000. Harder asked for a count and eventually he called.

The flop came {9-Spades}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades}, keeping Harder well ahead with ace-jack high. "Back doors", said Harder.

The turn was the {k-Spades} and now Josephy picked up outs to make a flush.

The river was the {9-Clubs} and Josephy was eliminated in second place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Christian HarderCliff Josephy

Hands #143-150: Christian Harder Chips Away at Cliff Josephy

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #143: Cliff Josephy raised to 400,000 on the button with {k-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} and Christian Harder called with {a-Clubs}{9-Clubs}.

The flop came {9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. Harder checked and Josephy bet 400,000. Harder called.

The turn was the {10-Hearts}. Harder checked again. Josephy bet 800,000. Harder called. The river was the {7-Spades}. Harder checked for a third time. Josephy checked back and Harder took down the pot.

Hand #144: Harder raised to 360,000 on the button with {6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}. Josephy called with {k-Spades}{6-Diamonds}. The flop came {a-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades}. Harder bet 225,000. Josephy called. The turn was the {3-Spades}. Both players checked. The river was the {9-Diamonds}. Both players checked and Josephy took down the pot.

Hand #145: Josephy raised to 400,000 with {j-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and Harder defended with {a-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Both players checked the flop of {7-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{2-Spades}. The turn was the {3-Hearts}. Harder led out for 400,000 and Josephy folded.

Hand #146: Harder raised to 380,000 with {7-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Josephy defended with {9-Spades}{6-Hearts}. The flop came {7-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}. Josephy checked and Harder bet 340,000. Josephy check-raised to 1,600,000. Harder went into the tank and then moved all in. Josephy folded.

Hand #147: Josephy raised but no cards or amounts were shown. Harder folded {7-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}.

Hand #148: Harder raised to 360,000 with {k-Hearts}{4-Spades}. Josephy three-bet to 1,100,000 with {k-Spades}{q-Spades}. Harder folded.

Hand #149: Josephy gave Harder a walk.

Hand #150: Harder limped in with {q-Hearts}{7-Clubs}. Josephy raised to 540,000. Harder folded.

Tags: Michael VelaChristian HarderAleksei OpalikhinCliff JosephyMichael Gentili

Michael Vela Eliminated in 3rd Place ($259,980)

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Michael Vela
Michael Vela

Hand #142: Christian Harder found {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades} and raised his button to 350,000. Small blind Cliff Josephy called with {K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} before big blind Michael Vela shoved for 1,485,000 holding {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts}.

Harder tanked for a bit and called. Josephy thought about it for some minutes before he too called.

With now 4,515,000 in the middle, Vela could be back in it if he somehow would overcome his disadvantage.

"I'm checking dark for the first time in my life" Josephy said.

The flop came {6-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}, pairing Vela. Harder checked behind and they both checked the {3-Hearts} on the turn and {4-Diamonds} on the river as well.

"Somebody has to got have a diamond!" Vela said.

Vela got the bad news soon enough as Josephy showed the diamond he had to make his flush.

"What an ugly way to go" Vela said.

"It's going to be boring here now" Josephy said while shaking hands with the third place finisher. Michael Vela out in third place for $259,980. The two remaining players, Christian Harder (12 million) and Cliff Josephy (9 million) are guaranteed $353,100 and will battle for that first place prize of $480,012 when they return from the short impromptu break.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Vela us
Michael Vela
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Christian HarderCliff JosephyMichael Vela

Hands #133-141: Michael Vela Gets Short

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #133: Christian Harder was on the button with {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} and raised to 350,000. Michael Vela defended the big blind with {k-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. He checked blind. The flop came [jcjd4]. Harder bet 250,000. Vela called. The turn was the {3-Diamonds}. Both players checked. The river was the {q-Diamonds}. Vela checked. Harder bet 475,000. Vela folded.

Hand #134: Cliff Josephy limped in on the button with {9-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Michael Vela moved all in from the small blind with {8-Spades}{8-Hearts}. Both of his opponents folded.

Hand #135: Christian Harder was in the small blind with {10-Clubs}{7-Spades} and he limped in. Cliff Josephy was in the big blind and checked his option with {9-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}. The flop came {q-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{4-Clubs}. Harder bet 175,000 and Josephy folded.

Hand #136: Cliff Josephy limped in with {7-Spades}{5-Hearts} from the small blind. Michael Vela checked his option in the big blind with {8-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}.

The flop came {j-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades}. Josephy led out for 175,000. Vela called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds}. Josephy checked and Vela bet 275,000. "Here Cliff. Want me to put them in hundred stacks for you?" asked Vela. "I just want to see how much you're playing so I don't make any mistakes. Thank you" responded Josephy. Josephy called.

The river was the {2-Spades}. Both players checked and Josephy took the pot down with a pair of fives. "Oops", said Vela.

Hand #137: Christian Harder got a walk.

Hand #138: Christian Harder was in the small blind with {4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} and he raised to 400,000. Josephy called from the big blind, only showing the {10-Hearts}. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Spades}. Harder led out for 315,000. Josephy folded.

Hand #139: Christian Harder raised to 350,000 with {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} on the button. Cliff Josephy was in the small blind with {5-Spades}{4-Hearts} and three-bet to 950,000. Harder folded.

Hand #140: Michael Vela shoved from the small blind with {J-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} for 1,305,000. Harder folded the {9-Spades}{5-Spades} from his big blind.

Hand #141: Christian Harder completed the small blind with {9-Hearts}{4-Clubs} and Josephy checked {K-Spades}{J-Clubs} from the big. The flop came {2-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and both players checked. The {10-Spades} on the turn paired the board and Harder took a step of 175,000. Josephy called in position. The {Q-Hearts} completed the board and two checks later, Josephy took down the hand.

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael Vela

Hands #127-132: Raise and Take It

Niveau 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

We missed several hands because of segments on the live stream. We continue our numbering where we left off.

Hand #127: Michael Vela shoved all in with {A-Spades}{J-Hearts} from the smaller blind but found no callers.

Hand #128: Michael Vela was all in again, this time for 2,535,000 with {K-Spades}{Q-Spades}.

Hand #129 Christian Harder raised to 350,000 on the button with {8-Clubs}{2-Clubs}. Everyone folded.

Hand #130: Cliff Josephy with {A-Spades}{4-Diamonds} on the button raised to 380,000. That delivered him the blinds and antes because both of his opponents folded.

Hand #131: Cliff Josephy with {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs} raised to 380,000 on the button. Again two folds as both blinds had non playable hands.

Hand #132: Christian Harder with {5-Spades}{5-Hearts} in the small blind raised to 405,000. Cliff Josephy folded.

Tags: Christian HarderCliff JosephyMichael Vela

Niveau: 31

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000