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2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

$5,000 Main Event
Jours 4
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

$5,000 Main Event

Jour 4 terminé

Michael Gentili chipleader à l'issue du Jour 4, Mercier, Riess, Dibella et Josephy toujours en lice

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Michael Gentili
Michael Gentili

Le Jour 4 du Main Event PokerStars Championship Bahamas a été écourté, le field tombant rapidement de 32 à 16 joueurs. Le Canadien Michael Gentili a pris le pouvoir sur la fin en remportant deux belles mains alors que Nick Maimone, Adrian Mateos Diaz et Byron Kaverman ont rendu les armes. Tout comme l'ultime tricolore en lice, Gaëlle Baumann.

Gentili aura 3,7 millions de jetons pour la reprise au Jour 5, soit plus de 150 blindes. Le jeune homme a de l'expérience puisqu'il a déjà terminé second d'un 5000$ WSOP pour presque 500 000$. Jason Mercier a lui besoin d'aide puisqu'il débutera l'avant dernière journée en dernière position au classement avec 340 000 soit 15 blindes à la reprise.

Gaelle Baumann a été la première sortante de la journée, elle n'a pas réussi à gratter le palier de la 31e place et termine 32e pour un gain de 14 760$. Pratyush Buddiga a suivi quelques minutes plus tard pour un gain de 19 000$ (31e). Byron Kaverman a chuté en 29e position pour le même gain que son compatriote après un gros flip perdu contre le Portugais Rodrigo Cordoba. Présent au Jour 4, Jaime Staples a perdu son 40-60 pour sa survie et s'incline lui en 27e place (19e).

Pendant ce temps là, le chipleader Nick Maimone ne faisait que perdre des coups. Mis à mal par Michael Vela, vainqueur WPT, Maimone est tombé à 30 blindes et va 4 bet all-in {a-}{k-} pour s'empaler sur les {k-}{k-} de Gentili. Dans le bas du classement, Gentili en profitait pour prendre la tête alors que Maimone quittait la partie en 19e position pour un gain de 24,640$.

En mode short stack ninja, le vainqueur du Main Event WSOP Europe et de l'EPT Grand Final Adrian Mateos Diaz est parvenu à accrocher une demi-finale de plus à son palmarès. Pas sûr que cette 18e place pour 24 640$ soit suffisante pour l'ambitieux espagnol...

Les survivants se retrouvent alors à la bulle du Jour 5... et c'est le moment choisi par Gentili pour remporter un pot énorme. Après avoir collé une relance UTG de Michael Bartholomew avec les {10-}{10-}, le patron du tournoi va envoyer trois mises sur un tableau {10-}{9-}{7-}{q-}{2-}. Bartholomew va hésiter un long moment rivière avant de call-muck son brelan de {7-}{7-}.

Le grinder US Rex Clinkscales sera donc l'ultime victime du Jour 4. Il va perdre une bonne partie de ses jetons en payant de grosse blinde avec {k-Spades}{4-Spades} suite à un open shove du short-stack Allon Allison avec {9-}{10-}. Tombé à 8 blindes, Clinkscales va tout mettre avec {8-}{8-} mais l'ancien vainqueur du PCA John Dibella va trouver deux paires au flop et une maison pleine au tournant avec {a-}{10-}.

La partie reprendra donc sur les blindes 12 000 - 24 000 (4000) avec 16 joueurs assurés de remporter 24,640$.

L'action sera à suivre dès 18 heures en streaming et sur le coverage de PokerNews. Il retse du beau monde puisque John Dibella, Cliff Josephy, Christian Harder et Ryan Riess sont encore en lice !

Le classement complet du tournoi

11Marcin KapkowskiPoland950,00040
12Michael BartholomewCanada877,00037
13Rodrigo CordobaArgentina1,777,00074
14Christian HarderUSA1,305,00054
15John DibellaUSA1,294,00054
16Jason MercierUSA340,00014
17Michael GentiliCanada3,708,000155
18Cliff JosephyUSA1,331,00055
21Pedro CabecaPortugal540,00023
22Aleksei OpalikhinRussia2,084,00086
23Nadya MagnusUSA1,870,00078
24Michael VelaUSA1,811,00075
25Ryan RiessUSA371,00015
26Allon AllisonCanada1,015,00042
27Alan ScheinUSA635,00026
28Rasmus GlæselDenmark1,319,00055

Tags: Michael Gentili

Day 5 Seat Draw 2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas Main Event (complet)

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
TableSeatNameCountryChip CountBig Blinds
11Marcin KapkowskiPoland950,00040
12Michael BartholomewCanada877,00037
13Rodrigo CordobaArgentina1,777,00074
14Christian HarderUSA1,305,00054
15John DibellaUSA1,294,00054
16Jason MercierUSA340,00014
17Michael GentiliCanada3,708,000155
18Cliff JosephyUSA1,331,00055
21Pedro CabecaPortugal540,00023
22Aleksei OpalikhinRussia2,084,00086
23Nadya MagnusUSA1,870,00078
24Michael VelaUSA1,811,00075
25Ryan RiessUSA371,00015
26Allon AllisonCanada1,015,00042
27Alan ScheinUSA635,00026
28Rasmus GlæselDenmark1,319,00055
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili
Profile photo of Aleksei Opalikhin ru
Aleksei Opalikhin
Profile photo of Nadya Magnus us
Nadya Magnus
Profile photo of Michael Vela us
Michael Vela
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Rodrigo Cordoba ar
Rodrigo Cordoba
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Rasmus Glæsel no
Rasmus Glæsel
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of John Dibella us
John Dibella
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Brock Allison ca
Brock Allison
Profile photo of Marcin Kapkowski pl
Marcin Kapkowski
Profile photo of Michael Bartholomew ca
Michael Bartholomew
Profile photo of Alan Schein us
Alan Schein
Profile photo of Pedro Cabeca pt
Pedro Cabeca
Profile photo of Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
WSOP 6X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Rex Clinkscales Eliminated in 17th Place ($24,640)

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Rex Clinkscales
Rex Clinkscales

Rex Clinkscales pushed his remaining 328,000 into the pot, and John Dibella put him at risk from the big blind.

Dibella: {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Clinkscales: {8-Hearts}{8-Spades}

"Just an ace," Dibella requested.

He got more: {7-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}, giving him two pair. Clinkscales needed an eight or running straight cards, but those hopes were dashed when Dibella locked it up on the {10-Clubs} turn. A meaningless {k-Spades} arrived on the river, and the American grinder headed for payouts as the rest of the players prepared to bag up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Rex Clinkscales us
Rex Clinkscales

Tags: John DibellaRex Clinkscales

Allison Doubles Through Josephy

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Allon Allison got his stack of about 500,000 in against Cliff Josephy preflop.

Josephy: {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}
Allison: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

Allison declared he had a bad feeling, but the flop came {8-Spades}{j-Clubs}{a-Clubs} to give him a near-lock. The {5-Hearts} turn and {2-Clubs} meant he doubled up again.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Brock Allison ca
Brock Allison

Tags: Allon AllisonCliff Josephy

Set Over Set

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Michael Bartholomew opened to 52,000 early and got calls from Michael Gentili on his left and one other player. Bartholomew checked when the {10-Clubs}{7-Spades}{9-Hearts} arrived, and Gentili bet what looked like 110,000. Only Bartholomew called. He then check-called another 250,000 on the {q-Spades} turn, and a {2-Hearts} completed the community. Gentili bet 400,000 fairly quickly when checked to. That sent Bartholomew deep into the tank.

"Set over set?" he asked. "This would be pretty sick."

He continued to mutter to himself as he tanked.

"You think I'm capped at one pair so you can get me off..."

Eventually, someone called a clock and Bartholomew ended up calling. Gentili tabled a set of tens and a disgusted Bartholomew showed he did have a set: {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili
Profile photo of Michael Bartholomew ca
Michael Bartholomew

Tags: Michael BartholomewMichael Gentili

Allison Doubles Through Clinkscales

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Action folded to Allon Allison, who announced, "17th place here I come," as he slid first one stack then his other one in. String bet was called, and Allison was forced to bet only about 115,000 of his 195,000 total. Rex Clinkscales put him in for the rest from the big blind.

Clinkscales: {k-Spades}{4-Spades}
Allison: {10-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}

The flop came {q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{a-Diamonds}, giving Allison a straight draw to go with his live cards. The {j-Hearts} turn made him a straight, and the {2-Clubs} river ensured his double.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Brock Allison ca
Brock Allison
Profile photo of Rex Clinkscales us
Rex Clinkscales

Tags: Allon AllisonRex Clinkscales

With Only Two Seconds to Go, Magnus Makes a Big Call

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Nadya Magnus
Nadya Magnus

From the cutoff, Nadya Magnus raised to 50,000. Big blind Allon Allison called and both players checked the {8-Spades}{3-Spades}{K-Spades} flop before the {J-Hearts} hit the turn. Allison checked again and Magnus bet 80,000. Allison check-raised to 250,000 and Magnus called in position.

The {4-Diamonds} completed the board and Allison announced all in. He had about 760,000 and had Magnus just covered as she had 580,000.

Magnus went deep into the tank. "Will you show me if I fold?" she asked at one point. Allison did not respond, stoically staring to a fixed point in the room.

"I have a big hand you know," Magnus continued.

At one point she shook her head and glared to the rail. "I Just don't believe you!" she said.

Several minutes past and John Dibella asked for the clock. Still no word from Allison who had his eyes hidden behind dark shades.

The floor came over and informed Magnus she had a minute left to act on her hand. As 50 seconds had passed, the floor started the countdown from ten to zero.

With just two seconds left, Magnus pounced some chips in the middle to call it off for her tournament life.

"Ahhh!" Allison shouted, "So close!"

That was enough information for Magnus who showed {J-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} for two pair.

"Shit! I almost had you. Just two seconds away!" Allison said.

"I think I lose" Allison said while he took one last peek at his cards.

"I need to see two hands" the dealer commented.

Allison showed {A-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and the pot went to Magnus.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Nadya Magnus us
Nadya Magnus
Profile photo of Brock Allison ca
Brock Allison

Tags: Allon AllisonNadezhda MagnusNadya Magnus

Adrian Mateos Eliminated in 18th Place ($24,640)

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

Adrian Mateos lost a big pot after doubling Alan Schein up and was left with less than one big blind before being eliminated.

Schein moved all in for 372,000 from the cutoff and Adrian Mateos re-shoved all in on the button for 392,000.

Schein: {k-Hearts}{6-Hearts}
Mateos: {a-Clubs}{10-Spades}

The flop came {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}. Schein took the lead with a pair of kings and never looked back after the {9-Hearts} peeled on the turn and the {5-Hearts} came on the river. Mateos was left with just 20,000 chips.

The very next hand, Mateos called all in for less (16,000). Jason Mercier called from the small blind and Ryan Riess checked his option in the big blind.

The flop came {q-Spades}{7-Spades}{2-Diamonds}. Mercier led out for 24,000 and Riess folded.

Mercier: {q-Clubs}{6-Spades}
Mateos: {j-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}

The turn was the {9-Hearts} and the river was the {6-Clubs}, sending Mateos home in 18th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Alan Schein us
Alan Schein
Profile photo of Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
WSOP 6X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosAlan ScheinJason Mercier

Nick Maimone Eliminated in 19th Place ($24,640)

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Nick Maimone
Nick Maimone

Birthday boy and start of day chipleader Nick Maimone has been eliminated from the 2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas $5,000 Main Event.

Maimone opened under the gun for 60,000 and his neighbor Michael Vela called. Over on the button sat Michael Gentili and he three-bet to 195,000. Both blinds folded and action was back on Maimone who pushed all in for just over 700,000. Vela folded right away, Gentili called instantly.

Michael Gentili: {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Nick Maimone: {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}

"Good hand, it [was] gonna play itself" Maimone said.

The board ran out {3-Spades}{2-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and Maimone said his goodbyes. Down to 18 players now, still all guaranteed $24,640.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili
Profile photo of Nick Maimone us
Nick Maimone
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Mike VelaNick Maimone

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