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2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

Main Event
Jours 4
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Prague

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

Michaelis Bluffs it Off to Heidorn

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Paul Michaelis
Paul Michaelis

Paul Michaelis raised to 51,000 under the gun and called the three-bet of 160,000 that came from Robert Heidorn in the cutoff. Both players checked to the turn on a board of {10-Hearts}{2-Spades}{8-Spades}{5-Clubs}. Michaelis bet 175,000 and Heidorn called. On the {8-Diamonds} river, Michaelis shoved. It looked like about 580,000 but Heidorn didn't need to ask for a count, calling right away.

Michaelis showed {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts} for a bricked straight and Heidorn had made trips with {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Michaelis reached out for a fist bump and then headed to payouts.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Robert Heidorn de
Robert Heidorn
Paul Michaelis de
Paul Michaelis
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Paul MichaelisRobert Heidorn

Mrakes Gets Lucky, Regains Lead at Zyrin's Expense

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Anatolii Zyrin
Anatolii Zyrin

Michal Mrakes opened for 60,000 on the button and Anatolii Zyrin made it 212,000 in the small blind. Mrakes shipped it for 928,000 effective and Zyrin quickly called.

Zyrin: {a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}
Mrakes: {k-Hearts}{9-Clubs}

Mrakes had to be happy to see live cards when he got snap-called, and the {8-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{9-Spades} flop was a huge boost for him since he hit top two. The {10-Diamonds} brought a sweat but the {6-Clubs} river was a brick.

Tags: Michal MrakesAnatolii Zyrin

Gianluca Speranza Eliminated

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Daniel Barriocanal opened to 58,000 in the hijack and Gianluca Speranza shoved from the button for 300,000. Kalidou Sow in the big blind isolated by moving in over the top and Barriocanal, with 318,000 behind, went deep into the tank. He eventually folded and left Speranza and Sow to it.

Gianluca Speranza: {A-Clubs}{K-Spades}
Kalidou Sow: {J-Spades}{J-Clubs}

It was a coin flip to start with but the {J-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{8-Spades} flop changed all that. It was all over after the {3-Hearts} on the turn, the {K-Diamonds} on the river was too little, too late for Speranza and he exited the tournament area.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kalidou Sow fr
Kalidou Sow
Day 5 Chip Leader
Daniel Barriocanal es
Daniel Barriocanal
Gianluca Speranza it
Gianluca Speranza

Tags: Gianluca SperanzaKalidou SowDaniel Barriocanal

Double for Lepore

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

From first position, Gabriele Lepore shoved for 241,000 and found someone interested in Hon Cheong Lee in the small blind who looked him up. The big blind folded.

Gabriele Lepore: {8-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Hon Cheong Lee: {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}

The board ran out {J-Clubs}{9-Spades}{5-Diamonds} {10-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} and Lepore doubled.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Hon Cheong Lee hk
Hon Cheong Lee
Gabriele Lepore it
Gabriele Lepore

Tags: Gabriele LeporeHon Cheong Lee

Barriocanal Eliminated to Force Redraw

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Hon Cheong Lee opened for 53,000 and called the all-in shove of Daniel Barriocanal, who had 267,000 on the button.

Lee: {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
Barriocanal: {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

It was a race, but perhaps Barriocanal wasn't feeling his chances as he began wrapping up his headphones. Sure enough, the flop came {q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{j-Clubs}, and the {3-Hearts} and {2-Clubs} river were worthless bricks for Barriocanal.

That leaves 24 players, who will redraw around three tables.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Hon Cheong Lee hk
Hon Cheong Lee
Daniel Barriocanal es
Daniel Barriocanal

Tags: Hon Cheong LeeDaniel Barriocanal

Final 24 Redraw

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
SeatTable 1Table 2Feature Table
1Navot GolanAleksandr MordvinovMichal Mrakes
2Harry LodgeKalidou SowValentyn Shabelnyk
3Alex FoxenIvan SoshnikovHon Cheong Lee
4Jason WheelerGabriele LeporeFatima Moreira de Melo
5Serhii PopovychColin RobinsonThomas Lentrodt
6Diego ZeiterPierre CalamusaNir Levy
7Robert HeidornLawrence BayleyJames Mitchell
8Dmitry PonomarevMatas CimbolasAlessio Isaia

Moreira de Melo Wins a Small One

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Hon Cheong Lee opened the hijack for 55,000 and Fatima Moreira de Melo called from the button. The shorties in the blinds folded.

Lee bet 50,000 on {7-Spades}{5-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and Moreira de Melo called.

With the pot now at 278,000, the {J-Spades} hit the turn and Lee checked. Moreira de Melo bet 100,000 and Lee folded right away.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Fatima Moreira de Melo nl
Fatima Moreira de Melo
Hon Cheong Lee hk
Hon Cheong Lee

Tags: Fatima Moreira De MeloHon Cheong Lee

Mrakes Makes a Huge Call With Ace-High, Wins Biggest Pot of the Tournament

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Michal Mrakes
Michal Mrakes

From the hijack, Michal Mrakes raised to 60,000 and Hon Cheong Lee three-bet to 180,000 from the button. Mrakes called to see a flop of {4-Hearts}{4-Spades}{4-Clubs}. Mrakes checked and Lee bet 110,000. Mrakes was quick to call.

With the pot now at 648,000, the {8-Hearts} hit the turn and Mrakes checked again. Lee bet again, this time 225,000. Mrakes called.

The {2-Clubs} completed the board and Mrakes checked. Lee tanked for a bit before he shoved 856,000 into the 1,098,000 pot.

Mrakes pondered for a fair bit and eventually slammed a tower of chips in the middle to indicate the call. Lee's face said enough, and Mrakes now tabled his {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts} with some confidence. Lee showed {Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and left with hanging shoulders.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Michal Mrakes cz
Michal Mrakes
Day 4 Chip Leader
Hon Cheong Lee hk
Hon Cheong Lee

Tags: Hon Cheong LeeMichal Mrakes

Two Doubles

Niveau 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Matas Cimbolas
Matas Cimbolas

Diego Zeiter jammed for 257,000 on the button over a cutoff raise from Serhii Popovych, who called after thinking briefly.

Popovych: {10-Clubs}{8-Hearts}
Zeiter: {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}

The {q-Spades}{6-Spades}{4-Diamonds} flop brought little for Popovych but he gained outs on the {7-Diamonds} turn with a double-gutter. The river bricked with the {7-Clubs} though.

At the other table, Matas Cimbolas jammed for 415,000 in the big blind over a cutoff open from Colin Robinson, who called.

Robinson: {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}
Cimbolas: {2-Clubs}{2-Spades}

Cimbolas expressed surprise at the call and then slid his chair back upon seeing the {8-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{k-Spades} flop. The {5-Hearts} bricked and he stood up but the river was the {2-Diamonds}.

"He made a bad call and I punish him!" Cimbolas shouted. "Karma's real."

Joueur Jetons Progression
Serhii Popovych ua
Serhii Popovych
Matas Cimbolas lt
Matas Cimbolas
WPT 1X Winner
Diego Zeiter ch
Diego Zeiter
Colin Robinson us
Colin Robinson
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Diego ZeiterSerhii PopovychMatas CimbolasColin Robinson