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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $50,000 Poker Players Championship
Jours 2
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000

Wattel Eliminated by Baker

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante
Mike Wattel on Day 1
Mike Wattel on Day 1

Stud Hi-Lo

David "ODB" Baker: {x-}{x-} / {7-Clubs}{q-Spades}{9-Clubs}
Mike Wattel: {x-}{x-} / {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

Mike Wattel was the bring in, David "ODB" Baker completed and Wattel called.

Wattel bet on fourth, Baker called and the rest of Wattel's short stack was in on fifth.

David "ODB" Baker: {a-Hearts}{8-Hearts} / {7-Clubs}{q-Spades}{9-Clubs}
Mike Wattel: {8-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} / {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

Here were the rest of their runouts:

David "ODB" Baker: {a-Hearts}{8-Hearts} / {7-Clubs}{q-Spades}{9-Clubs}{5-Clubs} / {a-Spades}
Mike Wattel: {8-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} / {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} / {10-Diamonds}

Baker made a pair of aces on seventh, Wattel couldn't improve his threes and he was eliminated.

Joueur Jetons Progression
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Mike Wattel us
Mike Wattel
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David "ODB" BakerMike Wattel

Friedman Wins Big Pot Preflop

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

No-Limit Hold'em

John Esposito raised to 12,000 from under the gun and received a call from Adam Friedman in the hijack. Shaun Deeb three-bet from the cutoff to 44,000.

Action folded back to Esposito, who also folded. Friedman then four-bet to 137,000. Deeb went into the tank and eventually let his hand go.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
John Esposito us
John Esposito
WSOP 1X Winner
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Adam FriedmanJohn EspositoShaun Deeb

Smith Folds on River

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

No-Limit Hold'em

Dan Smith and Dan Cates met in a big blind-versus-button battle, coming to the {6-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{10-Hearts} flop as Smith had defended for 10,000 preflop.

Smith checked, Cates bet 15,000 and Smith made it 50,000. Cates called.

They continued to the {2-Hearts} turn and both players checked.

The river was the {8-Spades} and Smith checked again. Cates cut out a bet of 85,000 and Smith wasn't willing to match the price so he gave up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Dan Cates us
Dan Cates
WSOP 2X Winner
Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Dan CatesDan Smith

Sammartino Gets Fold On River

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw

There was 64,000 in the pot with Dario Sammartino having just drawn one card from the big blind in a hand versus John Monette in the small blind. After the draw, Monette bet and Sammartino called.

Second draws saw both players stand pat. Monette then checked to Sammartino, who bet and was called.

Monnette drew one on the final draw and Sammartino stood pat behind him. On the river, Monnette checked and Sammartino put in another bet. Monnette looked back at his hand and folded, showing a {2-}.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
John Monnette us
John Monnette
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Dario SammartinoJohn Monette

Martin Scoops Deeb

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

Omaha Hi-Lo

Shaun Deeb raised from the button, Jesse Martin three-bet from the small blind and Deeb called.

The flop was {6-Clubs}{5-Spades}{2-Spades}, Martin bet and Deeb called.

The turn was the {7-Hearts}, Martin bet and Deeb called.

The river was the {k-Clubs}, Martin bet and Deeb called.

Martin tabled {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{9-Spades}{3-Hearts} for a pair of kings with the nut low, Deeb mucked and Martin won the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Jesse Martin us
Jesse Martin
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Jesse MartinShaun Deeb

Vitch Gets Three Streets From Dwan

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw

Chris Vitch opened the action with a raise from the cutoff. Yong Wang called from the button and Tom Dwan followed suit from the big blind. On the first draw, Dwan and Vitch took two and Wang took three. Dwan then checked to Vitch, who fired a continuation-bet. Wang folded and Dwan called.

Second draws went two and one and Dwan again check-called a bet from Vitch. Both players drew one on the final draw and Dwan check-called Vitch's third barrel.

Vitch tabled {9-}{8-}{7-}{4-}{2-} and Dwan tossed his cards to the muck as the dealer shipped the pot to Vitch.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Chris Vitch us
Chris Vitch
Tom Dwan us
Tom Dwan
Yong Wang cn
Yong Wang

Tags: Chris VitchTom DwanYong Wang

Mercier Goes Bet-Bet-Bet

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante
Jason Mercier
Jason Mercier

No-Limit Hold'em

Phil Ivey made it 10,000 on the button and Jason Mercier countered with a three-bet to 37,000 out of the small blind. Ivey called.

Mercier bet 28,000 on the {8-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{2-Spades} flop and Ivey called again.

The {2-Diamonds} fell on the turn and Mercier barrelled for 87,000. Ivey matched the bid again.

They made it to the {j-Spades} river where Mercier bombed a 238,000-bet. Ivey tanked for a couple of minutes.

"How much do you have back?" Ivey asked Mercier, who leant back to allow a view of his stack, but he didn't say a word.

Ivey eventually threw his cards away and Mercier dragged the pot without exposing his hole cards.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Jason MercierPhil Ivey

Cates a Razz Player Now

Niveau 11 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante


Dan Cates: {x-}{x-} / {10-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{6-Hearts}
Ben Yu: {x-}{x-} / {6-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{j-Spades}

Cates was the bring in with a ten and action folded to Ben Yu on his direct right who raised his six. Cates started to giggle as he checked his cards and made the call. Yu continued on fourth street and Cates called while giggling.

On fifth street, Cates led out and Yu quickly folded.

"Razzle dazzle," Yu said.

"That's right," said Cates, still giggling as he stacked the chips he had just won. "I'm a razz player now."

Joueur Jetons Progression
Dan Cates us
Dan Cates
WSOP 2X Winner
Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Ben YuDan Cates