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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #72: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship
Jours 2
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
100,000 / 200,000

Robinson Doubles Through Paez

Niveau 16 : 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

Jerry Robinson raised from mid-position and Raul Paez three-bet from the cutoff. Action folded back to Robinson who made the call.

The flop came {9-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{7-Clubs}, Robinson bet and Paez called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds} for Robinson to bet his last 14,000 and Paez to make the call with {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} while Robinson held {6-Spades}{6-Clubs}.

The river completed the board with the {4-Diamonds} for Robinson to hold with two pair to double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Raul Paez es
Raul Paez
Jerry Robinson us
Jerry Robinson

Tags: Jerry RobinsonRaul Paez

Racener Doubles Through Marsico

Niveau 16 : 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

John Racener raised from the hijack and was called by Anthony Marsico in the small blind.

The flop came {7-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{5-Spades}, Marsico checked, Racener bet, Marsico raised, and Racener called.

The turn was the {4-Diamonds}, Marsico took over the initiative and led out, Racener raised for Marsico to make the call.

The river completed the board with the {9-Clubs}, Marsico checked-called when Racener went all-in for his last 11,000. Racener tabled {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} for the flopped pair of kings which was enough to double up with.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico
John Racener us
John Racener
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Anthony MarsicoJohn Racener

Niveau: 17

Limites: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 0

Arieh's Turn to Double Again

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Josh Arieh raised from the early position and Kevin Song three-bet from the cutoff. Action folded back to Arie who four-bet which Song called.

Arieh went all-in for his last 8,000 before the flop came {10-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Song called.

Josh Arieh: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
Kevin Song: {a-Diamonds}{10-Spades}

The rest of the board was completed with the {3-Diamonds} on the turn and the {6-Diamonds} on the river for Arieh to stay ahead and double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kevin Song us
Kevin Song
WSOP 1X Winner
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Josh AriehKevin Song

Antanas "Tony G" Guoga Eliminated in 18th Place ($15,128)

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante
Antanas Guoga
Antanas Guoga

John Racener raised and called a three-bet from Antanas "Tony G" Guoga situated one seat over.

The flop fell {10-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and Racener check-called Guoga's bet. The same action happened on the {8-Hearts} turn. Both checked on the {7-Spades} river and Guogo revealed {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades} for a set of eights. However, Racener held {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for the straight and took down the pot while Guoga was left with 41,000 chips.

A few hands later, Mike Lancaster raised in the hijack and Guoga called all-in for his last 16,000. James Obst called in the big blind to create a side pot.

The flop came {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and Obst check-folded. Lancaster and Guoga tabled their cards.

Antanas "Tony G" Guoga: {9-Spades}{5-Clubs}
Mike Lancaster: {q-Spades}{j-Spades}

Guoga found no help on the rest on the board {j-Clubs} and {q-Hearts}, improving Lancaster's hand into a full house and he got eliminated in 18th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Mike Lancaster us
Mike Lancaster
Day 2 Chip Leader
John Racener us
John Racener
WSOP 2X Winner
James Obst au
James Obst
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Antanas "Tony G" Guoga
Antanas "Tony G" Guoga

Tags: James ObstJohn RacenerMike LancasterTony G

Ray Folds to Pan

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Kyle Ray raised from the button and Qinghai Pan called in the big blind.

The flop came {6-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{5-Spades}, Pan check-raised the bet of Ray which Ray called.

The turn was the {9-Spades}, Pan bet and Ray called.

The river completed the board with the {4-Hearts}, Pan bet again and now Ray contemplated for a while but opted to fold in the end.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Qinghai Pan us
Qinghai Pan
Kyle Ray us
Kyle Ray

Tags: Kyle RayQinghai Pan

Arieh Climbing up the Chip Counts

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Raul Paez raised from under the gun and Josh Arieh three-bet from mid-position. Action folded back to Paez who made the call.

The flop came {2-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}, Paez check-called the bet of Arieh.

The turn brought them the {9-Clubs}, Paez quickly checked again. Arieh led out with another big bet and Paez called.

The river completed the board with the {4-Spades}, Paez checked for the last time. Arieh bet and Paez shook his head and reluctantly flicked in the chips for the call. Arieh tabled {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} for top pair and that was enough for Paez to angrily throw his cards into the muck.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Raul Paez es
Raul Paez

Tags: Josh AriehRaul Paez

Another Pot for Arieh

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Juha Helppi raised and Josh Arieh three-bet on the button. Helppi made the call and check-called on the {j-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{3-Spades} flop. The same action happened on the {7-Hearts} turn.

The river fell a {2-Spades} and Helppi decided to check-call one last time. Arieh showed {6-Hearts}{6-Spades} for a set of sixes and grabbed the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi
WSOP 2X Winner
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Josh AriehJuha Helppi

Marisco Gets a Fold from Elezra

Niveau 17 : 15,000/30,000, 0 ante

Anthony Marsico raised in the cutoff and it was called by Eli Elezra and Qinghai Pan in the blinds.

The flop brought the {k-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{3-Spades} and Marisco continued after two checks. Only Elezra stayed in the hand. On the {q-Clubs} turn, Elezra check-folded after another bet from Marisco.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Anthony Marsico us
Anthony Marsico
Qinghai Pan us
Qinghai Pan
Eli Elezra il
Eli Elezra
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Anthony MarsicoEli ElezraQinghai Pan