Ajayi Finds a Big Fold
After an under-the-gun open to 160,000 and a call from the next player, Michael Niwinski made it 700,000 in the cutoff. The next player went deep into the tank, sitting back with arms crossed. After several minutes, another player reached over and pointed at him.
"You know it's on you, right?" he said.
Jarred from his daze, the player said he had no idea and folded immediately, much to everyone's amusement.
In the small blind, Adedapo Ajayi then tanked awhile, counted out his stack, and verbalized a fold while keeping his cards. He whipped out his phone and took a pic while the others folded, then showed everyone his after Niwinski flashed before mucking.
Joueur | Jetons | Progression |
Michael Niwinski |
3,280,000 |
Adedapo Ajayi |
225,000 |