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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #34: $1,500 Freezeout No-Limit Hold'em
Jours 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Info Niveau
300,000 / 600,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 1
Joueurs Survivants

Fish In The Mix

Niveau 3 : 200/300, 300 ante
Darryll Fish
Darryll Fish

Action started with an early position open to 600. Darryll Fish made the call from the button and the big blind came along as well.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{2-Clubs}, both players checked to Fish on the button who bet out 800. The two opponents folded and the pot was awarded to Fish.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Darryll Fish us
Darryll Fish

Tags: Darryll Fish

Niveau: 3

Blinds: 200/300

Ante: 300

Daniels Chipping Up Early

Niveau 2 : 100/200, 200 ante
Jake Daniels
Jake Daniels

In a pot of roughly 3,000 on a flop of {j-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{j-Hearts}, Jake Daniels bet out 1,700 after his opponent checked to him and was called.

The turn came the {7-Hearts} and the early position player checked again. Daniels moved all in covering his opponent's 15,000 stack. The opponent folded and the pot was awarded to Daniels.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Jake Daniels
Jake Daniels

Tags: Jake Daniels

Price Gets Paid

Niveau 2 : 100/200, 200 ante

Three hands in a row had Evan Price going up against the same opponent and it ended with a bust out.

In the first hand, the table said that a multi-way pot had the opponent with {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts} on the button, Price was under the gun with {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} and the player in the hijack raised to 6,700. The button reraised all in for 6,800 and Price called. The board came down {k-Hearts}{2-}{2-Hearts}{3-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Price and the button chopped the pot with the two pairs on board and the aces in their hands.

The next hand had the same opponent in the cutoff against Price in the big blind and the cutoff moved all in preflop for the chips he just built up. The board ran out {q-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{10-Spades} and Price's {k-Spades}{q-Clubs} gave him top pair but the cutoff hit a runner-runner straight to the queen with his {j-Clubs}{8-Hearts}.

The last hand, these two battled with Price on the small blind calling the same player, now in the hijack, and the third all-in for the round.

Opponent: {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}
Evan Price: {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}

The board ran out {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{k-Spades} and Price's small-blind special of pocket aces grew stronger with the sixes on board to give him two pair and send his opponent to the rail.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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Evan Price

Tags: Evan Price

Fortini Scores Early Double-Up

Niveau 2 : 100/200, 200 ante
Hayden Fortini
Hayden Fortini

The player under the gun opened for 1,100 and Hayden Fortini three-bet to 3,300 from the cutoff. Under the gun called and they were heads up.

The flop came {10-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and Fortini continued for 3,500. His opponent called.

On the {6-Diamonds} turn, the under-the-gun player lead for 11,000, Fortini moved all in for his last 22,500 chips, and got called.

Hayden Fortini: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Under the gun: {7-Hearts}{6-Clubs}

The {5-Diamonds} completed the board and Fortini enjoyed his early double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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Hayden Fortini

Tags: Hayden Fortini

Niveau: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Desimone Flops Two Pair, Gets Paid

Niveau 1 : 100/100, 100 ante

With 3,400 already already in the pot on the {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{3-Clubs} board, John Desimone fired for 600 from the button. A middle position player called.

The {9-Clubs} came on the river and the middle opted to bet 3,000. Desimone called and his opponent begrudgingly turned over {a-Clubs}{3-Spades}.

Desimone tabled {k-Spades}{10-Clubs} for a flopped two pair and took down the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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John Desimone

Tags: John Desimone

Hough Rivers Full House

Niveau 1 : 100/100, 100 ante

About 30 minutes into Level 1 in the big blind position, Alaska's Chris Hough was all in for 15,000 with a board of {8-Spades}{3-Hearts}{7-Spades}{a-Spades}{8-Hearts} showing.

The pot was around 17,000 and Hough's opponent on the button was contemplating whether or not to call and sat in the tank before finally shoving his chips all in for less than Hough's.

Hough showed {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} for eights full of sevens and his opponent chucked his cards into the muck as he left the table.

Joueur Jetons Progression
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Chris Hough

Tags: Chris Hough