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2024 World Series of Poker

Jours 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
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Info Joueurs - Jour 3
Joueurs Survivants

Herzog Leaves Balas with Dust

Niveau 31

Joseph Hertzog: 72/310710/8
Dekel Balas: XxXx/QK63/Xx
Nikolay Fal: XxXx/KA29/Xx

Nikolay Fal completed and then called after Dekel Balas raised. Joseph Hertzog also came along to generate three-way action.

Balas bet on fourth and fifth streets, each time receiving a call from Fal and Hertzog.

Sixth street saw Hertzog bet out. Neither of his opponents went anywhere, instead choosing to flat.

No more money went into the middle on the river and it was Hertzog who emerged best with his two pair to scoop a massive pot, leaving Balas with just a couple of antes heading into the dinner break.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nikolay Fal ru
Nikolay Fal
WSOP 1X Winner
Joseph Hertzog us
Joseph Hertzog
WSOP 1X Winner
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Kenneth Kemple us
Kenneth Kemple
Dekel Balas us
Dekel Balas

Tags: Dekel BalasJoseph HertzogNikolay Fal

Kemple Takes From Roberts

Niveau 31

Action was picked up on fifth street as the other players at the table were talking about dinner break.

Kenneth Kemple: XxXx/Q768/Xx
Christian Roberts: XxXx/3K37/Xx

Roberts checked over to Kemple who bet and Roberts responded by raising, which Kemple called.

On sixth street Roberts bet and Kemple called, resulting in both players checking seventh street.

Kemple turned over AQ9 for a pair of queens which was good for the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Kenneth Kemple us
Kenneth Kemple
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christian RobertsKenneth Kemple

Props, Family & Fortnite: For the Four Members of Team Lucky It's About Much More Than Poker

Niveau 31
Team Lucky
Team Lucky

With 14 bracelets and nearly $50 million in tournament earnings between the four of them, there's no denying that Shaun Deeb, Josh Arieh, Daniel Weinman and Matt Glantz are poker crushers. But with resumes that include a $1 million bounty pull, a body fat prop bet victory worth nearly the same amount and a win in the biggest World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event in history, it's clear the group of close friends also have luck on their sides.

The four American poker players have branded themselves as "Team Lucky" — a name that Deeb may have come up with, though they aren't certain — as a way of consciously embracing and owning their good fortunes while fighting back against the jaded cynicism all to common in the poker world.

But Team Lucky is about more than once-in-a-lifetime bounty binks and turned two-outers leading to $12 million scores. As PokerNews learned during brunch with its four members, is more about friendship, camaraderie, and shared values than a good run of cards.

Read the full story here

Fal's Chip Lead Grows

Niveau 31

Kenneth Kemple called with a 4 and Nikolay Fal completed with a 4. Christian Roberts raised with an 8 and both Fal and Kemple called.

Nikolay Fal: XxXx/4352
Christian Roberts: XxXx/87Q4
Kenneth Kemple: XxXx/4K (Folded on fourth street)

Kemple checked over to Fal who bet and Roberts raised, folding out Kemple and Fal called.

Roberts checked on fifth street and called a bet from Fal.

On sixth street, Roberts checked and Fal bet once more, sending Roberts into the tank.

"Flush is good if you make it," Fal said.

"I don't have a flush draw," Roberts responded as he contemplated his decision. Eventually he tossed what he implied was a set of eights into the muck and Fal showed him 62 for a straight as he added to his lead.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nikolay Fal ru
Nikolay Fal
WSOP 1X Winner
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christian RobertsKenneth KempleNikolay Fal

Roberts Forces a Fold

Niveau 31

Christian Roberts: XxXx/A5K6
Kenneth Kemple: XxXx/57KJ folded sixth street

Christian Roberts completed and Kenneth Kemple chose to play along.

Roberts continued his aggression with bets on fourth, fifth and sixth streets. Kemple flatted on the first two occasions but could not find a call on sixth street, opting to lay his hand down to preserve his remaining stack.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Kenneth Kemple us
Kenneth Kemple

Tags: Christian RobertsKenneth Kemple

Hertzog Spins Back

Niveau 31

Joseph Hertzog completed with an A up and Christian Roberts called with a 6.

Joseph Hertzog: XxXx/A3JK/Xx
Christian Roberts: XxXx/63810/Xx

Hertzog bet on fourth street and Roberts called.

Both players checked through on fifth and sixth street.

On seventh street, Hertzog bet and Roberts called.

"I got it," said Hertzog and he turned over 542 for a wheel, good for both low and high.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Joseph Hertzog us
Joseph Hertzog
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christian RobertsJoseph Hertzog

Roberts Takes One From Hertzog

Niveau 31

Christian Roberts: 54/6986/10
Joseph Hertzog: A5/28105/J

Christian Roberts completed and Joseph Hertzog made the call.

Roberts bet on fourth and fifth streets, both times receiving a call from Hertzog.

Neither player chose to inflate the pot any more on sixth street or the river with Roberts winning the hand at showdown holding a pair of sixes.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Joseph Hertzog us
Joseph Hertzog
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Joseph HertzogChristian Roberts

Fal Vaults Into The Lead

Niveau 31

Nikolay Fal completed with a 6 and Christian Roberts called with a 4.

Nikolay Fal: XxXx/6A34/Xx
Christian Roberts: XxXx/4335/Xx

Fal bet on fourth street and Roberts called.

On fifth street, Roberts checked over to Fal who bet and Roberts called. The same action repeated on sixth and seventh street.

Fal turned over 653 for sixes and threes with a six-five low. Roberts flashed A75 for inferior fives and threes with a seven-five low and he relinquished the chip lead to Fal.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Nikolay Fal ru
Nikolay Fal
WSOP 1X Winner
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christian RobertsNikolay Fal

Niveau: 31

Ante: 30,000
Bring-In: 50,000
Completion: 150,000
Limits: 150,000-300,000