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2024 World Series of Poker

Jours 2
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Prize Pool
Joueurs Survivants
Tapis moyen
Jetons au total
Info Niveau
0 / 0
Info Joueurs - Jour 2
Joueurs Survivants

Kihara Trips Sammartino to the Rail

Niveau 17

Dario Sammartino: XxXx/8KK
Naoya Kihara: XxXx/286

Dario Sammartino bet on fifth street, Naoya Kihara raised, and Sammartino called all in.

Sammartino finished with 7949 for two pair, but Kihara showed 227A for trip deuces to send Sammartino to the rail.

Adam Friedman was also eliminated at another table, and the remaining 24 players are now drawing for seats at the final three tables.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Naoya Kihara jp
Naoya Kihara
WSOP 1X Winner
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Adam FriedmanDario SammartinoNaoya Kihara

Niveau: 17

Ante: 3,000
Low Card: 5,000
Completion: 15,000
Limits: 15,000-30,000

Break Time

Niveau 16

The 26 in the money players are now on their last 15-minute break of the night. They will return to play one more 90-minute level.

Patel Becomes Bubble Boy

Niveau 16
Suketu Patel
Suketu Patel

Eric Wasserson: A9/5J5Q/4
Suketu Patel: 108/A9K2/7

Suketu Patel was all in from third street as all attention shifted to the at risk player against Eric Wasserson.

Wasserson paired his five on fifth street, while Patel got a flush draw on sixth street. Patel needed to hit a flush or pair any of his cards other than the deuce to survive but his river was a blank to finally burst the bubble after over 90 minutes of real time of hand for hand play.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy
Suketu Patel gb
Suketu Patel

Tags: Eric WassersonSuketu Patel

Sklar Calls For a Chop

Niveau 16

"Let 27th and 26th place just split the money. This is getting boring," Richard Sklar yelled out as hand-for-hand play reached it's second hour.

"Try to bust somebody," a tablemate said.

"He is trying. He's trying to bust himself," Eric Wasserson said from another table.

"We're playing for glory. This late in the World Series, you're either too up or too down and you don't care anymore," Chris Vitch added.

Friedman Cracks Rolled Up Aces With Quads

Niveau 16

Adam Friedman: XxXx/6J65/Xx
James Demartini: XxXx/A47Q/Xx

Both Adam Friedman and James Demartini checked on fifth street before Friedman bet on sixth. Demartini called.

Friedman bet again on seventh and Demartini called once more. "Quads," Friedman said, turning over A66. Demartini flashed AA for rolled up aces before mucking.

"Adam, you should go to prison," Jake Schwartz said.

"He caught the ace on the end. It could've been quads over quads," Todd Brunson added.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
James Demartini us
James Demartini

Tags: Adam FriedmanJames Demartini

Bubble Continues After Roberts Doubles

Niveau 16
Christian Roberts
Christian Roberts

Christian Roberts: 25/423K/5
Arash Ghaneian: 67/7Q2J/A

Christian Roberts was all in from fourth street on the bubble against Arash Ghaneian. They waited for all other hands to finish nefore revealing their cards.

Roberts was behind but fifth street gave him a lot of outs. Sixth street was a blank but seventh street saved him as he made two pair to give him the full double and continue the hand for hand marathon.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Arash Ghaneian us
Arash Ghaneian
WSOP 1X Winner
Christian Roberts ve
Christian Roberts
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Arash GhaneianChristian Roberts

Brunson Has Two Aces Showing

Niveau 16

Todd Brunson: XxXx/73AA
Jared Talarico: XxXx/92K7

Three-handed on fourth street, Todd Brunson bet and Jared Talarico called while James Demartini got out of the way.

Brunson bet again on fifth and Talarico called. Brunson made a pair of aces on sixth and bet again.

"Alright, I give up," Talarico said as he folded. Brunson showed QQ in the hole for two pair as he took the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Jared Talarico us
Jared Talarico
Andrey Zhigalov ru
Andrey Zhigalov
WSOP 1X Winner
Jake Schwartz us
Jake Schwartz
$25K Fantasy
Todd Brunson us
Todd Brunson
WSOP 1X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
James Demartini us
James Demartini
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: James DemartiniJared TalaricoTodd Brunson

Luo Doubles Twice

Niveau 16

Xixiang Luo: XxXx/Q
Dario Sammartino: XxXx/A

Dario Sammartino completed, Xixiang Luo raised all in, and Sammartino called.

Sammartino finished with 6659107 for a pair of sixes, while Luo found Q24K39 to make a pair of queens and double up.

A few hands later, Luo was involved in another pot against Richard Sklar.

Xixiang Luo: XxXx/237K
Richard Sklar: XxXx/JJA10

Luo bet on fourth and fifth streets as Sklar called. Luo then moved all in on sixth and Sklar called.

Luo had 45 for a low, while Sklar had Q76 for a pair of jacks. "Ace or a six. Ace or a six," Luo pleaded. "Yes, ace," he yelled out, peeling the A on seventh to make a straight.

"Lucky game. I love this game," Luo said as he celebrated another double up on the bubble.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Richard Sklar us
Richard Sklar
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dario SammartinoRichard SklarXixiang Luo

Ruben Wins Huge Four-Way Pot

Niveau 16
Brad Ruben
Brad Ruben

Brad Ruben: AA/4229/K
Hisashi Yamanouchi: Q5x/Q536/Xx
Maximilian Schindler: XxXx/82J10/Xx
Eric Wasserson: XxXx/78KJ/Xx

There was a large pot brewing between four players on fifth street. Maximilian Schindler bet, Eric Wasserson called. Hisashi Yamanouchi raised, Brad Ruben called as did Schindler and Wasserson.

Yamanouchi bet on sixth after all three other players checked to him and then they all called his bet.

Action checked all the way around on seventh.

Yamanouchi tabled queens up but Ruben had that beat with aces in the hole for aces up. He clapped his hands and pumped his fist in celebration after he took down what ended up being a significant pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Hisashi Yamanouchi jp
Hisashi Yamanouchi
Brad Ruben us
Brad Ruben
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Maximilian Schindler us
Maximilian Schindler
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Brad RubenEric WassersonHisashi YamanouchiMaximilian Schindler