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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #20: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em MILLIONAIRE MAKER
Jours 4
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
500,000 / 1,000,000

Event #20: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em MILLIONAIRE MAKER

Jour 4 terminé

Pablo Mariz remporte le MILLIONAIRE MAKER pour 1,2 million de dollars

Niveau 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante
Pablo Mariz
Pablo Mariz

Après 4 jours de poker, Pablo Mariz remporte l'Event #20 à 1,500$ disputé en No Limit, le MILLIONAIRE MAKER et multiplie sa mise de départ par 814. Il empoche 1,2 millions et son premier bracelet WSOP après un dernier duel de 23 mains contre Dejuante Alexander qui se consolera avec presque 755 000$. Les 9 finalistes ont empoché une somme à 6 chiffres.

La Table Finale

1Pablo MarizCanada$1,221,407
2Dejuante AlexanderUnited States$754,499
3Alexander FarahiUnited States$561,530
4Marc MacDonnellIreland$420,805
5Bryce YockeyUnited States$317,544
6Yuriy BoykoIreland$241,303
7Jonathan GrayUnited States$184,663
8Thiago GrigolettiBrazil$142,323
9Hector MartinUnited States$110,476

La table finale s'est étirée sur un peu moins de 8 heures et 161 mains. Il a fallu 39 heures de jeu effectif pour tenir le dernier rescapé d'un field de 7 761 joueurs. 1165 participants sont repartis avec des dollars, c'est le deuxième plus gros nombre de joueurs récompensés sur un tournoi WSOP, et 15 Français ont atteint l'argent. Le meilleur résultat est à mettre à l'actif de Luca Orsatelli, 29e pour 34,718$.

Mariz a lui débuté le head's up, qui s'est déroulé dans une ambiance festive, avec du retard sur son adversaire. Il a même trouvé un deux outers pour survivre et craqué les {a-}{a-} d'Alexander. Réduit à 13 blindes après ce coup du sort, Alexander s'incline quelques mains plus tard.

Mariz remporte un ultime 40-60 pour conclure avec une {q-Spades} rivière, une carte qui l'avait déjà sauvée lors du Jour 3, à 15 left. Le vainqueur a indiqué son intention de se faire tatouer cette carte dans un futur très proche.

Déjà runner-up du Tag Team à 1000$ la semaine dernière, avec David Guay, le Québécois remporte sa première victoire sur le circuit. "Nous venons chaque année, on grinde les petits tournois en espérant toucher le gros lot et finalement on l'a fait", a-t-il expliqué, ému.

Le Canadien, désormais en tête du classement de Joueur de l'Année WSOP, a promis de "rester jouer tout l'été, au moins jusqu'à la fin du Main Event".

Les Français éliminés dans l'argent
29e : Luca Orsatelli (34,718$)
100e : Bertrand 'ElkY' Grospellier (8054$)
130e : Allan Sannier (8054$)
169e : Remy Biechel (6,948$)
256e : Romain Lewis (6,043$)
257e : Jimmy Guerrero (6,043$)
294e : Jean-Robert Autran (5,298$)
540e : Sylvain Loosli (3 750$)
649e : Cédric Boret (3 105$)
822e : Bertrand Rosique (2 659$)
878e : Thi Xoa Nguyen (2 493$)
929e : Adrien Delmas (2 493$)
1038e : Alexandre Viard (2 357$)
1048e : Ludovic Riehl (2 357$)
1109e : Guillaume Diaz (2 249$)

Tags: Alexander FarahiBrian AltmanBrian RastBryce YockeyDavid PhamDejuante AlexanderDutch BoydFrank KasselaHumberto BrenesJessica DawleyJoe CadaJonathan GrayKenny HallaertMarc MacDonnellMatt AffleckPablo MarizRalph PerrySenovio Ramirez iiiYuriy Boyko

Dejuante Alexander Eliminated in 2nd Place ($754,499)

Niveau 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante
Dejuante Alexander
Dejuante Alexander

Hand #161: Dejuante Alexander moved all in on the button for 14,050,000. Pablo Mariz asked for a count and then called. Alexander tabled {A-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} against Mariz's {Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}.

The flop came {5-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{3-Clubs}, and Alexander was still out in front. The turn was the {10-Spades} which was no help to Mariz. However, the {Q-Spades} fell on the river, and Mariz jumped up with his hands in the air. He made a pair of queens on the river, winning the title to become the newest millionaire at the 2017 WSOP.

Alexander finished in second place and collected an impressive $754,499 for his performance.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Dejuante Alexander us
Dejuante Alexander
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Hands #159-160: Pablo Mariz Chips Away

Niveau 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #159: The pot was limped, and the flop came {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. Dejuante Alexander bet 1,500,000. Pablo Mariz called, and the {2-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Both players checked, and the {3-Hearts} came on the river. Again, both players checked, and Mariz tabled a pair of queens to win the hand.

Hand #160: Mariz raised to 2,500,000, and Alexander folded his big blind.

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Hands #154-158: Short Walks on the Beach

Niveau 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #154: Dejuante Alexander got a walk.

Hand #155: Alexander limped in, and Pablo Mariz checked. The flop came {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}, and both players checked to the turn, which was the {a-Clubs}. Mariz checked, Alexander bet 1,600,000, and Mariz folded.

Hand #156: Mariz raised to 2,500,000, and Alexander called. The flop came {k-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{2-Clubs}, and Alexander checked. Mariz bet 1,700,000, and Alexander folded.

Hand #157: Mariz got a walk.

Hand #158: Alexander got a walk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Pablo Mariz ca
Pablo Mariz
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Dejuante Alexander us
Dejuante Alexander
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Niveau: 40

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

Ante: 150,000

Hands #148-153: Mariz Staying Aggressive Preflop

Niveau 39 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante

Hand #148: Pablo Mariz raised to 2,000,000, and Dejuante Alexander called. The flop came {8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{2-Spades}, and Alexander checked to Mariz, who bet 1,500,000. Alexander called, and the turn card was the {5-Spades}. Alexander checked again, and Mariz checked behind. The river was the {j-Hearts}, and both players checked again. Alexander tabled {J-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} for two pair and picked up the pot.

Hand #149: Alexander called on the button, and Mariz raised to 2,800,000. Alexander called, and the flop came {10-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades}. Both players checked. The turn was the {A-Hearts}, and Mariz led out for 2,000,000. Alexander called, and the {9-Spades} landed on the river. Mariz bet again for 3,200,000, and Alexander laid his hand down.

Hand #150: Mariz limped the button and Alexander checked his big blind. The flop brought the {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and the action was checked to Mariz who bet 1,200,000 to take down the pot.

Hand #151: Alexander called on the button, and Mariz checked his option. The flop was {Q-Spades}{9-Hearts}{3-Hearts}, and both players checked to the {K-Hearts} turn. Again, both players checked, and the river was the {Q-Clubs}. Mariz bet 800,000, which was quickly called by Alexander, who tabled {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} to win the hand.

Hand #152: Mariz raised to 2,000,000 from the button, and Alexander called. The flop came {Q-Hearts}{J-Spades}{9-Hearts}, and Mariz bet 2,000,000. Alexander called, and the turn card was the {7-Clubs}. Mariz made another bet of 5,200,000, and Alexander folded.

Hand #153: Alexander raised to 2,000,000 on the button, and Mariz three-bet to 5,800,000. Alexander folded.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Dejuante Alexander us
Dejuante Alexander
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Pablo Mariz ca
Pablo Mariz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Hands #143-147: Alexander Finds a Miracle River

Niveau 39 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Dejuante Alexander
Dejuante Alexander

Hand #143: Dejuante Alexander moved all in, and Pablo Mariz folded.

Hand #144: Mariz moved all in, and Alexander called for 10,825,000.

Alexander was at risk with {k-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}, and Mariz was ahead with {a-Hearts}{10-Spades}.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}, and Mariz was still in the lead with ace-high. The turn was the blank {8-Diamonds}, but the crowd erupted when the {k-Hearts} hit the river. Alexander doubled up and survived elimination.

Hand #145: Alexander raised to 2,100,000, and Mariz called. The flop came {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and both players checked to the turn, which was the {k-Spades}. Both players checked again. The river was the {4-Diamonds}, and Mariz checked. Alexander bet 2,500,000, and Mariz called. Alexander tabled {k-Hearts}{5-Hearts}, and Mariz mucked.

Hand #146: Alexander got a walk.

Hand #147: Mariz got a walk.

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Hands #138-142: Pablo Mariz Makes Trip Threes

Niveau 39 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Dejuante Alexander
Dejuante Alexander

Hand #138: Pablo Mariz limped on the button, and Dejuante Alexander checked the big blind. The flop was {10-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{4-Spades}, and Alexander bet 1,200,000. Mariz called, and the turn was the {j-Clubs}. Both players checked, and the {j-Hearts} came on the river. Again, both players checked, and Alexander took the pot with two pair, tens and jacks.

Hand #139: Alexander folded his button.

Hand #140: Mariz raised to 1,800,000 on the button, and Alexander folded his big blind.

Hand #141: Alexander raised to 4,000,000 on the button, and Mariz moved all in for 24,225,000. Alexander quickly called after he said he misclicked with the opening raise. Alexander was out in front with {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds}, and Mariz held {3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}.

The flop was {9-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Clubs}, and Mariz took the lead with a set of threes. The turn was the {J-Diamonds}, and the river brought the {6-Spades}. Mariz got a full double-up and now holds over a four-to-one chip lead.

Hand #142: Alexander got a walk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Pablo Mariz ca
Pablo Mariz
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Dejuante Alexander us
Dejuante Alexander
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dejuante AlexanderPablo Mariz

Heads-Up Break!

Niveau 39 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante

Heads-up play is about to begin, but players are taking a quick five-minute break while tournament officials bring out the WSOP bracelet.

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