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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $1,500 8-Game Mix 6-Handed
Jours 2
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
80,000 / 160,000

Event #21: $1,500 8-Game Mix 6-Handed

Jour 2 terminé

Greg Jamison en tête à 10 left, Soulier et Luneau en course pour le bracelet

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Ils ne sont plus que 10 en lice à l'issue du Jour 2 de l'Event WSOP #21: $1,500 8-Game Mix 6-Handed qui a rassemblé 472 entrants. Fabrice Soulier et Alexandre Luneau sont respectivement 5e et 7e du classement provisoire et assurés de remporter au moins 10.144$.

Gregory Jamison a éliminé deux joueurs sur la même main en fin de journée pour s'emparer de la tête du classement... un bon présage pour les Français puisque le chipleader n'a jamais gagné aux WSOP, battu par David Benyamine en 2008 sur le Championship Omaha hi-lo en heads-up !

Le coverage intégral du tournoi 8-Game

La sortie conjuguée de Vinicius Collaco et Joseph Couden en 11e et 12e position a signifié la fin de journée. Parmi les survivants, Christopher Vitch sera avec Fabsoul l'unique autre joueur à chercher une deuxième victoire aux WSOP.

Daniel Negreanu a en effet échoué dans sa conquête d'un 7e bracelet. Le Canadien s'est arrêté aux trois dernières tables (15e). Un parcours toujours mieux que celui du November Nine et runner-up du Main Event WSOP 2015, Joshua Beckley, bubble-boy du tournoi.

Tom Schneider (22e), Shaun Deeb (26e), Joe Serock (33e), Mike Watson (37e), Stephen Chidwick (38e), Vladimir Shchemelev (39e), Matt Grapenthien (41e), Georgios Sotiropoulos (42e), Chance Kournuth (45e), Naoya Kihara (43e), Jerry Wong (48e), David "ODB" Baker (53e), Jennifer Tilly(58e), Jimmy Fricke(59e) et Sam Grafton (69e) signent une nouvelle place payée sur un tournoi qui reprend à 23 heures, heure française.

Rendez-vous sur PokerNews pour supporter les deux tricolores !

Le payout de la finale (71 places payées, min-cash à 2259$)
Vainqueur 145,577$
2e 89,948$
3e 58,968$
4e 39,545$
5e 27,142$
6e 19,077$
7e 13,739$


1Ryan Himes410,000
3Ron Ware511,000
4Fabrice Soulier346,000
5Michael Ross118,500
6Christopher Sensoli345,000
1Sachin Bhargava470,000
2Gregory Jamison714,500
3Christopher Vitch148,000
4Georgii Belianin168,000
6Alexandre Luneau310,500

Tags: Alexandre LuneauChristopher SensoliChristopher VitchDaniel NegreanuFabrice SoulierGeorgii BelianinGregory JamisonJoey CoudenRon WareRyan HimesSachin BhargavaVinicius Collaco

Vinicius Collaco Eliminated in 12th Place ($7,684); Joseph Couden Eliminated in 11th Place ($7,684)

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Gregory Jamison
Gregory Jamison

No-Limit Hold'em:

This biggest pot of the tournament thus far has emerged a few moments ago, in the classic No-Limit Hold'em fights. The massive clash resulted in a three-way all-in and a double elimination, provided by Gregory Jamison who is now at the helm with roughly 700,000 chips in front of him.

Jamison himself started the hand with a raise to 13,000 from the hijack. Cutoff, Joseph Couden flatted and big blind Vinicius Collaco squeezed all in for just under 50,000. Jamison quickly reshoved and put Couden in agony as Jamison had him covered.

Couden stood up in disbelief and then sit/stand on his chair. Then he took a pile of his chips and placed them in the middle, causing "wows" from the spectating players at the table. The cards were turned up.

Vinicius Collaco: {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}
Joseph Couden: {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}
Gregory Jamison: {J-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}

The flop {J-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{9-Spades} nearly eliminated Collaco from contention but it brought a huge sweat for Couden and Jamison, who were in for a whopping side pot of about a 500,000 size.

Couden's open-ended never arrived as the turn {3-Hearts} and river {2-Clubs} both bricked, leaving Jamison's set of jacks winning.

Collaco and Couden were knocked out in the same hand for a same payout, taking $7,684 apiece. Couden started the hand with a bigger stack so he's the higher-ranked player, written down as 11th place finisher.

Meanwhile, Jamison sky-rocketed to the chip lead.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Gregory Jamison us
Gregory Jamison
Profile photo of Vinicius Collaco br
Vinicius Collaco
Profile photo of Joseph Couden us
Joseph Couden

Tags: Gregory JamisonJoey CoudenVinicius Collaco

Full Chip Counts (complet)

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ron Ware us
Ron Ware
Profile photo of Chris Vitch us
Chris Vitch
Profile photo of Christopher Sensoli us
Christopher Sensoli
Profile photo of Ryan Himes us
Ryan Himes
Profile photo of Gregory Jamison us
Gregory Jamison
Profile photo of Joseph Couden us
Joseph Couden
Profile photo of Sachin Bhargava us
Sachin Bhargava
Profile photo of Fabrice Soulier fr
Fabrice Soulier
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Mike Ross us
Mike Ross
Profile photo of Alexandre Luneau fr
Alexandre Luneau
Profile photo of Georgii Belianin ru
Georgii Belianin
Profile photo of Vinicius Collaco br
Vinicius Collaco

Final Two Tables

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
TableSeatNameChip Count
7041Ryan Himes315,000
7042Christopher Vitch425,000
7043Ron Ware470,000
7044Fabrice Soulier240,000
7045Michael Ross230,000
7046Christopher Sensoli385,000
7081Sachin Bhargava255,000
7082Gregory Jamison310,000
7083Joseph Couden300,000
7084Georgii Belianin165,000
7085Vinicius Collaco130,000
7086Alexandre Luneau200,000

Jason Viriyayuthakorn Eliminated After Limit Hold'em Hand Against Ryan Himes

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Limit Hold'em:

Ryan Himes raised from under the gun. Viriyayuthakorn called in the small blind as did Michael Ross in the big blind.

The flop was {8-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and it checked to Himes who bet and Viriyayuthakorn was the only caller. The turn was the {10-Spades} and Viriyayuthakorn check-called a bet from Himes. He repeated that on the {2-Clubs} river and Himes showed {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} for a flush.

Viriyayuthakorn was eliminated shortly after. Players are now redrawing around two tables.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ryan Himes us
Ryan Himes
Profile photo of Jason Viriyayuthakorn us
Jason Viriyayuthakorn

Tags: Ryan HimesJason Viriyayuthakorn

Christopher Kruk Downed by Vinicius Collaco

Niveau 20 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Seven Card Stud:

[Removed:412] had only 35,000 left and he tried to spin his short stack up in the game of Stud.

Vinicius Collaco completed with the {3-Diamonds} and Kruk raised, causing a chain of two other raises until his stack was officially all-in. What followed thereafter unfolded very fast as there was no need to delay any progress.

Christopher Kruk: {4-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{J-Spades}{X-}
Vinicius Collaco: {K-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}

Collaco's pair of fives sent Kruk packing in 14th place.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Vinicius Collaco br
Vinicius Collaco
Profile photo of Christopher Kruk ca
Christopher Kruk

Tags: Christopher KrukVinicius Collaco

Niveau: 20

Limit Flop/Draw: 5,000 / 10,000
Stud Games: 2,000 (ante) / 3,000 (bring in) / 10,000 (completion)
No-Limit/Pot-Limit: 2,500 / 5,000 / 1,500-ante

Christopher Kruk Stays Alive

Niveau 19 : 8,000/16,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw:

Christopher Kruk raised from the button, and Joseph Couden three-bet from the small blind. Kruk was all in for 23,000.

Couden drew one and stood pat the rest of the way, while Kruk drew two, then one, and another one on the end.

Couden showed {10-}{8-}{7-}{5-}{2-}, with Kruk holding {6-}{5-}{3-}{2-}. Kruk drew a {7-} to stay alive.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Joseph Couden us
Joseph Couden
Profile photo of Christopher Kruk ca
Christopher Kruk
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