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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #24: $1,500 Limit Hold'em
Jours 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
40,000 / 80,000

Event #24: $1,500 Limit Hold'em

Jour 3 terminé

Shane Buchwald remporte son premier bracelet sur son premier tournoi WSOP, 4 Frenchies in the money

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Shane Buchwald
Shane Buchwald

Quatre Français se sont glissés dans les 93 places payées de l'Event #24 WSOP à 1500$ l'entrée disputé en Limit qui s'est terminé dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi par la victoire de Shane Buchwald.

C'est la 3e place payée du festival pour Alexandre Luneau. Le team Pro Winamax n'a scoré que sur des tournois de variantes, tout comme Paul-François Tedeschi qui signe lui son 2e ITM. Adrian Allain ouvre lui son compteur pour l'été tandis que le revenant Otto Richard réalise lui sa première ligne Hendon Mob de 2017.

Shane Buchwald remporte son premier bracelet World Series of Poker et 177,985$ sur un field de 616 joueurs. Il capture un peu par hasard la plus grosse partie du prizepool de 831,600$. Malgré une table finale sans vainqueur WSOP, Buchwald s'est montré surpris par sa victoire. "C'est dur à croire", explique celui qui n'avait pas planifié de jouer ce tournoi.

"J'habite au sud du Brésil et je me suis enregistré dans le tournoi après 24 heures de vol. Je suis venu avec un pote qui est un régulier en Limit et il voulait absolument faire ce tournoi. A la fin du 4e niveau je dormais sur la table", poursuit le vainqueur qui disputait son premier tournoi WSOP. "J'ai monté un gros tapis et j'ai eu un run vraiment, vraiment fou !"

1Shane Buchwald$177,985
2Venkata "Sandy" Tayi$109,968
3Ray Henson$75,780
4Shane Fumerton$53,102
5Nancy Nguyen$37,850
6Hod Berman$27,449
7Kevin Lizak$20,261
8Mark Bassaly$15,225
9Tung Tran$11,652

Présent au début du Jour 3 à 15 left, le triple vainqueur WSOP Barry Greenstein a terminé 11e pour un gain d'un peu plus de 9000$. Buchwald n'avait commencé qu'avec le 5e tapis et ne s'est porté en tête du tournoi qu'en fin de finale. Il a remporté les 6 mains du duel final face à Venkata "Sandy" Tayi et éliminé Ray Henson qui complète le podium.

Buchwald s'est aussi chargé de Shane Fumerton (4e) pour une fin de tournoi en forme de rêve. A l'aise en head's up Limit, le vainqueur n'avait jamais joué à cette variante en table pleine : "En Limit il faut prendre des décisions marginales mais vous ne pouvez pas faire d'énormes erreurs. J'ai essayé de toujours avoir 10 big bets et j'étais juste heureux de me maintenir dans cette zone".

"Je viens de m'inscrire à une école de cuisine, j'essaye de sortir du poker. [...] Je suis plutôt content de mon 100% de victoire sur les tournois WSOP, c'est génial. Peut être que je ne jouerais plus jamais", a conclu le champion de l'Event #24

Les Français in the money
42 Paul-François Tedeschi FR $3,505
44 Adrien Allain FR $3,505
48 Alex Luneau FR $3,080
72 Otto Richard FR $2,537

Tags: Barry GreensteinMark BassalyNancy NguyenShane BuchwaldShane Fumerton

Sandy Tayi Eliminated in 2nd Place ($109,968)

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Sandy Tayi
Sandy Tayi

Hand #159: Shane Buchwald raised, and Sandy Tayi called with half of his chips in the pot. He got his remaining chips in with {j-Hearts}{5-Spades} against the {a-Clubs}{5-Clubs} of Buchwald.

The board ran out {6-Spades}{6-Spades}{2-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}, and Tayi was eliminated in second place. Buchwald won his first-ever World Series of Poker bracelet and $177,985. Meanwhile, Tayi collected $109,968 for his second-place finish.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Shane Buchwald us
Shane Buchwald
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Sandy Tayi us
Sandy Tayi

Tags: Sandy TayiShane Buchwald

Hands 151-158: Back From Dinner, Shane Buchwald Moves Closer to First WSOP Bracelet

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Shane Buchwald
Shane Buchwald

Hand #151: Sandy Tayi raised, and Shane Buchwald folded.

Hand #152: Buchwald raised, and Tayi called. The flop was {j-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}, and Tayi checked. Buchwald bet, and Tayi folded.

Hand #153: Tayi raised, and Buchwald called. The flop was {k-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{4-Clubs}, and Buchwald check-called Tayi's flop bet. The turn was the {6-Diamonds}, and both players checked. The river was the {2-Diamonds}, and Buchwald bet. Tayi called, and Buchwald won the hand, showing {j-Clubs}{6-Spades}.

Hand #154: Tayi got a walk.

Hand #155: Tayi raised, and Buchwald three-bet. Tayi called, and the flop came {5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Spades}. Buchwald checked, and Tayi bet. Buchwald called. The turn was the {a-Diamonds}, and both players checked. The river was the {10-Spades}, and Buchwald bet. Tayi folded.

Hand #156: Buchwald raised, and Tayi called. The flop came {6-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{2-Clubs}, and both players checked. The turn was the {8-Hearts}, and Tayi checked. Buchwald bet, and Tayi folded.

Hand #157: Buchwald got a walk.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Shane Buchwald us
Shane Buchwald
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Sandy Tayi us
Sandy Tayi

Tags: Sandy TayiShane Buchwald

Ray Henson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($75,780)

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Ray Henson
Ray Henson

Hand #150:

Shane Buchwald raised from the button. Ray Henson three-bet from the small blind. Sandy Tayi folded the big blind, and Buchwald called.

The flop was {9-Hearts}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs}, and Henson bet. Buchwald raised, and the pair proceeded to get the rest of Henson's stack into the middle.

Henson: {a-Spades}{4-Diamonds}
Buchwald: {9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}

The turn was the {q-Spades} and the river the {5-Spades}, meaning Henson was eliminated in third place for $75,780.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Shane Buchwald us
Shane Buchwald
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ray Henson us
Ray Henson

Tags: Ray HensonSandy TayiShane Buchwald

Hands #142-149: Ray Henson Doubles Up Again

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Ray Henson
Ray Henson

Hand #142: Shane Buchwald got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #143: Sandy Tayi raised and took down the pot.

Hand #144: Ray Henson got his remaining stack in preflop against Tayi.

Henson: {a-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}
Tayi: {q-Spades}{3-Clubs}

The board ran out {9-Spades}{k-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}, and Henson doubled up.

Hand #145: Tayi raised, and Buchwald called. Tayi bet the {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{3-Spades} flop, and Buchwald called. The turn was the {7-Diamonds}, and Tayi check-folded to a bet.

Hand #146: Henson received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #147: Buchwald raised, and Tayi defended his big blind. The pair checked the {2-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} flop, and Tayi check-called a bet on the {5-Diamonds} turn but check-folded to a bet on the {q-Hearts} river.

Hand #148: Tayi raised, and Buchwald called blind on blind. The pair checked the {k-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} flop before Buchwald folded to a bet on the {10-Spades} turn.

Hand #149: Henson received a walk in the big blind.

Shane Fumerton Eliminated in 4th Place ($53,102)

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Shane Fumerton
Shane Fumerton

Hand #141:

Shane Fumerton raised. Shane Buchwald called. Ray Henson three-bet, and Sandy Tayi called. Fumerton then four-bet all in for 150,000. Buchwald called before Henson re-raised to 190,000. Tayi and Buchwald both called.

With Fumerton all in, the three remaining players saw a flop of {4-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}. Henson bet, and the other two players both called.

The turn was the {8-Diamonds}, and Henson checked to Tayi who bet. Both opponents called.

The three players checked the {q-Diamonds} on the river, and the hands were shown. Buchwald showed {q-Spades}{9-Diamonds} for both a straight and a flush. Henson mucked his hand, and Tayi flashed {8-Spades}{8-Hearts} before it, too, joined it in the muck.

Fumerton showed {a-Hearts}{7-Spades} and was eliminated, taking home $53,102 for his 4th place finish.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Shane Buchwald us
Shane Buchwald
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Sandy Tayi us
Sandy Tayi
Profile photo of Ray Henson us
Ray Henson
Profile photo of Shane Fumerton ca
Shane Fumerton

Hands #138-140: Ray Henson Doubles Up Again

Niveau 26 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante

Hand #138: Ray Henson raised, and Sandy Tayi called, as did Shane Fumerton. The flop was {2-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Tayi checked. Fumerton bet, and Henson raised. Tayi then three-bet, and Fumerton thought about his decision before folding. Henson was all in, and he turned over {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}, while Tayi showed {a-Hearts}{3-Clubs}.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and the river the {10-Hearts}, and Henson doubled up.

"Why?" asked Fumerton on his return to the table. "Why does that hand play that way?"

Hand #139: Fumerton raised and took down the pot.

Hand #140: Tayi raised and took down the pot.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Sandy Tayi us
Sandy Tayi
Profile photo of Ray Henson us
Ray Henson
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