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2024 WSOP Europe

Jours 2
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
40,000 / 80,000
Info Joueurs - Jour 2
Joueurs Survivants

Double-Up for Lakerveld

Niveau 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

All eyes were on Ermanno Di Nicola as the action folded around to him in the small blind. With a fierce determination, he raised to over 200,000, putting Daniel Lakerveld in the big blind in a tough spot—either risk it all or hold out for a better hand. After weighing his options, Lakerveld decided to go for it, calling Di Nicola's all-in bet.

As they turned over their cards, it was Lakerveld with J9 facing off against Di Nicola’s A4. The tension hung thick in the air as the board revealed 6Q10K8, giving Lakerveld a straight and a much-needed double-up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Ermanno Di Nicola it
Ermanno Di Nicola
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Daniel Lakerveld nl
Daniel Lakerveld

Tags: Daniel LakerveldErmanno Di Nicola

Armbrust’s Pair of Nines Secure the Pot

Niveau 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Umut Yukselir started things off under the gun with a raise to 20,000. Lorenzo Arduini on the button and John Armbrust in the big blind both decided to join the fray, making it a three-player pot.

The flop came down J92, and all three players checked, keeping the tension in the air.

As the 7 hit the turn, Armbrust seized the moment and led out with a 30,000 bet. Yukselir and Arduini weren’t backing down, as both players called, eager to see where this hand would take them.

When the 4 landed on the river, the action cooled down with everyone checking again. Armbrust finally revealed his hand, showing K9 for a pair of nines. That was just enough to take down the pot, allowing him to boost his already impressive stack even further.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of John Armbrust us
John Armbrust
Profile photo of Umut Yukselir tr
Umut Yukselir
Profile photo of Lorenzo Arduini it
Lorenzo Arduini

Tags: Umut YukselirLorenzo ArduiniJohn Armbrust

Gamliel Wins Blind v Blind

Niveau 20 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Amiel Gamliel called from the small blind and Vladimir Troyanovskiy checked his option.

Gamliel check-called a bet of 12,000 on the flop of 294. He checked again on the A turn which prompted Troyanovskiy to bet 32,000. Gamliel then put in the check-raise to 100,000. Troyanovsky called.

Gamliel then led all in on the 9 river, for around 100,000 more. Troyanovskiy tanked for a moment before folding. He asked Gamliel to "show one." He seemed to think about it before sliding his hand into the muck face down.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Profile photo of Amiel Gamliel ch
Amiel Gamliel

Tags: Amiel GamlielVladimir Troyanovskiy

Niveau: 20

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

Iandolo's Nemesis

Niveau 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Nunzio Iandolo
Nunzio Iandolo

The action heated up when a player under the gun opened with a raise to 16,000. Nunzio Iandolo, sitting comfortably on the button, made the call, but it was Traian Stanciu in the big blind who decided to go all in for a hefty 151,000. The original raiser thought better of it and folded, but Iandolo wasn't backing down and made the call, ready to see a showdown.

Stanciu turned over 88, and Iandolo revealed QQ, showing he was in a strong position with his pocket queens. Stanciu needed a lot of help from the board, but the flop of 5A6 didn't offer much promise for him.

However, the turn brought the much-anticipated 8, giving Stanciu a set and a glimmer of hope. To his delight, the river revealed the final 8, completing his quads! Stanciu not only secured the double-up but also left Iandolo with just 15,000 chips.

In a desperate bid to stay in the game, Iandolo went all in on the very next hand. Once again, he found himself up against Stanciu, who was now his adversary. Iandolo held A5, feeling confident, while Stanciu had 107.

The board came down 2J1038, giving Stanciu a pair of tens that sealed Iandolo's fate. Just like that, Iandolo was eliminated from the tournament.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Traian Stanciu ro
Traian Stanciu
Profile photo of Nunzio Iandolo it
Nunzio Iandolo

Tags: Nunzio IandoloTraian Stanciu

Peluso Gets Paid on the River

Niveau 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Action was picked up on the river of 768106 with around 60,000 in the pot. Elia Salerno checked from the big blind to Fabio Peluso on the button.

He wagered 25,000. Salerno took a moment before finding the call. Peluso tabled A10 for two pair and Salerno mucked.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Fabio Peluso it
Fabio Peluso
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Elia Salerno it
Elia Salerno

Tags: Fabio PelusoElia Salerno

Peluso Takes From Margolin

Niveau 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Fabio Peluso opened to 16,000 from the hijack. Timur Margolin completed from the small blind.

He check-called a bet of 12,000 on the flop of Q35. The 7 turn was checked around before Margolin checked again on the K river. Peluso bet 32,000. Margolin contemplated his decision before folding.

Peluso told Margolin that it was a "good fold."

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Timur Margolin il
Timur Margolin
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Fabio Peluso it
Fabio Peluso
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Timur MargolinFabio Peluso

Iandolo Doubles

Niveau 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Nunzio Iandolo moved all in from the button for 79,000. Aaron Duczak called from the small blind and had him covered.

Nunzio Iandolo: K4All in
Aaron Duczak: AQ

Duczak was in great shape over the 106J flop and the J turn changed nothing. The river 4 kept Iandolo in the tournament and he secured a full double up.

Joueur Jetons Progression
Profile photo of Nunzio Iandolo it
Nunzio Iandolo
Profile photo of Aaron Duczak ca
Aaron Duczak

Tags: Nunzio IandoloAaron Duczak