On a flop of , Bart Lybaert check-raised from 5,000 to 14,000 and Sam Grafton moved all in. Lybaert didn't bat an eye and folded near instantly.
"You get a t-shirt at the end of the night with ‚I survived Bart Lybaert‘. You may not cash, but there's that," Grafton joked after Lybaert had been running over the table to emerge as the biggest stack.
One more hand was to be played and that one saw an open raise to 3,200 by Richard Sheils in the cutoff. Lybaert in the small blind three-bet big to 16,300 and Grafton reluctantly folded, Sheils called. The flop came and Lybaert continued for 12,500, which Sheils called once more.
After the turn, Lybaert bet 25,000 and snap-called the shove of Sheils for around 75,000.
Richard Sheils:
Bart Lybaert:
A blank followed on the river and Sheils was sent to the rail.
Bart LybaertRichard SheilsSam Grafton