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2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

€5,300 Main Event
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

Main Gagnante
Event Info
Prize Pool
Info Niveau
60,000 / 120,000
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
 Sotirios Koutoupas vainqueur du Main Event EPT Deauville 2014
Sotirios Koutoupas vainqueur du Main Event EPT Deauville 2014
 Sotirios Koutoupas vainqueur du Main Event EPT Deauville 2014
Sotirios Koutoupas vainqueur du Main Event EPT Deauville 2014
Pokernews s'entretien avec Sotirios Koutoupasy
Pokernews s'entretien avec Sotirios Koutoupasy
Sotirios Koutoupas recoit son trophée des mains du président de l'EPT Edgar Stuchly
Sotirios Koutoupas recoit son trophée des mains du président de l'EPT Edgar Stuchly
Sotirios Koutoupas interviewé après sa victoire par Joe Stapleton
Sotirios Koutoupas interviewé après sa victoire par Joe Stapleton
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas boit du champagne avec le vice champion Eugene Katchalov et le directeur de tournoi EPT Thomas Lamatsch
Sotirios Koutoupas boit du champagne avec le vice champion Eugene Katchalov et le directeur de tournoi EPT Thomas Lamatsch
Sotirios Koutoupas ne veut pas regarder le tableau
Sotirios Koutoupas ne veut pas regarder le tableau
Sotirios Koutoupas is joined by his rail for an interview
Sotirios Koutoupas is joined by his rail for an interview
Sotirios Koutoupas rail have people from Greece viewing from Skype
Sotirios Koutoupas rail have people from Greece viewing from Skype
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov serre la main de Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov serre la main de Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas Heads Up
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas Heads Up
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas runs to his brother when he flops huge to eliminate Harry Law
Sotirios Koutoupas runs to his brother when he flops huge to eliminate Harry Law
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas Heads Up
Eugene Katchalov & Sotirios Koutoupas Heads Up
Sotirios Koutoupas rail
Sotirios Koutoupas rail
Cards didn't got the way of Eugene Katchalov
Cards didn't got the way of Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
EPT Deauville Main Event Winner's Trophy 2014
EPT Deauville Main Event Winner's Trophy 2014
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas runs to his brothers when he flops huge to eliminate Chun Ho Law
Sotirios Koutoupas runs to his brothers when he flops huge to eliminate Chun Ho Law
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
100,000 plaques
100,000 plaques
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Eugene Katchalov
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Chun Ho Law
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Oliver Price
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eli Heath
Eugene Katchalov checks out the newly introduced plaques
Eugene Katchalov checks out the newly introduced plaques
Plaques T100,000
Plaques T100,000
Sotirios Koutoupas
Sotirios Koutoupas
Rustem Muratov
Rustem Muratov
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