Hands #140-144: Aldemir Wins a Few Before Break
Hand #140: David Peters and Koray Aldemir saw a board of for the minimum in the blinds and checked to the river until Peters bet with
and Aldemir folded
Hand #141: Aldemir completed with and called a raise to 105,000 from Dan Smith, who held
Aldemir checked and Smith bet 75,000 on . Aldemir peeled to the
turn. Each player checked and the
hit. Aldemir bet 255,000 and Smith thought briefly and then mucked.
Hand #142: Aldemir opened for 60,000 with and Peters defended with
The board read after four checks and Peters put in 45,000. Aldemir called and Peters took it down with his bottom pair.
Hand #143: Smith raised to 65,000 with on the button and Aldemir defended
Aldemir check-called 55,000 on . The turn brought a
and another check from Aldemir. Smith appeared to load another bullet but thought better of it and checked. The
river prompted 220,000 from Aldemir and Smith laid it down.
Hand #144: Aldemir and Smith saw the flop for the minimum with and
The board read on the turn and Aldemir won it with a bet of 50,000.
Players are now on break.